—Morbius the Living Vampire (Michael Morbius)None of you... made a move...! You stood there-- and let me destroy her!
Appearing in "Alone Against Arcturus!"
Featured Characters:
- Morbius the Living Vampire (Michael Morbius) (Main story and recap)
Supporting Characters:
- Lord I (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Unnamed Man (Android) (First appearance; dies)
- Unnamed Woman (Arcturan)
- Daemond (Only in recap)
- Caretakers (Only in recap)
- Balkatar (Only in recap)
- King Gerark (Only in recap)
- Numerous unnamed Mutant Arcturans
- Numerous unnamed Arcturans (Only in flashback)
Races and Species:
- Living Vampires (Main story and recap)
- Humans (Main story and recap)
- Androids
- Arcturans (First appearance)
- Fortisquians (Only in recap)
- Cat People (Only in recap)
- Mutant Arcturans (First appearance)
- Earthspace (Main story and recap)
- Milky Way (Main story and recap)
- Arcturian System (First appearance)
- Arcturus IV (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- Arcturian System (First appearance)
- Sol (Only in recap)
- Earth (Only in recap)
- North America (Only in recap)
- United States of America (Only in recap)
- California (Only in recap)
- Los Angeles County (Only in recap)
- Los Angeles (Only in recap)
- Los Angeles County (Only in recap)
- California (Only in recap)
- United States of America (Only in recap)
- North America (Only in recap)
- Earth (Only in recap)
- Milky Way (Main story and recap)
- Land Within (Only in recap)
- River of Oblivion (Only in recap)
- Incuflasks (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
Synopsis for "Alone Against Arcturus!"
After passing through the wall in the Land Within, Morbius awakens on a strange planet hungering for blood. After wandering for days, he finds a young couple and attacks the man, but discovers that the liquid in his victim's veins is not blood, meaning he has killed for nothing. He reminisces about what’s happened thus far, then discovers that the male was an android, so he attacks and drains the woman, though not enough to kill her.
Travelling to a city in the distance, he is met by a mental projection of Lord I, Potentate of Arcturus. Emerging from the shadows, Lord I explains that Morbius is to remain on Arcturus because the Caretakers cannot be allowed to complete their work on Earth. I explains that the Caretakers are the ancestors of the Arcturans, and that the tampering that was done caused an escalating war over the genetic future of their race, a war that ended in nuclear annihilation. Most survivors went mad and fled the cities, living in tribes that have forgotten how they even came to be. Lord I and his fellow mutants had been created to be a super-intelligent and incredibly long-lived super-race, but had been changed by the radioactive fallout that massively mutated their bodies, and left them all wishing to die.
Unwilling to believe Lord I’s statement, Morbius grabs a nearby woman and threatens to kill her. He is astounded as the Arcturans stand by silently and allow him to drain her completely. Realizing that this is the future in store for humanity, Morbius agrees that the Caretakers must die.
Appearing in "The Last Stop"
Featured Characters:
- Nick Taras (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Unnamed Man (Hit-and-Run Victim)
- Unnamed Coworker
Other Characters:
- Unidentified Police Department
- Unnamed Police Officer
- Unnamed Waitress
- Unnamed Mobster
Races and Species:
- Earth-616
- Earth
- United States of America
- East Park Road
- United States of America
- Earth
- Nick's Truck