Real world article
(written from a production point of view)
"Turn back or die" – But the Enterprise crew is determined to explore the Haunted Asteroid
Background information[]
- This story was reprinted in Enterprise Log 3 and a later reprint of that volume from the Star Trek: The Key Collection series.
- Based on Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry
- Writer: Arnold Drake
- Artist: Alberto Giolitti, Sal Trapani, Giovanni Ticci (inks)
- Cover Art: George Wilson
- Canon characters listed below are linked to the main article about them. Non-canon characters are not linked, but those that recurred, appearing or being mentioned in more than one story, are defined further in Gold Key TOS characters.
- James T. Kirk
- Enterprise captain.
- Spock
- Vulcan Enterprise exec and science officer. Spock appears on the cover of this issue inexplicably wearing an operations division redshirt, rather than his normal blue sciences division shirt.
- Leonard McCoy
- Enterprise chief medical officer.
- Montgomery Scott
- Enterprise chief engineer.
- Hikaru Sulu
- Enterprise helmsman.
- Dr. Krisp
- A Federation scientist.
- Jay Nordyke
- Federation investigator and former Starfleet Academy classmate of Kirk's.
- Asteroid Mila XA
- An asteroid in Star System Delta.
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#18: "The Hijacked Planet" | Gold Key TOS | #20: "A World Gone Mad" |