Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Tucker and Archer on February the 13th
February was the second month of the Human year.
Events by day[]
- February 2nd
- In 2325, Devinoni Ral is born in Brussels, European Alliance, Earth. (TNG: "The Price")
- February 2nd
- In 2338, Data is activated. (TNG: "Conundrum")
- February 7th
- In 2038, all contact with the NASA exploratory shuttle Charybdis is lost. (TNG: "The Royale")
- February 9th
- In 2152, Enterprise NX-01 keeps a rendezvous with the Vulcan starship Sh'Raan in order to transfer Ambassador V'Lar to the Vulcan ship; warp 5 is reached by Enterprise for the first time. (ENT: "Fallen Hero", "The Catwalk")
- February 12th
- In 2154, MACO Corporal F. Hawkins of Enterprise is killed during a mission into a Delphic Expanse sphere. (ENT: "The Council")
- February 13th
- In 2152, Jonathan Archer and Trip Tucker visit the Torothan homeworld and become briefly entangled in a local military engagement between the government and rebel forces there. (ENT: "Desert Crossing")
- MACO Major Hayes of Enterprise is mortally wounded during a mission to rescue Ensign Hoshi Sato from the Xindi-Reptilians. (ENT: "Countdown")
- February 14th
- In 2154, the Yosemite 3 research station is destroyed during an attack by a Xindi-Reptilian ship commanded by Commander Dolim and the Xindi weapon is destroyed by the crew of Enterprise using Degra's ship. (ENT: "Zero Hour")
- February 16th
- In 2335, Geordi La Forge is born in Mogadishu, Somalia on Earth. (TNG: "Cause And Effect")
- February 17th
- In 1986, Tommy Raymond is born in Indianapolis, Indiana. (TNG-R: "The Neutral Zone", okudagram)
- February 18th
- Jonathan Archer encounters a physically altered Tandaran agent named Keyla on Risa. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")
- February 19th
- In 1473, Nicolaus Copernicus is born. (VOY: "Future's End")
- February 20th
- Project Mercury astronaut John Glenn is launched into space and becomes the first American to orbit the Earth. (PIC: "Two of One")
- February 23rd
- In an alternate 1936, Edith Keeler meets President Roosevelt to confer on her plan of action for assisting the needy. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")
Alternate reality[]
- February 11th
- The USS Enterprise is launched under the command of Captain Christopher Pike. (Star Trek)
- The planet Vulcan is destroyed by the Narada using Red matter. (Star Trek)
Other events[]
- 2150
- The Akaali apothecary Riaan learned the first time about the epidemic disease spread among her people. (ENT: "Civilization")
- Matthew Ryan ate his last steak until he had another one in August 2151 aboard Enterprise NX-01. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
- 2153
- The government of the planet Xantoras is overthrown by a xenophobic faction. (ENT: "The Breach")
- 2154
- Enterprise is attacked by several Xindi-Reptilian ships during its mission to the Delphic Expanse. (ENT: "Damage")
- Enterprise crewmember Jane Taylor is killed in a Xindi attack in the Azati Prime system. (ENT: "The Forgotten")
- Enterprise meets up with a future version of itself as it prepares to enter a subspace corridor to the Xindi Council planet. (ENT: "E²")
- The Xindi Council breaks apart. (ENT: "The Council")
- Silik, a Cabal agent, infiltrates the crew of Enterprise and dies during his mission. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")
- Hernandez seeks Jonathan Archer's advice on the makeup of the senior staff of Columbia NX-02. (ENT: "Home")
Months of the year |
Earth months: January • February • March • April • May • June • July • August • September • October • November • December |
Qo'noS months: Maktag • nay'Poq |
Vulcan months: Tasmeen |
Some of the events of the Eugenics Wars novel The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume Two take place on February 7th, 1994 and February 2nd, 1996.