Appearing in "Barbarians at the Gate!"
Featured Characters:
- Conan ⏵ (Member of the Snowhawk Tribe)
Supporting Characters:
- Cimmerians
- Snowhawk Tribe
- Rion of the Laughing Visage (First appearance) (Death)
- Darkwolf Clan (First appearance)
- Shawan (First appearance; dies)
- Greybears (First appearance)
- Blackhowls (First appearance)
- Ice-Leopards (First appearance)
- Fenrik (First appearance; dies)
- Snowhawk Tribe
- Tamera ⏵
- Aquilonian soldiers
- Aquilonians
- Commander Metrius (First appearance; dies)
- Sodatus (First appearance)
- Gundermen
- Aquilonians
Other Characters:
- Shimata-Kawa ⏵ (First appearance)
- Picts (Mentioned)
- Vanir (Mentioned)
- Hyperboreans (Mentioned)
- Mitra (Invoked)
- Crom (Referenced)
- Shamahs (First appearance) (Statue)
Races and Species:
- Conan's Helmet
- Rion's Pendant
- Statue of Shamahs (Only appearance; destruction)
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "Barbarians at the Gate!"
How Conan and other Cimmerians conquered the Aquilonian outpost of Venarium.