Emi was a young female member of a humanoid species who visited Deep Space 9 in 2371, on behalf of her family's business, to strike deal with Quark for a supply of self-sealing stem bolts.
During negotiations she performed oo-mox on Quark, who was enjoying himself so much that he tried to postpone the deal since her family would not return to the station for nine more days. He was hoping that Emi would continue to give him oo-mox.
Their negotiations were not completed when they were interrupted by the arrival of Grand Nagus Zek, who had been altered by the Prophets during a trip through the Bajoran wormhole. Zek later encountered Emi and dissuaded her from make the deal with Quark, and because their contract was unsigned, she instead purchased stem bolts from Zek at a wholesale price. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
Background information[]
Emi was played by Juliana Donald.
Donald had appeared on TNG as another alien, but commented: "the makeup for [Emi] was much more intense since I had to be an attractive alien. This was four hours in the morning and four hours in the evening. So, eight hours a day for makeup".
Juliana enjoyed working with Armin Shimerman and Rene Auberjonois. Regarding the oo-mox scene: "Armin is a great actor and great to work with. We did have rehearsals before, so we were prepared. So, it wasn’t as hard as it looked. I don’t know if the crew was laughing, but you try not to focus too much on the people behind the camera when you are working". Commenting on Auberjonois' directing, she commented: "Rene is a super-talented actor, so working with him was unlike any other director I have worked with. We had rehearsals! Which is unheard of in television. He wanted to make sure everything was set before the cameras came in, so it was almost like we were working on a play instead of a television show".
Donald would like to reprise her role as Emi as: "she was so silly. I love playing silly characters". [1]
The script described Emi as a "beautiful humanoid (minor prosthetics) alien woman." (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library)
External links[]
- Emi at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works