Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the male admiral of the same name, please see Hayes (Male Admiral).

Vice Admiral Hayes was a flag officer in Starfleet in the 2360s.

In 2369, after the USS Enterprise-D had discovered the USS Yosemite adrift in the Igo sector, Hayes contacted the Enterprise-D to inform them about a Cardassian warship attack on two Ferengi freighters, fearing a large-scale Cardassian movement to the Igo sector if the USS Yosemite had been attacked by the Cardassians as well. This later turned out not to be the case. (TNG: "Realm Of Fear")

Admiral Hayes was played by actress Renata Scott, who was only listed as "Admiral" in the end credits. The name Hayes (Female Admiral) originated from the source's script.

Admiral Hayes does not wear a combadge, as was previously the case with Admiral Gromek's appearance.
