Marvel Database

Quote1 I was taught all I needed to know about your kind, when I was a weeping child, pleading to be allowed back to my family and my people... They were hard lessons, but I shall never forget them. After all... They made me what I am today. Quote2


A time traveling experiment gone wrong created another divergent timeline, one in which present day heroes already emerged in the 17th century, the year 1602 to be precise. Mutants were referred to as "witchbreed" and, as such, were feared and hunted during the Spanish Inquisition.

In this reality, Enrique was a Jewish child born in the Ghetto of Venice. At the age of five, he strayed from the ghetto and was detained and baptized by an over-enthusiastic priest who took a liking to the boy. The Catholic Church refused to return him to his family and he was raised as a child of the church.[1]

Under unknown circumstances, Enrique discovered his power as a witchbreed and befriended Carlos Javier. However, their friendship broke apart when Enrique came to a position of power within the church as Grand Inquisitor. He ostentatiously hunted witchbreed and burned them at the stake. However, he only sacrificed those with obvious mutations, while he placed witchbreed who could pass as humans, such as his own children Wanda and Petros, within his Brotherhood.[2]

When the Church discovered Enrique's powers by interrogating Toad, they sent an agent to burn the Inquisitor at the stake. He used his powers to escape from the stake and fled with his children to America. There, Javier and his Witchbreed stopped Enrique's ship and he agreed to help them. Javier and his Witchbreed led him to a temporal rip, which Enrique manipulated with his mutant powers, allowing Sir Nicholas Fury to send the Forerunner, Rojhaz, back to his own time. He left the siblings in Javier's care, promising he would return for them.[3]






A helmet, a gift from Carlos Javier when they were friends.[1]

See Also

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