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Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Betty Brant
Betty Brant (Spider-Man (1967))
Real Name Betty Brant
Team Affiliations The Daily Bugle
Family and Friends Peter Parker (Friend)
J. Jonah Jameson (Employer)
Betty Brant is from the Non MAU series Spider-Man.

Betty Brant is J. Jonah Jameson's secretary at the The Daily Bugle.


She was once kidnapped by Doctor Octopus but was rescued by Spider-Man.

When J. Jonah Jameson captured Spider-Man with the Spider-Slayer, Betty purposely unplugged the Spider-Slayer's remote control which gave Spider-Man enough time to escape. However, Betty pretended like it was an accident.

Peter Parker once tried to ask Betty out on a date, but he was interrupted by J. Jonah Jameson.

When Betty went to Parafino's Max Museum to look for Peter Parker, she was captured by the criminal, Parafino. Parafino then threatened to throw Betty into a vat of hot wax if Spider-Man tried to capture him. However, Betty was rescued by Spider-Man.

When Harley Clivendon stole money from J. Jonah Jameson, Jameson blamed Betty. Furious at the accusations, Betty quit her job. However, when Spider-Man captured Clivendon, Jameson apologized to Betty and offered her her job back.

Betty was once attacked by a living shadow that was created by the Fifth Avenue Phantom. However, she was rescued by Spider-Man.


Betty Brant was voiced by Peg Dixon.

First version of the character outside the comics.

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