Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

"Turn back or die" – But the Enterprise crew is determined to explore the Haunted Asteroid

Background information[]



Canon characters listed below are linked to the main article about them. Non-canon characters are not linked, but those that recurred, appearing or being mentioned in more than one story, are defined further in Gold Key TOS characters.
James T. Kirk
Enterprise captain.
Vulcan Enterprise exec and science officer. Spock appears on the cover of this issue inexplicably wearing an operations division redshirt, rather than his normal blue sciences division shirt.
Leonard McCoy
Enterprise chief medical officer.
Montgomery Scott
Enterprise chief engineer.
Hikaru Sulu
Enterprise helmsman.
Dr. Krisp
A Federation scientist.
Jay Nordyke
Federation investigator and former Starfleet Academy classmate of Kirk's.


Asteroid Mila XA
An asteroid in Star System Delta.

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#18: "The Hijacked Planet" Gold Key TOS #20: "A World Gone Mad"