Megami Tensei Wiki
Megami Tensei Wiki

Ratatoskr is a demon in the series.


In Norse mythology, Ratatoskr is a squirrel who runs up and down the world tree Yggdrasil to carry messages between Hraesvelger, the eagle perched atop Yggdrasil, flapping his wings to create wind, and the wyrm Nidhoggr, who dwells beneath one of the three roots of the tree and gnaws on the roots. Ratatoskr is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. Scholars have proposed theories about the implications of the squirrel.



Persona 2: Innocent Sin[]

Ratatoskr is encountered inside Seven Sisters High School at the start of the game. She is the highest leveled demon in normal encounters in the school.

DemiKids Light/Dark Version[]

"Ninja-demon who is very agile and can glide long distances like a flying squirrel."

Known as Windfrag in the game. He has the power WindHoard.


Persona 2: Innocent Sin[]

Arcana Type Level HP Normal Drop Rare Drop
Hermit Earth 5 24 Open Sesame Magna Card
Traits Haughty, Foolish
Squirrel of Norse lore that defamed Hraesvelgr and Nidhoggr.
Atk Def Matk Mdef
Strength 3
Vitality 2
Dexterity 3
Agility 4
Luck 3
14 12 9 8
Sw Rn Sk Th Hv Fi Wt Wi Er Ic El Nc Li Dk Al Nr Mn
- - - - - - - 14 - - - 24 24 - 24 24
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Feral Claw Deal low Havoc damage to one enemy.
Magna Deal low Earth damage to one enemy.

Arcana Type Level HP Normal Drop Rare Drop
Hermit Earth 5 24 Open Sesame Magna Card
Traits Haughty, Foolish
Squirrel of Norse lore that defamed Hraesvelgr and Nidhoggr.
Atk Def Matk Mdef
Strength 3
Vitality 2
Dexterity 3
Agility 4
Luck 3
9 9 6 6
Sw Rn Sk Th Hv Fi Wt Wi Er Ic El Nc Li Dk Al Nr Mn
- - - - - - - 14 - - - 24 24 - 24 24
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Feral Claw Deal low Havoc damage to one enemy.
Magna Deal low Earth damage to one enemy.

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment[]

ラタトスク buts
Arcana Type Level HP Normal Drop Rare Drop
Hermit Earth 4 24 Seed of Escape Magna Card
Traits Arrogant, Fool
A squirrel telling of Fresburg and Nidheg's slander in Celtic legends.
Atk Def Matk Mdef
Strength 3
Vitality 2
Technique 3
Agility 4
Luck 3
13 10 9 8
Sw Sh Sk Th Ak Fi Wt Wi Er Ic Ln Nc Ho Dk Al Nr Mn
- - - - - - - 14 - - - 24 24 - 24 24
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Magna Inflicts small Earth damage to an enemy.
Scratch Inflicts small Strike damage to an enemy.

ラタトスク buts
Arcana Type Level HP Normal Drop Rare Drop
Hermit Earth 64 512 Seed of Escape Magna Card
Traits Arrogant, Fool
A squirrel telling of Fresburg and Nidheg's slander in Celtic legends.
Atk Def Matk Mdef
Strength 49
Vitality 50
Technique 48
Agility 58
Luck 47
211 214 147 145
Sw Sh Sk Th Ak Fi Wt Wi Er Ic Ln Nc Ho Dk Al Nr Mn
- - - - - - - 14 - - - 24 24 - 24 24
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Magdyne Inflicts large Earth damage to an enemy.
Throw A Kiss Renders a group of enemies Charmed. (52% chance) [Mind-element]
Paralyzing Scratch Small Strike damage + Sleep effect to an enemy. (42% chance)

Devil Children Black/Red/White Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
Common Wood Yoma 3 52 23 6
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
6 6 7 5 7 5
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Zan Wood 5 MP Light damage to one foe.
Wing Flap Wood 15 HP Light damage to one foe.
Sukukaja Sun 6 MP Increases Luck for all allies.
Tarunda Moon 5 MP Lowers Attack for all foes.
Magunda Moon 5 MP Lowers M Guard for all foes.
Zanma Wood 10 MP Heavy damage to one foe.

DemiKids Light & Dark[]

Class Element Type Level HP MP Exp
Common Wind Fiend 3 52 23 6
6 6 7 5 7 5
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Cyclone Wind 5 MP Small dmg. 1 Foe
Windburst Wind 15 HP Small dmg. 1 Foe
Lucidity Light 6 MP ACC Up. Party
Powerdrain Dark 5 MP ATK Down. Foes
Spellprone Dark 5 MP RES Down. Foes
Cycloburst Wind 10 MP Medium dmg. 1 Foe
Power Type Effect
WindHoard Elemental Absorb the power of Wind-attacks.

Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
Common Wind Yoma 3 52 23 6
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
6 6 7 5 7 5
List of Skills
Zan Wing Flap Sukukaja
Tarunda Magunda Zanma

Major Arcana
Magician Manannan - Crowley - Agrippa - Rasputin - Faust - Tengu -Empusa
Priestess Izanami
Empress Gaia
Emperor Odin
Hierophant Sakya
Lovers Alice - Satyrus - Pyro Jack - Jack Frost - Robin Goodfellow - Puck - Pixie
Chariot Girimehkala - Ares - Rakshasa - Taranis - Minotaur - Ogre
Justice Nata
Hermit Kinich Ahau - Catoblepas - Cwn Annwn - Nekomata - Ratatoskr
Fortune Fenrir - Cerberus - Orthros - Wanyudo
Strength Fafnir - Taksaka - Python - Culebre - Kiyohime - Apep
Hanged Man Adramelech - Pucel - Barbatos - Zaebos - Kabandha - Shax - Nisroc - Xaphan
Death Ah Puch - Kisin - Ankou - Hunhau - Hel -Ixtab
Temperance Kau - Phoenix - Vucub-Caquix - Stymphalides - Camazotz - Fjalar - Moh Shuvuu - Harpy
Devil Tzitzimitl - Lucifuge - Demon King - Lich - Wraith - Phantom - Poltergeist - Ghost
Tower Tezcatlipoca - Seker - Aeshma - Shoggoth - Kanaloa - Ochre Jelly - Blob - Slime
Star Valkyrie - Yaksa - Hoenir - Picollus - Gandharva - Kinnara - Agathion
Moon Jahi - Succubus - Lilim - Pairika - Erinyes - Nightmare
Sun Virochana
Judgement Throne - Melchizedek - Principality - Angel - Phaleg
World Ouroboros - Mucalinda - Hunab Ku -Leviathan - Demeter -Kraken - Cockatrice
Other Arcana
Nazi Metal Drache - S.S. - Metal Zentaur - Hellsehen - Kommandant - Maschinen Kommando - Sharf Shutze - Virulenz Kraft - Maschinen Soldat - Sturm Soldat
Taurus Taurus Mask Real - Taurus Mask 1 - Taurus Mask 2 - Taurus Mask 3
Leo Leo Mask Real - Leo Mask 1 - Leo Mask 2 - Leo Mask 3
Aquarius Aquarius Mask Real - Aquarius Mask 1 - Aquarius Mask 2 - Aquarius Mask 3
Zombie Zombie Soldier - Zombie Schoolgirl - Zombie Junkie - Zombie DJ
Rumor Kudan - Cursed Taxi - Dresser Hag - Jumping Geezer - Kuchisake-Onna - Linda - Bukimi - Hanako
Major Arcana
Magician Tengu - Agrippa - Abe no Seimei - Manannan - Isis - Rangda
Priestess Izanami
Empress Gaia
Emperor Odin
Hierophant Metal Guru - Shaka
Lovers Dark Alice - Alice - Satyrus - Jack O' Lantern - Jack Frost - Robin Goodfellow - Puck - Pixie
Chariot Talos - Berserk - Girimehkala - Ares - Rakshasa - Taranis - Minotaur - Ogre
Justice Nata
Hermit Apaosha - Kinich Ahau - Catoblepas - Kun Anun - Nekomata - Ratatosk -
Fortune Yog Sothoth - Fenrir - Cerberus - Orthros - Wanyudo
Strength Dahaka - Vasuki - Fafnir - Takshaka - Python - Kerepres - Kiyohime - Apep
Hanged Man Azazel - Adramelech - Pucel - Barbatos - Zaeboth - Kabanda - Shax - Nisroc - Guzfan
Death Ah Puch - Kishin - Ankou - Hunhau - Hel -Ixtab
Temperance Kau - Phoenix - Vucub-Caquix - Stuparideth - Kamasos - Fearal - Mou Shobo - Harpie
Devil Shu - Tzitzimitl - Lucifuge - Biyarky - Dairoku Tenmaou - Lich - Wraith - Phantom - Poltergeist - Ghost
Tower Angra Mainyu - Shub Niggurath - Tezcatlipoca - Seker - Aeshma - Shoggoth - Kanaloa - Ochre Jelly - Blob - Slime
Star Valkyrie - Yaksa - Heinir - Picollus - Gandharva - Kimnara - Agathion
Moon Jahi - Succubus - Lilim - Pariker - Erinys - Nightmare
Sun Virochana
Judgement Cherub - Throne - Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
World Uroboros - Mucalinda - Hunab Ku -Leviathan - Demeter -Kraken - Cockatrice
Other Arcana
Human Tenchu Akatsuki - Tenchu Myojou - Tenchu Mochizuki - Tenchu Hekiun - Red Beret - Garrison - Ryuman - Fang Leng - SAT
Zonbie Zombie DJ - Zombie Junkie - Zombie Kamikaze - Zombie Schoolgirl
Rumor Kudan - Haunted Taxi - 200km/h Fogey - Red Cape - Blue Cape - Mussie - 100km/h Hag - Reiko Kashima - Tsuchinoko - Tek Tek
Masquerade Black Mask - Red Mask - Blue Mask - Yellow Mask - Green Mask