Space exploration was the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. This included the use of astronomers with telescopes, and the physical exploration with space probes, astronauts, and spaceships in spaceflight.
In 2024, a question about the Europa Mission on the front page of an issue of the Los Angeles Times was: "Will 2024 revive space exploration?" (PIC: "Watcher")
In 2371, Tom Paris mentioned that his father Owen Paris used to talk to him about the Prime Directive once a year, which Tom likened to a holiday sermon. According to Captain Kathryn Janeway, Owen Paris considered the Prime Directive to be the guiding principle of space exploration. (VOY: "Time and Again")
In 2378, Captain Kathryn Janeway noted that rights were extended to thousands of other sentient species as Humans explored the Milky Way Galaxy. (VOY: "Author, Author")