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A Shuriken SMG

Submachine Guns (SMGs) are one of the primary weapons in the Mass Effect universe. They are a class of rapid-firing weapons, with both fully-automatic and burst-fire models. SMGs generally have low accuracy and damage per shot, offset by their thermal clip size and rate of fire. They are best suited for close- to mid-range combat.

Mass Effect 2[]

SMGs possess a bonus to damage against shields and biotic barriers, but are weak against armor. Like all other non-heavy weapon types in Mass Effect 2 with the exception of sniper rifles, SMGs benefit from increasing damage against targets at close ranges, maximized at point-blank (melee) range.

All player classes except soldiers start the game able to use SMGs. The following squadmates also utilize submachine guns: Miranda, Mordin, Samara/Morinth, Thane, Kasumi, Liara, and Dr. Amanda Kenson.

Submachine Gun Models[]

Below is a list of Submachine Gun models and their base stats:

M-4 Shuriken

M-4 Shuriken
  • Manufacturer: Elkoss Combine
  • Base Damage: 20.5
  • Damage Multipliers (Armor / Barriers / Shields): x1.0 / x1.5 / x1.5
  • Ammo capacity: 24 / 240
  • Acquisition: Default starting weapon.

M-9 Tempest

M-9 Tempest

M-12 Locust

M-12 Locust


See also: Upgrade Guide#SMG Upgrades, Research
  • SMG Shield Piercing (Phasic Jacketing)
Provides +50% SMG damage against shields and biotic barriers.
  • SMG Extra Rounds (Heat Sink Capacity)
Adds +50% more SMG rounds.
  • Submachine Gun Damage 1 - 6 (Microfield Pulsar)
Squad bonus +10% submachine gun damage.

Mass Effect 3[]

Submachine guns lack the diversity of the other weapon types, with all models firing standard rounds at a high rate of fire, with any particular model usually being a tradeoff between either damage or accuracy/stability. In general, SMGs are the least damaging weapon type, though some models can rival assault rifles in destructive power.

Accuracy can be improved by aiming down sights, firing from cover, or by equipping a scope, though the latter is often not a practical option owing to the muzzle climb of many SMG models, which can be somewhat mitigated by firing from cover or equipping a stability-enhancing mod.

SMGs are a light weapon type even when unmodified, and if equipped with an Ultralight Materials mod their weight can be reduced to negligible amounts. This makes them attractive choices for more power-oriented classes, along with heavy pistols; both weapon types can potentially be equipped with Power Magnifier mods for even more enhancement of the wielder's abilities. Also, a high-level SMG High-Velocity Barrel can make any SMG effective against armored targets while remaining economical in weight; the Collector SMG and the Blood Pack Punisher are heavier models, but they both deal bonus damage to armor.

Unlike heavy pistols, SMGs cannot be modified to improve the user's melee damage, though having an SMG as the active weapon does allow for faster melee attacks than with shotguns, sniper rifles, or assault rifles.

Any class can benefit from a light SMG as a backup weapon for enhancing powers or handling tasks like shooting through obstacles, destroying weak but numerous enemies, or juggling ammo power assignments within the party in single-player.

The following squadmates utilize submachine guns: EDI, Liara, Aria, Kasumi, Miranda, and Samara.

Submachine Gun Models[]

Below is a list of the types of submachine guns in Mass Effect 3 and their base stats. Note that WCFDA stands for weight, capacity, fire rate, damage, and accuracy. The relevant values for those statistics are presented in that order.

Blood Pack Punisher

Blood Pack Punisher

Collector SMG

Collector SMG
  • Manufacturer: Collector
  • Base WCFDA: 33 / 100 / 80 / 22 / 30
  • Fire Mode: Automatic
  • Default ammo: 30 / ∞
  • Acquisition: Retaliation (multiplayer only)

Geth Plasma SMG

Geth Plasma SMG

M-4 Shuriken

M-4 Shuriken
  • Manufacturer: Elkoss Combine
  • Base WCFDA: 18 / 70 / 80 / 12 / 10
  • Fire Mode: Six-round burst
  • Default ammo: 36 / 324
  • Acquisition: Priority: Mars

M-9 Tempest

M-9 Tempest

M-12 Locust

M-12 Locust

M-25 Hornet

M-25 Hornet

N7 Hurricane

N7 Hurricane

Weapon Modifications[]

See also: Weapon Mods#Submachine Gun Upgrades, Equipment Guide (Mass Effect 3)#Submachine Gun Mods
  • SMG Ultralight Materials I - V
Superior lightweight alloys replace weapon parts, making weapon less obtrusive and easier to handle.
  • SMG Magazine Upgrade I - V
Increases magazine capacity, allowing more shots before reload.
  • SMG High-Caliber Barrel I - V
Allows wider projectiles, causing more trauma on impact. Ballistically optimized to retain penetrative power.
  • SMG Heat Sink I - V
Increases heat conductivity of thermal clip receiver. Negates heat generated by some shots.
  • SMG Scope I - V
Simple 2x optical scope enhances stability while zoomed. Increases accuracy while moving and taking damage.
Superior kinetic coils increase shot penetration.
Increase weapon mass for a split second per shot by using expert timing-VI to reduce weapon kick and improve aim.

See Also[]
