Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of personnel assigned to the USS Vancouver. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Crew manifest []

Name Rank Position Division Dates Species Notes
Brinson, Barbara Lieutenant Sciences Human
Docent, Ron Lieutenant commander Operations Human
Nguyen Captain Commanding officer Command Human


Command division[]

Command ensign []

Vancouver command ensign 1

Command ensign

This male Human command division ensign was in the shuttlebay while the USS Cerritos crew unloaded the Yosemite.

They were later at Barbara Brinson's hologram meeting, and watched uncomfortably when Brad Boimler entered and clumsily interacted with Brinson. Afterward, he was in the mess hall when Boimler entered and attempted to impress Brinson at the next table, addressing him and those was sitting with "Sup, shippies?". After Boimler left the mess hall he stared at Mariner as she continued to (unknowingly) ramble on to herself about Brinson being a reptoid. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

His near doppelganger also appeared as a crewmember aboard the Cerritos.

Command lieutenant 1 []

Vancouver command lieutenant 1

Conn officer

This male Human command division lieutenant was positioned at the conn when Captain Carol Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom arrived on the bridge.

He was later in the shuttlebay while the USS Cerritos crew unloaded the Yosemite, and assisted in maintenance on the shuttlecraft Kitsilano.

He then returned to the conn when Freeman gave the order to implode the moon. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Command lieutenant 2 []

Vancouver command lieutenant 2

Command officer

This female Human command division lieutenant was on the bridge when Captain Carol Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom arrived on the bridge.

She was later in the mess hall where she sat with a Cerritos lieutenant when D'Vana Tendi and Sam Rutherford first ran by their table, as Brad Boimler entered and attempted to impress Barbara Brinson.

A short time later, she was in the corridor when Beckett Mariner ran by as she hastily sought to find Boimler. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

This character's doppelganger previously appeared as Vassery's aide in "Moist Vessel" and later in "Crisis Point".

Command lieutenant 3 []

Vancouver command lieutenant 3

This male Human command division lieutenant was in the shuttlebay while the USS Cerritos crew unloaded the Yosemite.

He was later at Barbara Brinson's hologram meeting, and watched uncomfortably when Brad Boimler entered and clumsily interacted with Brinson.

He was again in the shuttlebay when Brinson confronted Boimler about being a "jerko" all day, only to then observe Beckett Mariner run up to Brinson and pull her pants down after suspecting her to be a reptoid. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

His near doppelganger also appeared aboard the Cerritos.

Command officer 1 []

Vancouver command officer 1

This male Human command division officer was in the shuttlebay when Barbara Brinson confronted Brad Boimler about being a "jerko" all day, only to then observe Beckett Mariner run up to Brinson and pull her pants down after suspecting her to be a reptoid. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

This officer also had two doppelgängers, an officer aboard the USS Quito that also appeared in "Cupid's Errant Arrow", and the original officer who first appeared aboard the USS Cerritos.

Command officer 2 []

Vancouver command officer 2

This male Human command division officer was in the shuttlebay when Brinson confronted Boimler about being a "jerko" all day, only to then observe Beckett Mariner run up to Brinson and pull her pants down after suspecting her to be a reptoid. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

His near doppelganger also appeared as an officer on the Cerritos.

Operations division[]

Operations ensign 1 []

Vancouver operations ensign 1

Operations officer

This Human male operations division ensign was at Engineering II station at the rear of the bridge when Captain Carol Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom arrived there.

He was later at Barbara Brinson's hologram meeting, and uncomfortably watched when Brad Boimler entered and awkwardly interacted with Brinson while watching her do "her thang".

Afterwards, he was in the mess hall when Boimler entered and attempted to impress Brinson at a nearby table. During the encounter, Boimler addressed this officer, and his companions, with "Sup, shippies?".

He was later in the corridor on his way to the bridge as Beckett Mariner ran by as she hastily sought to find Boimler.

Once he returned to the bridge, he was at the Mission Ops station at the rear of the bridge when Freeman gave the order to implode the moon. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Operations ensign 2 []

Vancouver operations ensign 2

This Human male operations division ensign was in the shuttlebay pushing a anti-grav sled while the USS Cerritos crew unloaded the Yosemite.

He was later in the corridor on his way to the bridge as Beckett Mariner ran by as she hastily sought to find Boimler. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

His near doppelganger also appeared as an officer on the Cerritos.

Operations ensign 3 []

Vancouver operations ensign 3

This Human female operations division ensign was in the mess hall when Brad Boimler entered and attempted to impress Barbara Brinson at the next table, addressing her and those she was with "Sup, shippies?". (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Her near doppelganger also appeared as an officer on the Cerritos.

Operations lieutenant 1 []

Vancouver operations lieutenant 1

Tactical officer

This Human female operations division lieutenant was positioned at tactical when Captain Carol Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom arrived on the bridge. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Operations lieutenant 2 []

Vancouver operations lieutenant 2

Ops officer

This Human female operations division lieutenant was positioned at the ops console when Captain Carol Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom arrived on the bridge.

Later when it was revealed that there were only two inhabitants on Mixtus II, Freeman gave the order to implode the moon, to which this officer acknowledged, "Yes, captain." (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

This officer was voiced by an unknown actress.

Operations lieutenant 3 []

Vancouver operations lieutenant 3

Operations officer

This Human male operations division lieutenant was on the bridge when Captain Carol Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom arrived on the bridge.

He later walked past Ron Docent's office as Tendi and Rutherford were there speaking with him. Later he was in the shuttlebay where he assisted in maintenance on the shuttlecraft Kitsilano. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Operations lieutenant 4 []

Vancouver operations lieutenant 4

Operations officer

This Human female operations division lieutenant was in the shuttlebay while the USS Cerritos crew unloaded the Yosemite. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Operations lieutenant 5 []

Vancouver operations lieutenant 5

Operations officer

This Human male operations division lieutenant was later at Barbara Brinson's hologram meeting, and watched uncomfortably when Brad Boimler entered and clumsily interacted with her. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

His doppelganger previously appeared aboard the USS Cerritos.

Transporter operator []

In 2380, this male transporter operator told Ensign Beckett Mariner to clear the comms channel, as she was using a fake authorization code to request an emergency transport to Orbital Platform Gamma. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

This man was voiced by an unknown actor.
This man appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

Sciences division[]

Sciences ensign []

Vancouver sciences ensign

Sciences officer

This sciences division ensign was on the bridge when Captain Carol Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom arrived on the bridge.

He was later in the shuttlebay while the USS Cerritos crew unloaded the Yosemite.

Later yet, he was in the mess hall where she sat with a Cerritos lieutenant when D'Vana Tendi and Sam Rutherford first ran by their table, as Brad Boimler entered and attempted to impress Barbara Brinson.

He was later returning to the bridge when, while walking down the corridor near Ron Docent's office, he was plowed over by Mariner as she attempted to find Boimler, while being told "get out of my way."

Once he returned to the bridge, he was present when Freeman gave the order to implode the moon. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

Sciences lieutenant commander []

Vancouver sciences lt commander

This Human female sciences division lieutenant commander was in the shuttlebay while the USS Cerritos crew unloaded the Yosemite, briefing several officers. She was later in the shuttlebay when Brinson confronted Boimler about being a "jerko" all day. She then gasped when Mariner ran in and, believing Brinson to be a reptoid, pulled down her pants. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

She also had a near doppelganger who appeared as a command officer aboard the Cerritos.