Marvel Database

Quote1 No matter what I do, people get hurt. People die. But I can stop it now. I have the power. It's time to use it. Quote2


The history of this universe seemingly mirrors that of Earth-616 up until the period Peter Parker bonded to the symbiote that later became Venom.

Haunted by chronic nightmares of his failures and feeling his life is in ruins, Spider-Man becomes increasingly short-tempered and brutal in his crime-fighting, influenced by the symbiote masquerading as his black suit. After accidentally hurting Mary Jane Watson, Spider-Man attempts to take the symbiote to the Fantastic Four for analysis only for the suit to seemingly malfunction.

Coming across the Hobgoblin, Spider-Man is tempted by the symbiote to kill him but instead removes his mask and terrorizes him before leaving him as a warning to the other super-criminals. After a heart-to-heart with his girlfriend Black Cat, Spider-Man travels to the Baxter Building, where Mister Fantastic and Human Torch are alarmed by the change in his personality. While Spider-Man sleeps and has a nightmare where the symbiote urges him to accept that he can't protect the ones he cares about without hurting those who get in his way, Mister Fantastic scans the black suit and determines it is an alien symbiote. Briefly surprised, Spider-Man accepts this and welcomes his bond to the creature, rebuking Mister Fantastic for wanting to imprison and experiment on it.

Deciding to make amends with his Aunt May, who he'd been estranged from after dropping out of university, Peter stops by her house - unaware that the Hobgoblin had followed him. The Hobgoblin - now aware of Spider-Man's civilian identity - attacks and burns down May's house with her inside, the symbiote's fear of fire preventing Peter from rescuing her. Directing his grief and rage towards the Hobgoblin, Spider-Man transforms into a monstrous form and kills the supervillain, vowing to use his power to crush his enemies before they can hurt any more of his loved ones.[1]

Spider-Man began killing criminals. He also threatened J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle for his frequent smears in his paper. The Kingpin tried to get rid of Spider-Man by hiring Scorpion and Shocker to kill him, but Spider-Man killed them instead and then apparently killed the Kingpin.[2]

Due to Spider-Man's actions, various criminals formed the Sinister Six to stop Spider-Man with Jameson as an ally. They lured Spider-Man to a remote area and battled him. Spider-Man killed half the criminals before Jameson attacked in a remotely-piloted Spider-Slayer Mark V. The battle entered a burning barn where Jameson was about to kill Spider-Man but was convinced by Spider-Man to help him after stating the symbiote was controlling him. The symbiote left Spider-Man after an explosion caused by Kraven the Hunter, and Jameson helped Spider-Man flee the area and get back to his apartment. However, police then surrounded Spider-Man's apartment after the Kingpin leaked Spider-Man's secret identity as Peter Parker. As for the symbiote, it became angry and vengeful for Spider-Man abandoning it. So, it took over Mister Fantastic, blaming him for Peter having questioned their bond. It then proceeded to extract several offspring from itself, forcibly bonding one of them to the Thing.[3]

The symbiote then covered the Baxter Building in symbiote biomass so no one could interfere. This drew the attention of the Avengers and X-Factor who tried to solve the situation with the remaining members of the Fantastic Four. Spider-Man convinced Captain America to allow him enter the Baxter Building and defeat the symbiote. As Spider-Man entered, Mary Jane and the Human Torch followed after him. Later, the symbiote unleashed a swarm of its offspring upon New York City.[4]

Spider-Man made his way to Reed's lab and came up with a plan to stop the symbiote. He asked Torch to lure the symbiote back to the Baxter Building. Torch then impersonated Spider-Man using Thing's Image Inducer and tricked it into releasing Reed, though the symbiote killed Reed to prevent him from interfering. After Torch lured the symbiote into the Baxter Building, he killed it with his flames, freeing everyone possessed by the symbiote's offspring. Spider-Man turned himself in for the criminal he killed. Thanks to the testimony from superheroes were possessed by the symbiote's offspring, Spider-Man was found not guilty of his crimes. Spider-Man was later asked to join the Fantastic Four by Invisible Woman. The Kingpin, who survived Spider-Man's attempt to kill him but left crippled, was angry that Spider-Man was found not guilty for his crimes and swore to end Spider-Man. To this end, he retrieved the surviving offspring of Spider-Man's symbiote, which was held in a glass container.[5]




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