- "That's not a client. It's a shark in a skin suit."
- âFoggy Nelson[src]
John Healy was an assassin hired by Wilson Fisk to kill Prohaszka so the Russian Mafia could take over his territory. Healy succeeded in his mission but was arrested, leading to Fisk hiring Nelson and Murdock to defend him in court. Healy was soon freed but committed suicide after being forced into revealing Fisk's name to the man in the mask.
Hired by Wilson Fisk[]
Buying from Turk Barrett[]

Healy buying a handgun from Turk Barrett
- "I like a good revolver better. No chance of jamming up."
"Man, look at this. This is top of the line. I guarantee this baby won't jam, or my name ain't Turk Barrett." - âJohn Healy and Turk Barrett[src]
John Healy was hired by Wilson Fisk to assassinate Prohaszka; he went to Turk Barrett to obtain a gun. Healy expressed his uncertainty, as he felt the guns were not up to his standard, noting that he preferred revolvers as there was no chance of them jamming, Barrett, however, gave the guns his seal of approval and promised that it would not jam since it was fresh from the crate. Healy relented and took the gun onto the mission.[4]
Assassination of Prohaszka[]

Healy attempting to kill Prohaszka with a gun
- "I want a lawyer."
- âJohn Healy[src]
Healy went to Whitestone Lanes bowling alley where Prohaszka was playing, he first approached the woman behind the counter and politely asked if he could play, she informed him that only Prohaszka could play when he wanted. Healy walked over to Prohaszka and asked him if he could play with him, Healy was rudely refused and pushed away by his bodyguards. Healy defended himself and attacked his bodyguards, causing them to flee before drawing his gun.

Healy surrenders to the police after his murder
Healy then attempted to shoot Prohaszka, telling him he had a bad attitude, but the gun jammed. Prohaszka attacked Healy with a bowling ball and the two engaged in a brief but vicious fight, Healy managed to break his target's arm before killing him by crushing his face with a bowling ball. The New York City Police Department was called by the attendant who quickly fled the scene. Knowing there was no escape, Healy quickly hid the gun in a pinball machine before the police arrived. He then surrendered and calmly asked for a lawyer as he was handcuffed and taken away.[4]
Legal Defense[]
Represented by Nelson and Murdock[]

Healy is questioned by Nelson and Murdock
- "If I'm indicted, which we know I will be, we'll waive all hearings and discovery and go directly to trial. Not my first rodeo, remember?"
"You'll need to testify."
"I'm just gonna have faith in our judicial system and you're gonna do your jobs." - âJohn Healy and Matt Murdock[src]
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In the jailhouse, Healy was interviewed by Foggy Nelson and claimed he simply wanted to go bowling but was attacked by Prohaszka and his men. Nelson realized that Healy knew legal procedure due to his fast answers and confident nature. Nelson tried to refuse to represent Healy, but Matt Murdock entered and told Healy that they would take his case of self-defense.[4]

Healy and Matt Murdock in the courtroom
- "Still split, DA will retry."
"No, they won't. Will they, Mr. Healy?"
"That was a hell of a speech you gave, Murdock. A hell of a speech." - âFoggy Nelson, Matt Murdock and John Healy[src]
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In court, Healy was first defended by Nelson and then Murdock; Healy noted that before Murdock gave his closing argument, Murdock paused for a long time. Nelson had to assure him that Murdock knew what he was doing. Murdock then proceeded to give a long speech determining that the jury did not have enough evidence to convict Healy. The jurors returned with a hung jury, setting Healy free. As the result was being read out, Healy turned to Murdock and complimented him on his impressive speech.[4]
Confession and Suicide[]

Healy committing suicide outside of his home
- "You think this is still about you? I gave up his name and you don't do that, not to him. He'll find me and make an example. And then he'll find everyone I ever cared about and do the same to them. So that no one ever does what I just did. You should've just killed me. You coward."
- âJohn Healy to Masked Man[src]
That night, Healy was walking outside his home when he was attacked by the man in the mask, who wanted to get an answer from him as to who Healy was working for. The two fought violently with Healy trying to push the man's face through a piece of metal. Healy used anything he could as a weapon from a pipe to a piece of glass, but the masked man ultimately pinned him and threatened to send a piece of glass through his face. When asked who his employer was, Healy admitted that it was Wilson Fisk. Even when the masked man told him to get in his car and leave Hell's Kitchen, Healy refused to do so since he was scared for giving up Fisk's name and told his attacker that his employer will make an example to those who give up his name. With his life now forfeited, Healy feared that Fisk will go after the lives of all he held dear and do the same to them. He insulted the man in the black mask by calling him a coward for not killing him and so he then rammed his own head through a piece of metal, killing himself.[4]
- "You didn't provoke him intentionally or otherwise?"
"Are we breaking for lunch anytime soon?"
"Are you at all afraid of what might happen if we lose this case, Mr. Healy?"
"No. Are you?" - âFoggy Nelson and John Healy[src]
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Healy was smart at the way he killed his victims. He knew to hide his gun right away and ask for a lawyer after killing Prohaszka. He also repeatedly told Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson that it wasn't his first time. He trusted the methods of his superiors, James Wesley and Wilson Fisk, but he didn't trust them. He gave away Fisk's name to the masked man so that he doesn't kill him. Yet after Healy calmed down, he knew that Fisk would have him and everyone he loves killed. So he killed himself before Fisk could do it to him.
- Master Assassin:
Healy attacks Prohaszka with a bowling ball
- Master Martial Artist: Healy was a dangerous fighter, using his skills to defeat two of Prohaszka's bodyguards and shortly after killing Prohaszka. He was able to fight the extremely dangerous masked man in an extended battle before being defeated by his superior combat skills.
- Expert Marksman: Healy was proficient in the use of handguns, attempting to use it on Prohaszka before being forced to hide the weapon.
- Heckler & Koch P30: The Heckler & Koch P30 is a semi-automatic pistol that Healy obtained from Turk Barrett to use in an assassination. Healy would have preferred to buy a revolver because it had no chance of jamming up, but Barrett assured him the pistol would not jam up. However, when he tried to use it to kill Prohaszka, the gun jammed and he could not use it.
- 15th Precinct Police Station: After murdering Prohaszka, Healy was held in the precinct while his lawyers, Nelson and Murdock talked to him.
- New York State Supreme Court Building: During his trial, Healy sat in the court room awaiting his lawyer's speeches and the jury's decision.
In chronological order:
Daredevil | Episode 1.03: Rabbit in a Snowstorm
Daredevil | Episode 1.08: Shadows in the Glass (mentioned)
Daredevil | Episode 1.09: Speak of the Devil (mentioned)
Daredevil | Episode 3.05: The Perfect Game (mentioned)
- In the comics, Alvin Healey is a costumed criminal known as Tenpin, who specializes in using bowling pins and balls as blunt or throwing weapons.
External Links[]
Tenpin on Marvel Database
Tenpin on Wikipedia