Marvel Database
Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN579" used in this article is unofficial , used by this wiki for internal purposes only until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).

Ahhh, yes! Power! This is what real power feels like! No more parlor tricks and sleight of hand! Mysterio is now the master of real magic!



One night, Mysterio attempted to steal the Tablet of Order and Chaos, but was caught by Spider-Man. During the scuffle, Spider-Man broke the tablet and Mysterio escaped with a piece of it. He would find out that the fragment gave him the power to make his illusions real.

He tracked down Spider-Man and kidnapped his ally, Madame Web, and demanded the rest of the tablet or he'd kill her. Spider-Man tried to avoid giving the fragment, but it reassembled itself in Mysterio's hands. He began to change Earth-TRN579 into his image, but Madame Web was able to teleport the other three Spider-Men, from the realities which the other fragments fell, to Earth-TRN579 and they defeated Mysterio.[1]



  • Illusion Conjuring: Mysterio is an incredible stage magician, using special effects, advanced magic tricks, hallucinogens, sleight of hand, hypnosis and holograms to mimic the effects of real magic.
  • Master Showmanship: Mysterio is a masterful showman, making his performances seem more dramatic, thus making his illusions seem like real magic due to his theatricality.



Seemingly those of the Quentin Beck of Earth-616.



  • Initially, the character design for Mysterio was originally to be used for the cancelled Spider-Man: Web of Shadows sequel called "Spider-Man: Classic" as one of its antagonists including Carnage to appear in the game shown in the concept arts.[2] But after its cancellation, Beenox repurposed the design for this version of Mysterio instead.

See Also

Links and References

