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Racism on the Citadel

There's an ongoing disturbance in the marketplace between a quarian and a volus. A human C-Sec officer is trying to sort it out.


Go to Level 26 of the Citadel and walk by a volus, a quarian, and a human. Shepard will overhear the volus, Kor Tun, telling the human C-Sec officer, Officer Tammert, to arrest the quarian, Lia'Vael nar Ulnay.


Public freakout in the wards

Shepard talks to the group and learns that Kor Tun has lost his credit chit. The volus claims that Lia'Vael stole his credit chit after she bumped into him while he was leaving the Sirta Foundation. Shepard can converse with the parties and can offer to look into the matter. If Tali is accompanying Shepard she commiserates with Lia'Vael and sticks up for her fellow quarian against the racial prejudice of the volus and the officer. Depending on who Shepard's second companion is, they may in turn react to Tali's vehemence.

Talk to the salarian clerk, Marab, at Saronis Applications on the same level. He explains that the volus made some purchases but left his credit chit behind before Marab could return it to him. Afterward, speak to Kor Tun to complete the assignment and score 5 Paragon points. Shepard tells him the credit chit is waiting for him at Saronis Applications.

Lia'Vael faces down her accuser

The volus is unrepentant and says the quarian could have stolen it, and Officer Tammert says he will be keeping an eye on Lia'Vael and orders her to get a permanent residence or he will run her in for vagrancy. Shepard then has an opportunity to stand up for Lia'Vael by using a Paragon interrupt for 5 extra Paragon points. If Tali is present she wishes Lia good luck at the conclusion of the encounter.

Mission Summary[]

  • Experience reward: 40 (50)
  • Credits: 1,000

Cut Content[]

  • During Mass Effect 2's development, the working title of this assignment was "You Know What They're Like", a reference to the racist assumptions of Kor Tun and the C-Sec officer.[1]
  • Unused voicelines imply it was at some point possible to talk to the salarian game salesman about the credit chit.[2]


  1. ↑ Plot Database: LE2.Hubs.Cit_Hub.RP_Plot2.Journals.Citadel_You_Know_What_Theyre_Like
  2. ↑ Mass Effect 2 Cut Content/Citadel Voicelines#cithub_fake_games_a