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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Has that been there the whole time? That's awesome."

The Spider-Drone, nicknamed Droney, was an autonomous drone attached to the spider emblem on the torso of the second Spider-Man Suit, created by Tony Stark.



Along with many other features in the second Spider-Man Suit, the drone was created by Tony Stark.[1]

Rescue at the Washington Monument[]

"How do we get in there?!"
"Activating reconnaissance drone."
―Spider-Man and Karen[src]

Following the revelation that he and Ned Leeds had been carrying an unstable Chitauri power core, Spider-Man asked his A.I. Karen to tell him the best way to enter the Washington Monument. Karen activated the drone, with Spider-Man exclaiming his surprise of its existence. The drone circled around the tower and decided on the southwest window of the building to be Spider-Man's best entry point. After Spider-Man saved the trapped students, he fell down the elevator shaft, and the drone flew after him.[1]

Interrogating Aaron Davis[]

Spider-Man later re-used the drone as part of his 'enhanced interrogation mode' of the Spider-Man Suit. It located Aaron Davis in a parking lot and hovered beside Spider-Man during the interrogation.[1]

Staten Island Ferry Incident[]

The Spider-Drone was used on the MV Spirit of America when Spider-Man was tracking down the black market deal that he got word of from Aaron Davis. The drone flew ahead and identified Mac Gargan for Spider-Man, then located a white van where the alien weapons were being stored. After the battle, Tony Stark, deeming Spider-Man reckless and unworthy of it, confiscated the suit and the Spider-Drone. However, he later returned the suit.[1]


In 2018, the drone, along with the Spider-Man Suit, disintegrated into dust along with Peter Parker.[2]

Getting a Passport[]

Peter's To-Do List - 133359

The Spider-Drone causes one of the lines to be open

In June 2024, Peter Parker brought the Spider-Drone with him in his backpack while he went to get a passport, preparing for his field trip to Europe. When Parker noticed how long the line was and saw a cue that was closed while the person working it was on a break, Parker used his cell phone to have the Spider-Drone leave his bag and cause the "open" sign to turn on. Parker then retrieved his passport.[3]


The drone, along with the Spider-Man Suit, was later destroyed on the Tower Bridge in London, England after the drones sent by Mysterio blew up the double decker bus where Peter Parker's suitcase was.[4]


  • Flight: The Spider-Drone can detach itself from the suit and fly.
  • Reconnaissance: The Spider-Drone is capable of collecting information and sending it back to the Spider-Man Suit.

Alternate Versions[]

Origin Status Creators Owners Users
Global Crossbones Attacks Universe Active - Peter Parker Peter Parker
Lone Criminal Shocker Universe Active - Peter Parker Peter Parker


In chronological order:

Behind the Scenes[]



Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Spider-Drone.