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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"What are we?"
"We're a team!"
―Mike Peterson and Ace Peterson[src]

Ace Peterson is the son of Mike Peterson and a big fan of the Avengers. He was distraught when he received word that his father had died; however, unbeknownst to everyone, the Centipede Project had faked his father's death. He was imprisoned by HYDRA, but freed by Coulson's Team and was brought back to his aunt, Mindy Peterson.


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This is an in-depth biography of Ace Peterson. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

Early Life[]

Ace Peterson lived with his father, Mike, and his mother, until his father suffered a back injury that caused him to lose his job, and his mother abandoned them both. Despite this, Peterson remained close to his father, who often acknowledged this relationship by calling themselves a "team". After the Battle of New York, Peterson became a huge fan of the Avengers.[1]

The Centipede[]

"You know, you got a birthday coming up in a couple of months. Who's your favorite?"
―Mike Peterson to Ace Peterson[src]
Ace peterson and the avengers toy figures

Peterson looks at the Avengers action figures

One day in Los Angeles, Peterson went with his father to buy one of the action figures of the Avengers at Mr. Toppy's Toys, but when watching the toy shop window, both Peterson and Michael realized that their current financial situation would not allow them to afford a birthday present. In that moment, a nearby building exploded, and Michael, who had been previously enhanced with the Centipede Serum, which granted him strength beyond a normal human, entered the building to rescue some of the occupants. While Mike saved a woman, Peterson was taken care of by a nearby hot-dog vendor.

When his father's condition began to deteriorate, both mentally and physically, due to the Extremis that the Centipede Device injected in his blood, Mike thought that the best option was to flee both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the recently exposed Centipede Project and to make Skye erase all files about them and take them to the nearest train station to rebuild their lives in a new place.


Peterson being reunited with his father

Mike kidnapped both Peterson and Skye, but was confronted by Phil Coulson and successfully subdued and stabilized. Peterson was taken to live with Mike's sister Mindy while his father was then taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. protective custody for rehabilitation.[1]

Kidnapping by the Centipede Group[]

After the incident in Los Angeles, Peterson remained with his aunt Mindy, while his father, unknown to Peterson, had started training to become a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Mike sent him all the action-figures of the Heroes of New York, and Peterson was happy to know that his father had a job. However, Mike had never visited his son since he arrived to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Training Facility, because he was too embarrassed that the last time Peterson saw him, he was a "monster" due to the mental instability caused by the Centipede Serum.

Encouraged by Phil Coulson, Mike decided to call his son to tell him he would return to see him, only to have Raina, who had somehow found Peterson's location, threaten to kill him if Peterson did not trade Coulson for Peterson. With no choice, Mike was forced to trick Coulson's Team into thinking they wanted him.

When the exchange started, Mike attempted to break off the deal by threatening Raina's life but Coulson told him it was okay, understanding that he had no other choice. After Peterson was taken to safety in Skye's care, Mike attempted to redeem himself by going back to rescue Coulson only for Raina and her group to have the area explode, brutally burning him and destroying his right leg.[2]

Son of Deathlok[]

After his father's presumed death, Peterson was guarded by S.H.I.E.L.D. Mike, now under the thrall of the Clairvoyant, and an unwilling operative of the Centipede Project, asked his handlers through his Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implant for permission to see his son and let him know that he was alive, but he was told "Not yet".[3]

When S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Felix Blake was attacked by Deathlok at Tranquility Bridge assisted living home, Blake attempted to persuade Mike Peterson to stop by mentioning that Peterson had a son that missed him. Deathlok responded that Mike Peterson was dead before critically injuring Blake.[4]

During the HYDRA Uprising, Peterson was seized by HYDRA forces and imprisoned at a Cybertek facility as an incentive for his father to follow orders. After Deathlok captured Skye who was escaping from Grant Ward, Skye reminded Peterson of his son. Peterson reminded her that Peterson was left in her protection, but she gave him to what is now a defunct organization.[5]

John Garrett would use seeing pictures of Peterson as Deathlok's reward for doing his work. After Deathlok decapitated a South American drug lord for Ian Quinn's super-soldier scheme, Garrett rewarded him by downloading pictures of Peterson's activities. When Raina and Deathlok discussed their motives for working with Garrett, Deathlok explained how his son was Garrett's prisoner.[6]

Peterson was freed when Skye released all of the prisoners used to force Cybertek personnel to work for HYDRA, with Skye giving him a action figure of the Hulk to comfort him. His freedom allowed Deathlok to act against Garrett without fear. He was re-united with his aunt Mindy, but not his father, who felt too ashamed to approach him.[7]


As a kid, Peterson is very oblivious, not knowing any better. He always followed his father, Mike Peterson, and missed him. He easily trusted Raina when she kidnapped him, making him think she was his friend. He loved his superhero action figures, which his father finally bought him.


Other Equipment[]


  • Skye's Van: Peterson and Skye were kidnapped by Mike Peterson, forcing her to erase all files about him existing. Skye drove Peterson and his father to a train station.



  • Cybertek Manufacturing Facility: Peterson was kidnapped by HYDRA and brought to a Cybertek facility, where he was held hostage to manipulate his father into doing HYDRA's bidding. Peterson was rescued by Skye and helped her send him a message so that they could be reunited.






In chronological order:


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Ace Peterson.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Ace Peterson.