Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Dramen star system was an inhabited planetary system with at least two planets, populated by the Dramen, a spacefaring humanoid species. A remote system, Starfleet ships visiting it were out of communications range with the Federation.

Planets inhabited by the Dramen were Dramia and Dramia II. The latter was mostly abandoned after a plague struck around 2251.

In 2270, this system was visited by the USS Enterprise, where the system was noted to be located beyond the range of subspace communications with Starfleet. While investigating the system, Spock noted that "the historical records of this solar system are spotty, at best, going back 19 years. Mostly, they're technical data, meteor showers, auroras, radiation reports." (TAS: "Albatross")

The closed captioning spelled the name of this system as "Dramian"; however, the correct spelling is found in the episode's script.
