"A Hint of Life" was a game printed in the British Star Trek Annuals for 1979 and 1986. It was a maze accompanied with an in-universe description.
- While scanning the planet Rheel for signs of life, Captain Kirk comes across this picture of a small island in the middle of the planet's largest ocean...
As the USS Enterprise orbits Rheel, Kirk and Spock observe maze-like patterns on an island. Kirk sees random mosaics, possibly a result of volcanic activity, water and wind. Spock speculates that they could be remains of roads and buildings left by an extinct civilization. Kirk believes that Spock would be right if they could find a direct route between peninsulas at either end of the island.
- James T. Kirk • Spock
Starships and vehicles[]
Science and classification[]
- scanner • viewscreen
Ranks and titles[]
Other references[]
- civilization • extinction • island • lifesign • ocean • peninsula • planet • volcano • water
- The game accompanied TOS comics: "A Bomb in Time", "Furlough to Fury" in Star Trek Annual 1979, and TOS comics: "Ice Journey", "Furlough to Fury" in Star Trek Annual 1986, suggesting a placement near those stories in 2266.
published order | ||
Previous comic: ... Wild Goose Chase! |
Star Trek games | Next comic: Space Chase |
chronological order | ||
Previous adventure: ... Wild Goose Chase! |
Memory Beta Chronology | Next adventure: The Peril of Planet Quick Change |
Previous comic: ... Wild Goose Chase! |
Voyages of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), Year Two | Next comic: The Peril of Planet Quick Change |
Production history[]
- 1979
- First printed in Star Trek Annual 1979. (World Distributors Limited)
- 1986
- Reprinted in Star Trek Annual 1986. (World Distributors Limited)