Marvel Database

Quote1 We vote, Quire. On whether we go to help. Quote2

Kymera is the daughter of Ororo Munroe from an alternate future.



A student of the Jean Grey School, Kymera had tangled with the Brotherhood, including Raze, many times in the past.[1] Despite her heroism, she never really got along with her mother.[2]


After helping the past and present X-Men to defeat the Brotherhood of her time, Kymera decided to stay in the present to help them if any future problems were to ever return.[3]

When the Future attacked the Jean Grey School looking to kidnap his biological child Shogo, Kymera reluctantly offered advice to the present-day X-Men based on how the conflict had played out in her timeline. In truth, however, saving her best friend, the Shogo from her time, from the grief caused by the event was what led her to stay in the past to begin with. This goal led her to kill one of the Future's henchmen, altering the timeline, though she still knew enough to use Shogo's blood to control the Bloodline and rescue Jubilee. Disagreements with the present-day X-Men, however, ultimately led her to leave the school, promising the stick around only in the event that Shogo was ever in danger again.[4]

Kymera was back in her own future when the Shi'ar attacked. One of many on a ship destroyed by the aliens, she was killed.[5]



  • Enhanced Senses: After picking up someone's scent, Kymera can track them over long distances.[1]
  • Animal Empathy: Kymera can influence animal behaviors psionically, such as directing a hawk to swoop down and carry a child to safety.[citation needed]


Kymera is an expert hand-to-hand combatant and tracker.[citation needed]



Kymera uses both her own daggers and her control over a black panther in combat.[6]


  • Kymera's father is likely Storm's former lover T'Challa, given her black panther mascot with markings resembling vibranium.

See Also

Links and References

