Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lieutenant general was a military rank, the equivalent of which was used by Earth's United States military. As a traditional army flag officer grade, lieutenant general was the second most senior general rank in a fighting organization, traditionally between the grades of major general and general. In comparison to naval ranking systems, this rank was equivalent to the naval vice admiral rank.

Lieutenant general's in the Army of Confederate States of America wore a golden insignia with one large five-pointed star flanked by two smaller five-pointed stars, partially encircled in a laurel branches. (TOS: "The Cage")

The US Army, Marine Corps and Air Force all signified lieutenant generals with a silver insignia with three five-pointed stars. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 9, lieutenant general was a rank in the Military Assault Command Operations in the 2150s. The insignia for this rank was on display in a diagram of MACO rank and insignia.

Noted lieutenant generals[]

This chart shows only general equivalencies based on the ranks used by many governments on Earth, as well as the rest of the galaxy.

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