“You push me too far, dear sister! Do you think I don't know what's been going on between you and that freak? Do you think I don't know about the pretty little fairy tales you've been spinning for him? Do you think I don't know about your trip to Connecticut?”
—Desmond Marrs to his sister, Phoebe Marrs, apparently upset about her relationship with Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie). Either that, or he doesn't like Connecticut.
Appearing in "Into the Savage Land"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Griffin (Johnny Horton)
- Jacqueline Falsworth (Spitfire)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers)
- Phoebe Marrs
- Desmond Marrs
- Shalak (First appearance)
- Super-Skrull (Impersonates Iron Fist)
Other Characters:
- Lady Dorma clone
- Llyra (Main story and flashback)
- Neptune (Invoked)
- Nuwali (Mentioned)
- New York City
- Atlantis (Modern) (Only in flashback)
- Morris Oceanarium (Only in flashback)
- Avengers Mansion
- Tha-Korr
- Savage Land
Synopsis for "Into the Savage Land"
- Synopsis not yet written