Marvel Database

Quote1 A place that's nowhere special on the way to everywhere special. Quote2
—Maria Hill[src]

Sokovia, officially the Republic of Sokovia is a small country located in eastern Europe. Its capital city is Novi Grad.

Flag of Sokovia

Flag of Sokovia


In an effort to end the country's political turmoil, several attacks were orchestrated by the United States Air Force against Sokovia, in which the city of Novi Grad was devastated by a series of air raids. This resulted in massive infrastructure and property damage, along with heavy civilian casualties, including those of Iryna and Oleg Maximoff, contributing to the country's decline.[1] Iryna and Olek's twin children, Wanda and Pietro, were trapped under the rubble for two days, unwilling to move from fear of setting off an explosive they could see, made by Stark Industries.[2] The twins were eventually rescued and then moved into a local orphanage.[3] The bombings led to civil unrest and anti-American protests, with Sokovians blaming their government for not being able to protect them, as well as holding Stark Industries responsible for supplying weapons used in the attacks.[1]

While serving with the United States Army, Mary Walker and her squad were stationed out in Sokovia where they were eventually attacked and captured by the Sokovian Armed Forces. Walker and the surviving members of her squad were locked in a Sokovian prison where Walker was tortured and raped repeatedly by the Sokovian military, while also being forced to watch her squad members being executed before her eyes.

Eventually, Walker was removed from her cell and became aware that the Sokovian military were preparing to execute her. Unlocking a different personality within her mind, Walker broke free and armed herself with twin machetes, which she used to slaughter the soldiers until she was the only person left standing. Walker was eventually discovered by the US Army, although she had no memory of how the men around her had died.[4]

Baron Strucker's Hydra cells took advantage of Sokovia's numerous protests, and used them as a cover for their operations in a secret fortress. Strucker offered two protesters Wanda and Pietro Maximoff to sign up for an experiment that would give both of them extraordinary powers.[5]

The tiny country was thrown further into disarray when Ultron implemented a plan to create a global extinction event by raising an area of land, with a major city atop, into the air and ramming it back into the ground. The plan was thwarted primarily by the Avengers and their allies, along with limited assistance from the Sokovian police, but the portion of land lifted in the air ended up destroyed.[6]

During Sokovia's destruction, Helmut Zemo lost his father, wife, and only son, for which he vowed revenge on the Avengers.[7]

Following the Battle of Sokovia, Sokovia was eventually annexed by neighboring countries, which led to it being erased from the map. A memorial established after the "Battle of Sokovia" dedicated to the victims of Ultron was erected where Novi Grad once stood.[8] In the spring of 2024, Helmut Zemo visited the memorial and was met by Bucky Barnes. Ayo and two other members of the Dora Milaje arrived and arrested Zemo, taking him away in the Royal Talon Fighter.[8]

Alternate Realities[]

Sokovia from Captain America Steve Rogers Vol 1 7 001

Marvel Universe (Earth-616)[]

In this universe, Sokovia was a former Soviet Bloc nation plagued by decades of brutal conflict and corruption. Following a fight for independence led by General Alois Denz, the nation fell to dictator General Kamil Novoty, whose totalitarian control and appalling human rights record made him known as "the Butcher" by many of his citizens.

War and broken international sanctions further ravaged the country, causing hunger and sickness to befall on its inhabitants. The infrastructure of Sokovia's cities was lacking as a consequence of years of bombings, and many areas even lacked clean drinking water. The United Nations humanitarian relief missions struggled to alleviate the misfortune of Sokovia, and most Sokovians considered the western nations treated them with contempt.

Sokovia from Captain America Steve Rogers Vol 1 7 002

The Red Skull took advantage of Sokovia's status and invaded the country with Hydra's army to oppose Novoty's forces, gaining the support of the civilians regardless of Hydra's ties with fascism. Once Hydra's invasion reached Sokovia's capital, the Skull arranged a meeting with Novoty. The villain revealed he wanted to stage Hydra's defeat, so the countries from the Occident and S.H.I.E.L.D. would take interest on Sokovia and would be lured to deploy their forces on the small country.[9]

S.H.I.E.L.D. intervened in the war, seemingly diminishing Hydra's strength, and ravaging the country in the process.[10] A turning point in Hydra's favor was Red Skull locating hidden Soviet nuclear warheads,[11] which he used as leverage once Hydra had taken over Sokovia's capital city to force the world leaders to recognize his authority as Sokovia's new ruler.[12]

Points of Interest




See Also

Links and References

