Mega Man Fanon Wiki
Mega Man Fanon Wiki

Wizard Man is a robot master based on a wizard. He appears as one of the eight Robot Masters in Mega Man: Super Fighting Robot. Wizard Man, hence his name, wears a wizard's robe that has four-point stars. His eyes resemble TopMan, and his ears lack external structures. His artwork depicts him with a purple fireball floating near his head, about arm's length away.

Game Appearance[]

Wizard Man Is a robot master from Mega Man: Super Fighting Robot. In his boss battle, Wizard Man flys around and fires Magic Orbs at home on the player. He can also fire shards of ice and a ball of fire that leaves other trails of fire behind. His weakness is the Trash Attack. In the game's ending, he is seen standing on a cliff while holding a staff, while he watches two dragons circle around a volcano.


Damage Chart[]

Mega Man: Super Fighting Robot
Mega Buster Charge Shot Beat Coal Barrage Flash Dagger Giant Axe Leaf Boomerang Magic Missile Soak Rain Trash Attack Zap Barrier
1 3/4 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 4 1

