Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The IKS Ning'tao was a Klingon Bird-of-Prey that was in service with the Klingon Defense Force during the late 24th century.

In 2375, the Ning'tao was one of the five ships in General Martok's raiding party. Under the command of Captain Lurkan, the vessel was sent in an advance strike against Trelka V, and successfully lured two defending Cardassian cruisers away from the planet to pave the way for the main strike force.

After the attack, Kor took command of the Ning'tao with six volunteers and successfully engaged a fleet of ten pursuing Jem'Hadar attack ships, buying the other Klingon Birds-of-Prey enough time to reach Starfleet reinforcements. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach")

The Starships RPG sourcebook uses the spelling "Ning'Tau" and gives its registry as IKC-9270.

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