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Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Location: Milky WayArtemis TauAthens System Second planet


Like the hanar homeworld, Proteus has more than 90% oceanic cover. The incredible heat thrown off from Athens raises global humidity to 100%, creates constant cloud cover, and powers colossal typhoons that rage across the surface year-round.

Hot, humid, and storm-wracked, Proteus' rare combination of oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere and carbon-based biosphere nevertheless recommend it for colonization. A pilot program is studying the possibility of colonies below the ocean surface, safe from the worst effects of the weather.



  • In Greek mythology, Proteus was one of the sons of Poseidon, and was a god of the sea.
  • Ithaka (Proteus' capital) may be named for the kingdom of Ithaca, the homeland of King Odysseus in Homer's poem The Odyssey.