Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Appearing in "Having a Wild Weekend (Part 8) - There's No Place Like Home"

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Synopsis for "Having a Wild Weekend (Part 8) - There's No Place Like Home"

In a cell in Crossmoor, a shadowed figure watches as Excalibur find the end of the Yellow Brick road, at the Emerald City. Suddenly, they are caught in a hurricane, which dumps a house next to them, out of which Munchkins wielding guns pour. While Excalibur pummel the munchkins, the Loonies wake, having been sent to sleep by Kitty, and quickly dash towards the Emerald City.

When Excalibur get to the city, they are asked if they have an appointment. Captain Britain punches through the door, saying that’s all the appointment they need. As they arrive in the Wizard’s room, Arcade’s head is floating there, and as his Loonies burst in, he orders them to kill Excalibur. However, Excalibur don’t move, as Kitty announces she made some robots using Arcade’s technology, who she calls ‘The Merry Maladies’. As they destroy the Loonies, Kitty shows them their escape, which sticks to the Wizard of Oz theme. Excalibur escape in a hot air balloon, that they pilot back to their lighthouse.

Appearing in "Stardust Miseries (Part 1) - Something in the Air"

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Synopsis for "Stardust Miseries (Part 1) - Something in the Air"

Wonder Man works out in the gym at the West Coast Avengers base, but can’t shake the feeling that something feels wrong. Hawkeye comes in, and tells him that he’s been offered the part of the Human Torch in a film, and he accepted on his behalf. He also reminds Wonder Man that he has monitor duty for the base. But Wonder Man is distracted, and watches his transformation into Wonder Man back on video. Suddenly, he feels as though someone is breaking into his mind. He fights at first, but then accepts it, and flies into town. There, he angrily shoves a man out of his way, as he is spied on by a woman…

Back at the West Coast Avengers base, the West Coast Avengers discuss Wonder Man’s disappearance. Suddenly, he bursts in, and storms past them. As the Vision grabs him, asking him to explain himself, Wonder Man punches him. In response, Hawkeye fires an arrow that wraps Wonder Man up in knots, but he breaks out. After firing an exploding arrow to try and knock him back to his senses, Hawkeye is grabbed by Wonder Man, but the Vision protects him. Angrily, he says he is quitting the West Coast Avengers.

As he flies to the harbour, he realises something is wrong with him. As he lands, the lady who had been spying on him meets him, and persuades him to go with her…

Appearing in "Art for Art's Sake"

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Synopsis for "Art for Art's Sake"

As the Hulk storms into Mr Gruska’s office, his secretary calls security. They try to stop him, but he effortlessly throws them out of the way. One of them opens fire, but the bullets bounce off harmlessly and he knocks out the man. Entering Gruska’s office, he sees him trying to crawl along the ledge of the window to the next room across, but he drags him back inside, and the Hulk introduces himself as Mr Fixit. He says that Gruska owes his boss, Berengetti, $109,000. Gruska writes a cheque, but Fixit adds that as interest, Berengetti wants Brian Newman, one of Gruska’s acts, to perform for his girlfriend. He agrees, and Fixit leaves.

Later, Berengetti tells Fixit that Gruska has disappeared to Europe, and Brian Newman refuses to perform anymore. Berengetti orders Fixit to visit Newman.

At Newman’s house, Fixit bursts in, and asks again if he wants to play for Berengetti’s girlfriend, which he declines. Newman explains that he is working on his masterpiece, which Fixit asks him to play. He does, and in response, Fixit agrees that he will play for Berengetti’s girlfriend, but only when he has finished it. Fixit tells Berengetti on the phone, who isn’t best pleased, but accepts anyway. Fixit bids Newman farewell, and hums his song down the corridor as he leaves.

Appearing in "Black Shadow White Shadow (Part 1) - The Killing Ground"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Sergeant Wing


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Synopsis for "Black Shadow White Shadow (Part 1) - The Killing Ground"

In Hong Kong, Wolverine looks down from the roof of a building as he sees the space a whole city block just vanished from. As Wolverine drops down to investigate, the police guarding the site are overrun by scavengers, and he helps save one of the female police officers from the mob. One of them pulls a gun, but Wolverine slashes the gun to pieces, and then knocks out her attacker. The scavengers are after a Jewellery shop, one wall of which has disappeared, leaving the contents ripe for the picking. He slashes one of its remaining walls, burying the jewels under rubble so they can’t be stolen. As he takes out the attackers, the police regroup. Wolverine defeats the mob, but they try to put him under arrest. He runs, not wanting to hurt them, and the female police officer stops him from being shot. As the police round up the scavengers, Wolverine wonders what could make an entire city block just vanish…


  • Wraparound cover.


The Merry Maladies are all versions of the Looney Tunes enemies of the Loonies.

See Also

Links and References

