Megami Tensei Wiki

Bladefist is a weapon in the series.



Persona 3 / FES / Portable[]

"Knuckles made from a famous sword."
—Item description, Persona 3

The Bladefist is a weapon for the male protagonist and Akihiko Sanada.

Attack PhysIcon SMTIV Accuracy Type Effect
80 98 Fists +3 Agility
St Ma En Ag Lu Obtained
- - - +3 - Elizabeth's Request #12
Rare Chest (47F, 51F)
Shuffle Time (Sword 4)

"Knuckles made from a famous sword."
—Item description, Persona 3 FES

The Bladefist is a weapon for the male protagonist and Akihiko Sanada.

Attack PhysIcon SMTIV Accuracy Type Effect
80 98 Fists +3 Agility
St Ma En Ag Lu Obtained
- - - +3 - Elizabeth's Request #12
Rare Chest (46F, 51F)
Shuffle Time (Sword 4)
Shuffle Time (Sword 2; "The Answer")

"Knuckles made from a famous sword."
—Item description, Persona 3 Portable

The Bladefist is a weapon for Akihiko Sanada.

Attack PhysIcon SMTIV Accuracy Type Effect
80 98 Fists +3 Agility
St Ma En Ag Lu Obtained
- - - +3 - Elizabeth's Request #76
Rare Chest (47F, 51F)
Shuffle Time (Sword 4)

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth[]

"Knuckles made from a famous sword."
—Item description, Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth

The Bladefist is a weapon for Akihiko. It can be purchased from the Handcrafted Workshop for ¥1,100 after selling two Gryphon Pages, gathered from Power Spots in Chapter 2 of You in Wonderland.

Attack PhysIcon SMTIV Type Effect
48 Fists (Bash) -
St Ma En Ag Lu Obtained
- - - - - Handcrafted Workshop - ¥1,100 / ¥880
Gryphon Page x2