Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Jas Holza was a Bajoran politician in exile on Valo III, while Bajor was under Cardassian occupation.

He represented the Bajoran cause to the Federation on several occasions, usually at "symposia or diplomatic soirées". At one symposium a few years before 2368, he met Beverly Crusher, who considered him to be a good leader for his people as well as a good dancer.

In fact, Jas had no real influence among Bajorans. Ro Laren described him as the "token Bajoran" invited to such conferences to give a good picture, but the real power lay with other, not so sustained leaders like Keeve Falor or Orta. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")


Background information[]

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

According to the script, Holza was pronounced as "HOHL-tsa".

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 386 spelled his surname as Jaz.


The character appears in the Star Trek: Terok Nor novels Day of the Vipers and Dawn of the Eagles.

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