A shrine was a sacred place dedicated to a deity or admired individual.
Shrines were placed in the atrium of the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. During her visit to the sanctuary in June 2151, Sub-commander T'Pol noted that in one shrine, the statue of Surak was perched at an odd angle. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
The Orion outpost on Qo'noS was built over a forgotten Shrine of Molor. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")
Some Vulcan families had personal shrines. While attempting to prevent his own death in 2237, Spock (as cousin Selek) claimed to be traveling to the family shrine to honor their gods before Sarek asked him to stay with them. (TAS: "Yesteryear")
Lieutenant Worf kept a shrine including a statue of Kahless in his quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Rightful Heir", "Firstborn")
In 2367, Noonien Soong noted how Humans cherished old ruins and regarded them as shrines, rather than something to be replaced by a new and better structure, as Noophians did. (TNG: "Brothers")
During a visit to the Nechani homeworld, Kes wandered into a sacred shrine and was hit by an energy beam that placed her in a coma near death. (VOY: "Sacred Ground")