Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Prerequisite: N7: MSV Strontium Mule (Mass Effect 2)

Decoris is a small system with fairly abundant resources in its two terrestrial worlds. Mining is the only noteworthy industry here, although the worlds are basically frontier and far from developed, with the main drawbacks being wear and tear caused by extreme weather and the usual pirates stalking legitimate businesses.

Compared to other systems in Sigurd's Cradle, Decoris is relatively free of Reaper incursions. However, Cerberus has financial interests on Sanctum as well as a base of operations.


Laena is the first planet orbiting the star Decoris.

Main article: Laena


Sanctum is the second planet orbiting the star Decoris.

Main article: Sanctum
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3