—Hank DrummondGun's empty -- didn't even faze 'em -- he just keeps on comin' -- like a blasted tank!
Solicit Synopsis
Adventure Into Fear with Man-Thing, Morbius and monsters in the Mighty Marvel Manner! The classic 1970s horror series is collected in full - including every last reprint, backup tale and hair-raising adventure of its iconic series stars! First, thrill to a scintillating selection of terrifying Atlas Era and Silver Age stories by such legends as Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko! Then, the shambling muck-monster Man-Thing oozes into the spotlight - and those who know fear will burn at his touch! That includes demon cults, sorcerers and Thog the Nether-Spawn - but what about the sky-being named Wundarr? Next, Morbius the Living Vampire claims the title role - and faces threats including the Cat People, the Caretakers of Arcturus and the deadly Daemond! But will Morbius be staked by Blade the Vampire Slayer? Prepare to know fear in its full form!
Fear #1
1st story
1st story
Fear #2
1st story
1st story
Fear #3
1st story
1st story
Fear #4
1st story
1st story
Fear #5
1st story
1st story
Fear #6
1st story
1st story
Fear #7
1st story
1st story
Fear #8
1st story
1st story
Fear #9
1st story
1st story
Fear #10
Fear #11
"Night of the Nether-Spawn!"
"Night of the Nether-Spawn!"
Fear #12
"No Choice of Colors!"
"No Choice of Colors!"
Fear #13
"Where Worlds Collide!"
"Where Worlds Collide!"
Fear #14
"The Demon Plague!"
"The Demon Plague!"
Fear #15
"From Here to Infinity!"
"From Here to Infinity!"
Fear #16
"Cry of the Native!"
"Cry of the Native!"
Fear #17
"It Came Out of the Sky!"
"It Came Out of the Sky!"
Fear #18
"A Question of Survival!"
"A Question of Survival!"
Fear #19
"The Enchanter's Apprentice!"
"The Enchanter's Apprentice!"
Fear #20
"Morbius the Living Vampire!"
"Morbius the Living Vampire!"
Fear #21
"Project: Second Genesis!"
"Project: Second Genesis!"
Fear #22
"-- This Vampire Must Die!"
"-- This Vampire Must Die!"
Fear #23
"Alone Against Arcturus!"
"Alone Against Arcturus!"
Fear #24
"Return to Terror!"
"Return to Terror!"
Fear #25
"And What of a Vampire's Blood...?"
"And What of a Vampire's Blood...?"
Fear #26
"A Stillborn Genesis!"
"A Stillborn Genesis!"
Fear #27
"Night of the Vampire-Stalker"
"Night of the Vampire-Stalker"
Fear #28
"The Doorway Screaming into Hell!"
"The Doorway Screaming into Hell!"
Fear #29
"Through a Helleyes Darkly!"
"Through a Helleyes Darkly!"
Fear #30
"The Vampires of Mason Manor!"
"The Vampires of Mason Manor!"
Fear #31
"The End of a Vampire!"
"The End of a Vampire!"