Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Paraagan II was an inhabited planet visited in early 2152 by Enterprise NX-01. This planet was not in the same star system as the Paraagan homeworld. The Paraagans established a mining colony on this planet. When the colony started in 2132, there were thirty miners; by 2152, there were 3,600 colonists, plus schools, landscaped communities, and a museum. The colonists were somewhat nonconformist by Paraagan standards, eschewing most of the ceremonies of mainstream society.

The atmosphere of Paraagan II contained a large amount of tetrazine that reacted poorly with plasma. When a shuttlepod from Enterprise approached the planet, the atmosphere was ignited and all the Paraagan colonists were killed and the planet was extinguished. It was later determined that the cause was a device that released the plasma, planted by a Suliban stealth cruiser that was hiding two and a half light years away. The Cabal were believed to have caused the destruction of Paraagan II's mining colony to stop the mission of Enterprise by besmirching its name, thereby gaining an advantage in the Temporal Cold War. (ENT: "Shockwave")

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 122 classified Paraagan II as a class M planet.
According to the reference book Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 60), this planet was located in the Paraaga system. The primary of this system was a M-class star. It was located in the Beta Quadrant.
The novel Watching the Clock explains that the Cabal's primary motives in destroying Paraagan II – or the motives of their benefactor, at least – were to eliminate the ancestors of a scientist who would attend a vital conference with other specialists in temporal physics in 2381. However, this part of the plan was unsuccessful as Daniels was able to arrange for the scientist's ancestors to win an off-world cruise just before the destruction occurred, ensuring that he would survive to the time of the conference.