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For alternate versions of Sif, see Sif's Character Hub

"I am Lady Sif of Asgard, friend of the S.H.I.E.L.D."

Lady Sif is a fearsome Asgardian warrior and a good friend of Thor and the Warriors Three. When Thor almost provoked a war with the Frost Giants and ended up powerless on Earth, Sif and her friends disobeyed the orders of their new king Loki and went to Earth to save him. Thanks to them, Thor returned to Asgard and Loki's reign came to an end.

Sif then bravely fought against the Marauders, an intergalactic ragtag band of pirates who pillaged the unprotected realms of the universe. After the Second Dark Elf Conflict, she was sent to Earth to capture the sorceress Lorelei. The following year, Sif returned to Earth again to apprehend the Kree Vin-Tak, who was hunting Inhumans, including Skye.

By 2017, Sif was banished from Asgard by Loki. During her exile, she was among the many victims of Thanos' Snap. However, she was resurrected five years later by Hulk. In 2025, she learned of Gorr the God Butcher and tracked him down in order to eliminate him. However, she was defeated by Gorr and lost one of her arms during the battle. Sif was later rescued by Thor and brought to New Asgard, where she recovered and began training Axl Heimdallson and other Asgardian children to become future Einherjar.


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This is an in-depth biography of Sif. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

Early Life[]

Respected Warrior[]

"And who proved wrong all who scoffed at the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this realm has ever known?"
"I did!"
"True, but I supported you, Sif."
―Thor and Sif[src]

During her early years, Sif's great talents as a warrior were not appreciated by many because she was a woman. Thanks to her friend Thor, whom she developed romantic feelings for, Sif became one of the most appreciated warriors of Asgard, along with the Warriors Three, Loki, and Thor himself.[1] To transition into adulthood, Sif took part in the Virtue Challenge.[6] Sif was also romantically involved with Haldor, who was later enthralled by Lorelei. The event led to Haldor's death, creating a deep hatred between Sif and Lorelei.[7]

Loki's Mischief[]

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Sif confronting Loki after he cut her hair

"You conniving, craven, pathetic worm! You did this!"
―Sif to Loki[src]

Sif, after sleeping with Loki one night,[8] would wake up to discover that a lock of her hair had been cut off. Furious, Sif had then immediately confronted Loki and punched him in the face, before kicking him in the groin, while calling him a pathetic worm, although Loki remained unfazed and chose to forget about this prank by taking a bath and having a glass of wine.[9] Sif visited Earth along with her friends in the 11th century, and Loki's mischievous act of cutting a lock of her hair on Asgard became a well-known tale in Norse mythology.[10]

Second Virtue Challenge[]

In 1521, Sif was asked by Loki to take part in another Virtue Challenge, this time to settle a dispute between Loki and Brunok. During the challenge, she became lost in the fog. She cried out for Thor and Loki to not leave her. This caused intense fear to come out of her that was uncontrollable. She was eventually found by Thor and Loki, but they were unable to break the spell. Loki then talked to her about courage, which snapped her out of the trance. While in a trance, Thor got the first challenge which meant they could move on.[6]

They arrived at the second challenge, the Hawk's Egg. Upon arriving, they found the Warriors Three, who were also taking part in the challenge. Fandral quickly let the three take reign of the mission. Thor, Loki, and Sif made their way to the tree and climbed it. Sif slipped and fell, but Thor caught her hand, while Loki caught her foot. Sif asked for them to keep holding on while she reached for the egg. She was able to grab it, but the Warriors Three were fighting Asgardian Wolves on the ground. The wolves were there to retrieve a second bone that Volstagg took for his collection. They all pleaded for Volstagg to give it back, which he did. Sif then gave Fandral a second egg out of gratitude. Fandral asked why the hawks wouldn't attack. Sif replied saying that it was a gift out of mercy.[11] At the third challenge, Loki found the Cup of Glory which caused everyone to want the Cup for themselves. They then escaped the mine.[12]

Brunok's father, Haldier, then arrived on horseback because he was worried for his son. Haldier saw the cup, which enthralled him into attacking everyone. However, Thor was able to stop him. They then had Odin send the Cup into the stars.[13]

Loki's Schemes[]

Thor's Royal Coronation[]


Sif gives up her blades before the ceremony

"My father fought his way into Jotunheim. Defeated their armies and took their Casket! We would just be looking for answers."
"It is forbidden!"
―Thor and Sif[src]

Lady Sif, alongside Loki and the Warriors Three, were present at the coronation ceremony for Thor, who was to be crowned King of Asgard as the current King Odin believed he was becoming too old. Ahead of the ceremony, Lady Sif was asked to hand over all of her weapons by a member of the Einherjar. Sif complied; however, the guard stopped her and then forced Sif to hand over the final hidden blade she had been secretly attempting to keep concealed.


Lady Sif stands alongside the Warriors Three

Lady Sif then joined the other Warriors Three as they awaited Thor's arrival. While they were all waiting, Volstagg complained about still being hungry, which Fandral teased him about, with Volstagg then jokingly threatening to hit Fandral as a result of his mockery. Sif then listened with amusement as Fandral teased Hogun by insisting that he consider smiling at least once for their event while Lady Sif then challenged him to keep his mouth shut during the ceremony.[10]


Lady Sif attending Thor's royal coronation

Sif watched as Thor arrived confidently, throwing his hammer MjĂžlnir in the air and winking at Sif, much to her disapproval. Sif then stood by next to Loki and Frigga as Odin made Thor swear to protect all of the Nine Realms. However, when the Frost Giants interrupted Thor's coronation ceremony in a desperate attempt to steal back the Casket of Ancient Winters only to all quickly be killed by the Destroyer, the coronation was canceled, much to Thor's considerable anger.


Sif learns of Thor's new plans for revenge

Sif and the Warriors eventually found Thor throwing tables in the air in rage due to his failure to become King, as Odin had deemed him to not be ready for the responsibility. They arrived just when Loki was trying to calm his own brother down, while Thor was adamant that the Frost Giants should be punished for the sudden attack and the disgrace and embarrassment this had caused him, with Sif and the Warriors still keeping their distance from the furious Thor.


Lady Sif agrees to follow Thor into a battle

Thor then went to all of his own friends individually to tell them why they should follow him, gaining Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg's strong support. When Thor came to Sif, he asked her who had proved wrong all those who had stood in her way when she had planned to be the fiercest warrior in all of Asgard, but Sif insisted that she had done it alone, which Thor did not argue with. Despite this going against all of Odin's direct orders, the group still chose to follow Thor's plan.[1]

Attack on Jotunheim[]


Lady Sif prepares to travel to Jotunheim

"We should have never let him go!"
"There was no stopping him."
―Volstagg and Sif[src]

Lady Sif along with Loki and the Warriors Three, having now all been convinced by Thor to attack Jotunheim to find those responsible for the attack. They did not struggle to get past Heimdall, who had also wanted to learn who was responsible for the attack. Heimdall transported them to the home of the Frost Giants, but told them he would not risk Asgard's safety and would not hesitate to leave them to die in Jotunheim.

Sif on Jotunheim

Lady Sif prepares for battle on Jotunheim

Using the Bifrost Bridge, Lady Sif and all of her allies soon arrived on Jotunheim, finding it to be a cold wasteland as Hogun warned that they should not be there. As they walked throughout the realm, Sif questioned where the Frost Giants were, to which Thor claimed that they were hiding. Once they found him, Thor and Loki attempted to negotiate with Laufey, the King of the Frost Giants. Thor was insulted by a Frost Giant and began a huge battle with their enemy.


Sif furiously fights against Laufey's forces

As the enraged Frost Giants charged into battle, Lady Sif then armed herself with her Sword and Shield as she fought alongside her friends against an army of Frost Giants led by Laufey himself, and managed to slay many of them, but was forced to flee when Fandral had been wounded and they became outnumbered. Sif and the Warriors Three attempted to outrun the giant Frost Beast sent after them; they were soon cornered by the creature, which was killed by Thor.


Sif is cornered by the Frost Giants' armies

Eventually, the team was saved by Odin himself, riding Sleipnir, who intervened to prevent them all from being killed by the Frost Giants. Although Odin tried to bring about peace between Asgard and Jotunheim, Laufey told him that war was to begin because of Thor's actions. With their decision to return to war made, they were taken back to Asgard, and Sif witnessed Odin's decision to punish Thor by taking his power and banishing him to Earth, with Sif helpless.[1]

Thor's Banishment[]


Sif discusses their recent actions with Thor

"He may speak for the good of Asgard, but he's always been jealous of Thor."
"We should be grateful to him. He saved our lives."
―Sif and Volstagg[src]

In the wake of Thor's banishment, Sif and the Warriors Three had all gathered together, along with Loki, to discuss what had happened and what should be done as a result. While Fandral and Volstagg recovered from their injuries sustained during the Attack on Jotunheim, they discussed the events on Jotunheim, questioning how Odin could have learned of their activities: However, Loki suddenly revealed that he had informed Odin of their attack on Jotunheim.


Lady Sif attempts to change Loki's decision

Horrified to learn that Loki had betrayed his own brother resulting in Thor's banishment from Asgard, Sif tried to convince Loki to speak to Odin but Loki refused, claiming Thor was too foolish to be their King. Once Loki had left the room, Sif noted that Loki was jealous of Thor while Hogun told the group that he believed Loki was responsible for the original attack on Asgard, noting that the master of Magic could have been able to sneak the Frost Giants past Heimdall's watch.


Sif and the Warriors Three bow before Loki

Determined to get Thor back onto Asgard to stop the risk of Loki's schemes being successful, Sif persuaded the Warriors Three to ask King Odin to recall Thor back home, but when they arrived inside the throne room, they found Loki sitting as the new ruler of Asgard, as a substitute to Odin, who had fallen into the Odinsleep. When they had suggested speaking to Queen Frigga instead, Loki insisted that they speak to him, ordering the group to bow before their King.

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Lady Sif looks upon the new King of Asgard

Although she was reluctant, Sif and the others took a knee before Loki and asked him to end Thor's banishment, only for Loki to deny their request as he claimed his first action as King could not be to undo Odin's last, insisting that the Asgardians needed a sense on continuity. When Sif tried to get to her feet, Fandral pulled her back before Volstagg tried again and Loki demanded that they leave, Sif glaring at her King before then walking away from him.[1]

Disobeying King Loki[]


Sif breaks up a fight between the Warriors

"Is it just me or does Earth look a little different to you now?"
"It has been a thousand years."
"Changes happen so fast. I mean, you leave for a millennium and look at the state of the place."
―Volstagg and Sif[src]

Following this denial the Warriors Three's relationship became more and more strained, leading to an argument between Fandral and Volstagg, which Sif and Hogun broke up. When everyone calmed down, they agreed they must go to Midgard to retrieve Thor and bring him back to Asgard to oppose Loki's rule, regardless of this being seen as treason.


Lady Sif makes an agreement with Heimdall

Before they were able to enact their plan Sif and the Warriors Three were called for a meeting with the all-seeing Heimdall, as Volstagg summed up all of their feelings by simply saying "We're doomed", believing that Heimdall must have overheard their treasonous plans. However, Heimdall agreed with the team's plan to oppose the rule of Loki and opened the Bifrost Bridge for them, and the four Asgardians arrived on Earth in order to find Thor and bring him home.


Sif and the Warriors Three finally locate Thor

Upon arriving inside a town named Puente Antiguo, the team began searching for their ally, being spotted by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who referred to Sif as Xena. Having searched for just a few minutes, they spotted Thor and they happily greeted him and were introduced to Thor's new friends Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, and Darcy Lewis, who were amazed to see the Asgardians had arrived in search for Thor as they watched Sif and the other embrace their dear friend.


Sif tells Thor of Loki's many deceptions

Having delighted in being reunited, informed told Thor that they were there to bring him back to Asgard, but Thor had appeared confused, claiming he could not return home as his own actions had caused the death of Odin and his exile would maintain the peace between Asgard and Jotunheim. However, Sif assured him that Odin was still alive. Thor and the team then found out that he had been tricked by King Loki in his attempt to ensure Thor never returned home.[1]

Battle of Puente Antiguo[]

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Sif and the Warriors challenge the Destroyer

"Sif, you’ve done all you can."
"No! I will die a warrior's death. Stories will be told of this day."
"Live, and tell those stories yourself."
―Thor and Sif[src]

Shortly afterwards, Loki sent the Destroyer to Earth to make sure that Thor will not return. Thor told them that he was powerless in the fight against the Destroyer so choose instead to help the innocent people of Puente Antiguo to safety. Sif and their allies then engaged the Destroyer in battle.


Sif furiously battles against the Destroyer

As the Warriors Three bought her some more time by distracting the Destroyer as they launched Volstagg towards the machine, Sif got to higher ground before she jumped from a nearby rooftop onto the robot's back, attacking the Destroyer from above, piercing its chest with her sword. While Sif was still confident about the easy victory, however, immediately after the attack, the Destroyer had regenerated itself and almost killed Sif with an energy blast from its eyes.


Sif is convinced by Thor to escape the battle

As the Destroyer seemed unstoppable, Thor tried to convince Sif to flee with her companions while Fandral and Hogun were helping Volstagg back onto his feet, insisting that she had done everything that she could. Determined to continue the fight, Sif bravely told Thor that she intended to die a warrior's death and have stories told about her sacrifice; however, Thor was able to convince her to live and tell the stories herself, so Sif then reluctantly made her escape.


Lady Sif witnesses Thor regain his powers

Now alone against the Destroyer, Thor, who claimed to have a plan, challenged the unstoppable creature with his words. Sif watched on helplessly as Thor sacrificed himself to protect the innocent people, offering his own life in exchange to allow them to live. The Destroyer hit Thor and he died, but because of his noble sacrifice, MjĂžlnir had returned into his hand and he was reborn in his divine form, in which he fought and destroyed the Destroyer as Sif watched on.


Sif and the Warriors await Heimdall's rescue

In the wake of the battle against the Destroyer, Sif, Thor and the Warriors Three prepared to leave Earth and return to Asgard, leaving Phil Coulson to deal with the aftermath. However, Heimdall had been injured by Loki using the Casket of Ancient Winters and took longer than expected to open the Bifrost Bridge to bring them home, at which point Sif and the Warriors then took Heimdall, to the healing room while Thor went to challenge his brother personally.[1]

Returning to Asgard[]


Lady Sif joins in the Asgardian celebrations

"My Queen, I'm so sorry for your loss. How is he?"
"He mourns for his brother. And... he misses her, the mortal."
―Sif and Frigga[src]

Back in Asgard, while Sif took Heimdall into the healing room, Thor had successfully defeated Loki, allowing Odin to retake the throne of Asgard. Along with other Asgardians, Lady Sif celebrated the victory with a banquet. Sif saw Thor silently leave the celebrations and watched him go. Sif joined Frigga, the mother of Thor as Sif offered Frigga her condolences for Loki's death and Frigga asked Sif how Thor was coping.

Sif and Frigga

Lady Sif and Frigga during the celebrations

Frigga informed Sif that while Thor mourned for his brother, he was also missing Jane Foster on Earth.[1] Two years after his disappearance, Loki began an attack on the Earth in order to get the Tesseract. Thor went to Earth in order to both save Humanity from Loki and take the Tesseract to repair the Bifrost Bridge. While he was gone, Sif worried about Thor and asked Heimdall if he was alive. He told her that Thor was alive and made allies, but that Loki had allies as well.[14]

Search for the Crown of Fools[]

After Loki was defeated by the Avengers, he was sent to prison. His actions with the secret passages made the wildlife to become hostile. Sif, the Warriors Three, and Thor were attacked by birds and wolves, but found a castle. They went into the castle and Sif saw Odin's throne, with splattered blood. Sif decided to take the throne as she knew Asgard would need a leader if Odin truly was dead. She became the All-Mother. Soon, she attacked Thor, believing that he was trying to steal the throne for himself. She woke up to find that she was enthralled in an illusion by a Frost Giant who was wearing the Crown of Fools.[15]

Marauders' War[]

Battle of Vanaheim[]

Sif battle

Lady Sif battles the Marauders on Vanaheim

"I've got this completely under control."
"Is that why everything is on fire?"
―Sif and Thor[src]

In the wake of the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge due to the recent actions of Loki during his reign when he attempted to wipe out the Frost Giants by destroying all of Jotunheim, the Asgardians were forced to deal with the attacks of Marauders who were now furiously pillaging all across the Nine Realms, putting innocent lives at risk. With the bridge having been repaired by the Tesseract, Lady Sif then traveled to Vanaheim and fought alongside Asgard's strongest armies riding her horse T'barr, as well as with the Warriors Three to regain control of the Nine Realms.


Sif successfully saves Thor's life in battle

Lady Sif led the initial battle until Thor arrived and fought the Marauders with the power of MjĂžlnir. Upon seeing Thor's arrival, Sif insisted to him that she now had everything completely under control despite the fact that the entire battlefield seemed to be on fire, which Thor laughed at. During the fight, she saved the distracted Thor's life when the Marauders launched a missile at the Asgardian prince, which Sif had just managed to block using her own shield.


Lady Sif allows Thor to battle a Kronan alone

The battle was then unexpectedly paused when the Marauders sent in a giant Kronan Stone Man to challenge Thor in single combat, and Lady Sif allowed Thor to challenge the Kronan alone, confident that he could handle the terrifying enemy. After Thor killed the Kronan with one hit and ended the battle, Sif and the rest of the Warriors Three then captured the Marauders and returned them to Asgard to be locked in the Asgardian Dungeons, ending their raids.[16]


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Lady Sif and Thor discussing their battles

"There was a time you would celebrate for weeks."
"I remember you celebrated the Battle of Harokin so much that you nearly started the second."
"Well, the first was so much fun."
―Sif and Thor[src]

After the war with the Marauders was seemingly won, Sif continued her training, under the watchful eye of Odin and Thor. When Thor and the Warriors Three celebrated their victory against the Marauders, Sif saw Thor leave and stand alone outside the tavern; Sif tried to reawaken Thor's previously held romantic feelings for her, secretly somewhat jealous of his love for the mortal Jane Foster. They retold war stories and remembered past drinks together, Sif requested Thor have a drink with her; however, Thor kindly refused and left.[16]

Second Dark Elf Conflict[]

Freeing Loki[]


Sif walks into battle

"Betray him, and I will kill you."
"Nice to see you, too, Sif."
―Sif and Loki[src]

Later, Malekith returned to Asgard as Thor brought Jane Foster there because she had absorbed a powerful substance called the Aether. Sif defended Asgard from the Dark Elves during the Sacking of Asgard. As she and a squad of Asgardian soldiers went to defend Asgard, she saw Foster escape to safety with Frigga. She was present in the throne room when Odin slew the last Dark Elf present there with Gungnir.


Sif frees Jane Foster

Frigga was eventually murdered by Malekith and Algrim during the battle and Sif attended her funeral; seeking to gather his army, Odin ordered none to leave Asgard. Seeking revenge, Thor planned to take the battle to Malekith so he could kill him and destroy the Aether; to this end, Thor had a meeting with Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Heimdall to discuss how they would be able to leave Asgard and travel to Svartalfheim. Sif was given the mission to free Foster from Asgard after Odin had ordered her to be locked away. When the guards delivered food to Foster, Sif arrived and attacked the guards, knocking them out before freeing Foster and returning her to Thor.


Sif threatens Loki

While this was going on, Thor successfully freed Loki from his cell. Sif met with them in the Great Hall along with Jane Foster. As Thor, Foster, and Loki made their way to an abandoned Dark Elf ship where Volstagg was waiting, Sif held back the Einherjar attempting to capture them. Before they left, however, Sif made sure that Loki knew that if he betrayed Thor, she would kill him. With her sword at his throat, Loki smiled and told Sif how much he had missed her. Sif battled the Einherjar until she was eventually overcome by the sheer numbers of the guards.[16]

Transfer of the Aether[]

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Sif delivers the Aether to Taneleer Tivan

"I can assure you it will be absolutely safe here in my collection."
"See that it is."
―Collector and Sif[src]

After the Battle of Greenwich, the Aether was recovered from Svartalfheim and contained. Sif and Volstagg delivered the Aether to the Collector on Knowhere, saying that it was unwise to keep two Infinity Stones in the same place. Sif was momentarily distracted by the sight of his shackled and visibly agonized female teenage workers, inspiring a cold attitude toward his courteous approach. The Collector assured them that the Aether would be absolutely safe in his collection, Sif, still watching his victims moan muffled behind glass, bitterly told him to ensure that it was. Along with Volstagg, she then left and returned to Asgard.[16]

Aiding S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

Hunting down Lorelei[]


Sif arrives on Midgard

"I've been where you are, Melinda May. A man I cared for, under her spell, so enchanted, forsook his family, his friends, me. Steel yourself to do what might be necessary. Your Agent Ward..."
"He's not mine."
"Well, that is certainly true now."
―Sif and Melinda May[src]

During the Sacking of Asgard, Lorelei escaped from the Asgardian Dungeons, and Sif was tasked by Loki, masquerading as Odin, with capturing her. Sif pursued her to Earth, where she was immediately greeted by Phil Coulson and his team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. S.H.I.E.L.D. used their database to recognize her and determine she was not a threat to them; Sif, in turn, recognized the S.H.I.E.L.D. name and logo and decided to trust them, informing them that their world was in great danger.


Sif on the Bus

Sif was taken to the Bus, where she expressed shock to discover that Coulson was still alive, having heard from Thor that he had perished at the hand of Loki. She agreed to obey his wishes and not inform Thor that Coulson was alive. Sif told the team that she was hunting Lorelei, and desired their help in locating her. She explained her plan to use an Asgardian Collar to end Lorelei's spell. While they investigated Lorelei's location, Coulson asked her about any aliens that she knew had visited Earth, specifically any aliens that were had blue skin. She listed all the species she knew of but stated that as far as she knew, the Frost Giants were the only blue-skinned aliens to have visited Earth.


Sif fights the Bikers

Together, the two parties tracked Lorelei to Rosie's Desert Oasis, Sif confronted Lorelei but was attacked by her new soldiers, a biker gang, Sif fought the Biker gang defeated them with little effort. Lorelei managed to escape from Sif, but, in the ensuing confrontation, Lorelei managed to take control of Grant Ward. Additionally, during the battle, the Asgardian Collar that Sif had brought to gag Lorelei and break her hold on her victims, was damaged, leaving the team no recourse short of death to break her spell.


Sif hands Melinda May her sword

Sif gave the collar to Leo Fitz hoping that he would be able to repair the damage. While Skye attempted to track Lorelei and Ward. While on the Bus, she cleaned her sword and was visited by Melinda May. She immediately knew that May was also a great warrior and allowed her to hold her sword. Sif talked with May about her own experiences at the hand of Lorelei when she took control of Sif's former lover. She warned May that Ward was no longer the man she had known and would not hesitate to kill her, May insisted that Ward may try to kill her, but he would not succeed.[7]

Capturing Lorelei[]


Sif struggles to hold onto the outside of the Bus

"I have orders to bring you back."
"All these years, and you're still the same Sif, doing as you're told, heeling at the feet of those who command you... never to get what you desire. Not Haldor, not... Thor, a man who considers you more pet than woman."
―Sif and Lorelei[src]

Sif visited the suite where Ward and Lorelei stayed in Las Vegas, as Skye managed to locate Ward there, but she was unable to capture them. She returned to the Bus to discover that Leo Fitz had fixed the collar, and he invited her to inspect it. However, she learned that Grant Ward and Lorelei had returned to the Bus and taken control of Fitz, who locked Sif in the interrogation room and opened the airlock. Though she was ejected from the Bus, she managed to hold on to an edge of the plane until Coulson ordered them to open the airlock and let her back in.


Sif leaves Midgard with Lorelei

Once back inside, she discovered that Lorelei had taken her sword and the two dueled, Lorelei mocked Sif, reminding her of the men she loved and would never have, including Haldor and Thor. The fight ended when Sif managed to disarm Lorelei, she asked Sif to kill her rather than return her to her cell, Sif ignored her and forced the collar back on Lorelei. After thanking Coulson and his team for their help, Sif departed with Lorelei and returned to Asgard.[7]

The Kree and the Inhuman[]


Footage of Sif's fight with Vin-Tak

"I know I am from Asgard, but I do not remember my home there. You tell me my name is Lady Sif, but... why I left Asgard, what brought me here to Midgard... why I wear these hides instead of armor... a mystery."
―Sif to Phil Coulson[src]

When Heimdall discovered that a Kree had landed on Earth, Sif was sent to intercept him and discover his purpose on Earth. In order to not draw too much attention to herself, Sif decided to wear a human outfit. She confronted the Kree, a warrior named Vin-Tak, in Portugal, and had a prolonged fight with him. Though she managed to damage his cloaking device, Vin-Tak struck her with his Truncheon, which made her lose her memory. The Kree then threw her into the sea and escaped the scene.


Sif after losing her memory

A few hours later, Sif walked out of the sea. She was greeted by a group of young adults. She asked the group about the only thing she remembered, the whereabouts of Kava. They were not able to help her; when one of the young men followed her, she punched him in the chest, causing him to fly backwards. When another man asked who she was; she said she did not know.

She was later stopped by the local authorities; not wanting to get into a fight with Sif, they told her that they knew where Kava was and if she waited patiently they would bring it to her. Instead Phil Coulson arrived; he explained their past relationship and her history with S.H.I.E.L.D. and promised to help her find answers.[17]

Working with S.H.I.E.L.D.[]


Sif smiles at the mention of Thor's name

"You told me last year the Kree had not visited our realm."
"If a Kree came to your world unannounced now, I would assume he's up to no good."
―Phil Coulson and Sif[src]

Sif joined Phil Coulson and Melinda May when they traveled to the pier where Sif had fought Vin-Tak earlier; they asked her what she remembered but her mind remained blank. When May asked her about what she remembered of Thor, she could give no account, but admitted that the name alone made her want to smile. Meanwhile, Skye and Bobbi Morse had an encounter with Vin-Tak. He was tracked down when he tried to open a mysterious box and Lance Hunter used the Electric Net Grenade to capture him and bring him to S.H.I.E.L.D.[17]

Chasing the Inhuman[]


Sif questions Vin-Tak

"Skye is not a weapon."
"Coulson, no one is saying Skye chose this, but she is dangerous."
―Phil Coulson and Sif[src]

Sif demanded answers from Vin-Tak and he explained that his Truncheon had the power to erase minds; as an act of good faith, he used his Truncheon again, this time to restore Sif's memories. She showed instant distrust for the Kree soldier. Vin-Tak explained that his mission was to track down and kill the results of Kree experiments to create living weapons, the weapons being known as Inhumans.


Sif tries to capture Skye

As they discussed the events that Skye witnessed of Raina's Terrigenesis, Sif began to seriously question Skye. As she did, the entire room began to quake; Coulson and Sif quickly realized that Skye was the one causing the earthquake and was in fact an Inhuman. Vin-Tak tried to kill Skye while Sif wanted to take her to Asgard. Coulson and May attempted to escape and May locked Skye inside Vault D, activating the Inertial Confinement Laser Barrier. Sif thrust her sword through the barrier in an attempt to capture Skye. Just as she disabled it, Skye shot herself with an I.C.E.R. to stop the earthquake.[17]

Return to Asgard[]


Sif says goodbye to Coulson and May

"Leaving Skye with us is the logical choice, I promise."
"No. No. That is not what I mean. Asgard is millennia beyond you in our pursuit of science and knowledge. And we have learned there are some things that can never be understood."
―Phil Coulson and Sif[src]

Seeing how Skye was willing to put herself in harm's way to protect her friends, Sif agreed to allow her to stay on Earth. Sif said goodbye to Phil Coulson and Melinda May, returning to Asgard with Vin-Tak, who had had his memory wiped by Bobbi Morse during the chaos; Sif had agreed to return him to Hala. Sif once again asked Coulson if he was sure he wanted to keep Skye on Earth due to her dangerous power; he said he did. After giving Coulson a final warning about the danger of his choice, Sif called for Heimdall and the Bifrost Bridge opened, taking her home.[17]

New Life[]

Banishment from Asgard[]

Upon returning to Asgard, Sif was promptly banished by "Odin".[18]

Death and Resurrection[]

In 2018, Sif disintegrated into dust.[5] Five years later, she was restored to life.[19]

Battling Gorr[]

Sif video message

Sif sends a distress call while battling Gorr

"Thor! Where are you? It’s the God Butcher. We need you here."
―Sif to Thor[src]

In 2025, Sif learned about Gorr the God Butcher and sought to stop him from his murder spree of gods. She tracked him down to Falligar and joined Falligar the Behemoth in the fight against Gorr. During the battle, she was able to send a quick transmission to the Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor asking for help.[20]

Rescued by Thor[]

Thor and Sif

Sif is rescued by Thor on Falligar

"You're missing an arm! I can get you another one."
"No, I need to die a warrior's death on the battlefield in battle."
―Thor and Sif[src]

Ultimately, Sif was defeated, with her left arm being severed, and Falligar was killed. She laid down on the ground preparing to go to Valhalla.

Lady Sif (Love and Thunder)

Sif warns Thor about Gorr the God Butcher

However, she was found by Thor and was grateful to be reunited with him. Thinking she would die, Sif accepted her fate and reassured Thor that she would shortly go to Valhalla, the Asgardian afterlife. However, Thor reminded her that she could only do that if she died in battle, not moments after it had concluded, and joked that perhaps her severed arm was in Valhalla. Sif warned Thor of the God Butcher's rampage, telling him that Gorr was headed for New Asgard next.[20]

Living in New Asgard[]

Sif brought to New Asgard

Sif is brought to New Asgard on Earth

"Take Sif to the infirmary."
―Thor to Korg and Einherjar[src]

Thor and Korg brought her back to New Asgard, Norway via Stormbreaker’s Bifrost Bridge to receive medical treatment. She was taken by Korg and some Einherjar to the New Asgard Infirmary.

Sif (Love and Thunder)

Sif training Axl Heimdallson to fight in New Asgard

After healing from her injuries, Sif decided to stay there as her place of residence and went back to work training, but with a stub where her arm used to be. She, alongside Valkyrie, started training Heimdall's son, Axl Heimdallson and other children.[20]


"It must've been hard for you, after everything she did, to move past it, to let it go."
"Odin ordered her back alive. As one of his warriors, I bow to his will."
"Regardless of what it cost you?"
"Much like your S.H.I.E.L.D., we are bound by our code."
―Phil Coulson and Sif[src]

Being one of the best warriors in Asgard, Sif is very proud and always eager to prove herself. She is a very close friend of Thor and the Warriors Three, and is an honorable warrior on the battlefield. She often is independent and uneasy in following orders, although she has shown unwavering loyalty to Odin. Unlike many other Asgardians, Sif does not view humans as lesser beings. Sif also harbors romantic feelings for Thor, being protective of him, jealous of his love for Jane Foster and showing a willingness to aid him even if it means treason. Despite her desire for Thor, she was ready to help in his mission to save Jane, showing a great level of selflessness and honor.

Powers and Abilities[]


"The graves of Asgard's enemies are littered with men who underestimated Sif. Do not make the same mistake."
―Lorelei to Grant Ward[src]
  • Asgardian Physiology: As an Asgardian, Sif possesses many superhuman abilities including, strength, durability, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes, a healing factor, and longevity. This allows her to be very skilled in combat and also very hard to kill. Even Phil Coulson didn't think she died after being thrown out of the Bus.
    • Superhuman Strength:

      Sif pushing an RV

      Like all Asgardians, Sif possesses great superhuman strength. Strong enough for her to hold her own against the Frost Giants and Marauders, attack the Destroyer from above, piercing its chest with her sword, and with one push from her foot, move a very large RV a considerable distance. She was also strong enough to push her sword through a Inertial Confinement Laser Barrier with a little resistance.
    • Superhuman Durability: Sif's body is more resistant to physical and energy damage. She is able to withstand great impact forces from Frost Giants and the Destroyer, and exposure to extreme temperatures and pressures of Jotunheim. She can also withstand shotgun blasts at close range without any injuries.
    • Superhuman Speed: Sif can run and move at great superhuman speed, fast enough to outrun a Frost Beast and stop a sharp missile from hitting Thor with her shield.
    • Superhuman Agility:
      Sif vs

      Sif leaping onto the Destroyer

      Sif naturally possessed great enough agility to defeat multiple Frost Giants and had the upper hand for most of her duel with Vin-Tak.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Sif's superhuman endurance allows her to exercise her maximum capacity for an extremely long period of time without tiring at all. She was able to hold on to the top of the Bus for an extended period of time, while the plane was in the air, traveling at full speed.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Sif can react and dodge objects traveling at high speeds. She blocked an arrow heading towards Thor without looking and was able to dodge a few blows from a Kree named Vin-Tak, but was ultimately hit.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body's resistance, Sif can still be injured like any other Asgardian. However, she is able to heal at a very rapid rate. After Sif and the Warriors Three took a severe beating from the Destroyer, she returned to Asgard looking no worse for ware. However, as with most Asgardian's, Sif's healing had its limits, and she was unable to regenerate lost limbs, Her arm did not regenerate after Gorr the God Butcher cut it off.
    • Longevity: Sif ages at a considerably slow rate, being able to live for thousands of years. This ability is shared among all Asgardians. Even though she is more than a thousand years old, Sif still looks like a young woman by Earth standards.


"I'm a decent fighter."
―Sif to Phil Coulson and Melinda May[src]
  • Master Combatant:

    Sif fighting against the Marauders

    Sif is an extremely skilled and formidable hand-to-hand combatant, having received extensive training in unarmed combat and swordsmanship as well as having centuries of combat experience, making her one of the most powerful and best warriors in Asgard. Asgard's greatest warrior Thor comments that Sif proved "all wrong who scoffed at the idea of a young maiden being one of the fiercest warriors." that the Asgardian realm had ever known. Lorelei comments that "the graves of Asgard's enemies are filled with men who underestimated Sif.;" this suggests that Lorelei felt Sif was a dangerous threat to her, granted that Sif was just as skilled as Lorelei. Thor stated that Sif was one of the best warriors the Nine Realms had ever known. Sif was able to hold her own in battle against legions of Marauders, Frost Giants, and a Kree. Sif was also able to survive a battle with Gorr the God Butcher, whereas most gods fell to him.
"She's a warrior. I saw her fight in New Mexico with Thor. Climbed a giant metal killing machine, speared it with her double-bladed sword. It was pretty badass."
―Phil Coulson[src]
  • Sword Mastery:

    Sif brutally impaling the Destroyer

    Sif is extremely skilled at using her unique Asgardian sword in combat, with centuries of training and experience in wielding it. She uses it as either separate as two blades or a single long sword staff, with a versatile shield as a part of her fighting style. Sif is widely feared and recognized for her powerful and versatile swordsmanship in battle, which ranked her as one of Asgard's greatest warriors, and even made her nemesis, Lorelei, desire Sif's sword for her own. Even after her left arm was severed by Gorr the God Butcher, she began to effectively train young Asgardians in the way of battle.
  • Shield Mastery: Sif is highly skilled at using a shield in combat, with centuries of training and experience in wielding it. She uses a unique Asgardian sword, with a versatile shield as a part of her fighting style.
"Kava, for example. I thought it was a name. 'Tis a Kree word."
"You also learn other species' entire languages as a child?"
―Sif and Phil Coulson[src]
  • Multilingualism: Sif is fluent in her native Asgardian, as well as English and Kree.[17]


Asgardian Armor[]

  • First Set: Sif's first armor consisted of a collared red mini-dress over chain mail and was covered with silver plating. The silver plating was in the shape of a deep-scoop shirt with her upper chest covered by silver chain mail. It also was in the form of a belt and shoulder pads. Her right upper arm had a silver bracelet and her left arm had a red band around it. Her hands and lower arms were covered by red fabric and her arms had arm-bracers. Sif wore dark-grey pants and detailed black boots. This armor was worn with a pale grayish-purple cloak during her visit to Jotunheim.
  • Second Set: Sif's second armor was silver and dark red. Under her armor, she wore a red leather dress that continued down her torso ending in a multi-paneled mini-skirt. Over her dress, she wore silver armor plates that ended right above her cleavage. Her neck was covered by a sheer material. Sif also wore black pants under her dress and brown knee-high boots decorated with silver metal which matched her armor.
  • Third Set: Sif fitted herself with a third armor while she was banished from Asgard. This one even came with a metallic helmet that she wore while fighting Gorr the God Butcher.


"Give me my sword, Lorelei."
―Sif to Lorelei[src]

Lady Sif's sword

  • Double-Bladed Sword: Sif's signature weapon of choice is a double-bladed sword. One of the two blades is retractable, allowing for Sif to fight with a single-blade. When both blades are exposed, they can be separated, allowing for Sif to fight with two blades.
  • Shield: Sif almost always carries around a shield, providing defense in battle. The shields are made up of a strong Asgardian metal capable of deflecting gunfire.

Other Equipment[]

  • Asgardian Collar: Sif brought an Asgardian collar with her when she was chasing Lorelei on Earth. After capturing Lorelei, Sif placed the collar on Lorelei which rendered her mute and prevented her from using her powers. Sif then took Lorelei back to Asgard, where she was imprisoned once more.


  • Bus: While working with S.H.I.E.L.D. to catch Lorelei, Sif stayed on the Bus. There, she sharpened her sword, which Melinda May saw. May then asked to see the sword itself. Suddenly, Lorelei attacked, sending Sif flying out of the Bus. Luckily, she was able to hand onto the roof.






Appearance for Sif


  • In Viking Mythology, Sif is the wife of Thor and mother of their daughter ThrĂșd. Sif has long golden hair and possibly blue eyes or light blue eyes. She is worshipped as the Goddess of Wheat, Earth, Harvest and Family. She has two husbands: Thor and Urvandill with Sif gives birth a son, Ullr, step-son of Thor and God of Justice, Hunt and Dueling.
  • In Marvel Comics she is Thor's lover and main love interest, not just a friend or a teammate. Her feelings for Thor are hinted at the end of the first film when she looks at him talking with his father, and also when Lorelei taunts her during their fight. Another reference was when Sif had lost her memory, but when Phil Coulson mentioned Thor, Sif said that though she did not know the name, it made her want to smile.
  • In the comics she is Heimdall's sister. This connection has not been explored in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • Sif is the first character to appear in both an ABC Show and in a Disney+ show with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Loki respectively.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • In Thor, Garrett referred to Sif as Xena from the 1995-2001 television show Xena: Warrior Princess, portrayed by Lucy Lawless.
  • Jaimie Alexander did not reprise her role as Sif in Thor: Ragnarok due to scheduling conflicts with Blindspot: "I was asked, but the timing of when they were going to shoot and when Blindspot was gonna shoot — it was pretty much the same time. So there was a conflict there. I was hoping for more of a notice from [the studio] so I could make it work, but it was a short notice thing. They called and said, 'Hey, by the way, would you come do this?' I said there is no way I can make that work that fast. It couldn’t happen. They were on a different continent! So it was sad. I was bummed about it".[21] In retrospective, Kevin Feige affirmed that it was a good decision to not bring back Alexander, as otherwise, Sif would have been probably killed in the film.[22]
  • Kylie Furneaux, ChloĂ© Bruce and Heidi Germaine Schnappauf were stunt doubles for Jaimie Alexander in the role of Sif.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Sif.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Sif.

External Links[]
