Marvel Database


Early Life[]

Cerise is a native of the planet Shaskofrugnon, one of many planets in the galaxy ruled by the Shi'ar Empire. Little has been revealed about her home planet, though Cerise has mentioned that neither males nor females on her planet form emotional bonds. She was startled to see children on Earth as her people emerge fully grown from the "Source", which may be some form of artificial procreation.

Grand Jhar[]

Cerise was recruited the ranks of the Grand Jhar as a formidable warrior, assuming the role of a navigator aboard a Shi'ar recruitment vessel. Their objective: to enlist planets on the fringes of the star system into the Shi'ar Empire. However, Cerise found herself under the command of C'efn, a ruthless leader who favored coercion over diplomacy, contrary to their mission's ethos. On Cerise's maiden voyage aboard the S.G.E. recruitment ship, she witnessed the devastation wrought by C'Efn upon the peaceful, dolphin-like inhabitants of Knsashii, their ruling city obliterated. Confronting C'Efn in outrage, she was met with scorn for her compassion and idealism, promptly ordered to return to the vessel. It was then that Cerise resolved to thwart C'Efn's destructive path before more worlds fell victim to his brutality. Despite Cerise's vehement protests, C'Efn pressed on with his assault on the planet, heedless of her objections. She stood witness, powerless, as millions perished under the onslaught. Though unable to save the Knsashiians, Cerise resolved to prevent further tragedies. Manipulating the ship's navigational systems, she programmed it to plunge into a nearby star. Taking responsibility for her actions, she recorded a confession and, clad in a deep space suit, escaped in a shuttle. Cerise aimed to reach the nearest Shi'ar outpost to expose C'Efn's atrocities to Empress Lilandra. However, her plans were derailed when her craft was struck by a solar flare, hurling her off course. Passing through a stargate, Cerise found herself in orbit around Earth.[2]

Landing of Earth[]

She fled across the galaxy, eventually coming to Earth.[3] Emerging in a burst of energy, Cerise materialized within Excalibur's lighthouse headquarters. When she first arrived on, she was clad in a fearsome suit of armor, and could not communicate. Encountered by Nightcrawler and his N-Men, Cerise was assumed to be an invader and was attacked. When Nightcrawler realized she was only defending herself, he called a truce. Cerise, now able to communicate, omitted her Shi'ar heritage, describing herself simply as being "genestock of Subruki, Zarstok and Kuli Ka".[4]


Accepting Cerise's story, Excalibur welcomed her into their ranks. Cerise embarked on a journey of discovery, delving into Earth's culture and human dynamics. She joined the team in combat against the rock creatures of the Anti-Phoenix, showcasing her prowess.[5] She swiftly proved herself as a skilled combatant and steadfast ally in the face of various threats, including encounters with Necrom[6] and the Crazy Gang.[7] At a gathering, witnessing an intimate moment between Courtney Ross, Meggan, and Captain Britain, Cerise innocently inquired about the significance of "lip massage" in Earth customs. Amused by her curiosity, Nightcrawler explained its importance, leading Cerise to enthusiastically partake, sharing a moment with him. Recognizing Cerise's naivety, Nightcrawler took it upon himself to introduce her to the myriad wonders of Earth, deepening their bond through shared experiences.[8]


In the midst of the Warpies Saga, which involved the manipulation of superhuman children known as the Warpies, Cerise found herself perplexed by the notion of children. Shadowcat attempted to enlighten her about the process of childbirth and the growth of infants into adults. However, Cerise, in her confusion, disclosed that she herself emerged from the source.[1]

Cloud Nine[]

Confined within the confines of the sinister Cloud Nine facility, Cerise found herself grappling with unfamiliar emotions: a burgeoning affection for Nightcrawler. Confusion clouded her as she navigated the longing to be by his side and the pain of separation. While these sentiments were novel to Cerise, she discovered solace in the revelation that Kurt reciprocated her feelings. Their teammates, taken aback by the sudden romance, had little opportunity to express their concerns as the team swiftly became embroiled in another thrilling escapade spanning time and space.[9]


The newfound romance between Cerise and Nightcrawler was swiftly overshadowed by turmoil. Their teammate, Captain Britain, became lost in the currents of time following their adventures in Rachel's future. Unfamiliar with Earth's mourning customs, Cerise struggled to comprehend Kurt's sudden solemnity and the absence of affection between them. Before they could address this rift, their world was shaken by an unexpected assault from the spacefaring Starjammers. Under the orders of Shi'ar Majestrix Lilandra, the Starjammers sought to apprehend one of the empire’s most notorious war criminals: Cerise. Initially mistaken by Excalibur for a pursuit of Phoenix, the shocking truth was revealed when Cerise confessed her guilt to her teammates. Begging Kurt for forgiveness for her deception, she resigned herself to Shi’ar justice, surrendering to the Starjammers.[10]

Nightcrawler, unwilling to let go of his newfound love, suspected there was more to Cerise's story than she had disclosed. Alongside several teammates, he pursued the Starjammers to Shi'ar territory, persuading them to aid in uncovering the truth. However, they discovered that Cerise had already been convicted of treason and mass murder in absentia. Manipulated by her commanding officer, C'Efn, the fabricated ship logs painted Cerise's actions as treasonous, resulting in widespread hatred throughout the Shi'ar. Sentenced to life on the brutal prison planet Krag, Cerise befriended Cryan, an Oracle serving Lilandra, and defended her from fellow inmates. In a confrontation with the deadly assassin Fang, Cerise emerged victorious, but her actions were witnessed by Nightcrawler and the others, casting doubt on her innocence. Ultimately, Cryan revealed the complete truth through Lilandra's psychic powers, exposing Cerise's motives but also affirming her guilt. Despite sympathizing with her intentions, Lilandra upheld the verdict, though she amended Cerise's sentence to serve at her side, tasked with rooting out abuses of power. Despite Nightcrawler's protests and declarations of love, Cerise accepted her fate with resigned determination.[11]

Captain Britain and Meggan's Wedding[]

Cerise made a brief return to Earth to attend the wedding of Captain Britain and Meggan, only to be blindsided by the presence of Amanda Sefton, a potential rival for Nightcrawler's affection. Consumed by jealousy, she confronted Kurt, questioning why he had never shown concern for her well-being in her absence.[12]

Return to the Shi'ar Galaxy[]

Returning to Shi'ar territory, Cerise resumed her duties faithfully alongside Lilandra, serving on her council and executing sensitive missions. When a galactic council proposed converting Earth into a penal colony, Lilandra sensed ulterior motives and dispatched Cerise to seek the X-Men's assistance in investigating the situation firsthand. This mission reunited Cerise with Nightcrawler, her feelings for him unchanged since their last encounter. However, Cerise was unprepared for the transformation in Kurt's life. Greeting him with affection, she was met with resistance as Kurt revealed his commitment to becoming a priest, dedicating himself entirely to his faith. Though initially bewildered by his decision, Cerise eventually respected his unwavering devotion, despite his admission of lingering feelings for her. Together with the X-Men, Cerise uncovered the suspected Kree conspiracy, standing with Earth's defenders to safeguard the planet. As the crisis resolved, Cerise and Nightcrawler parted ways as friends, both guided by higher principles.[13]

Christmas visit[]

On Christmas Eve, Cerise visited Kurt on Earth and dazzled the audience at the circus with their acrobatic skills. As Kurt swung through the air, their paths intersected, and they shared a midair embrace before Kurt teleported them safely to the ground. The crowd erupted in cheers, believing it to be all part of the performance.Once on solid ground, Cerise questioned Kurt about the sacrifices he made for his faith, including potentially giving up their relationship. Kurt expressed his love for her and the X-Men, but emphasized that his ultimate allegiance lay with God. He explained that staying true to his faith was integral to being true to himself and those around him.[14]


After Lilandra's assassination during a political upheaval, Cerise's service alongside the Majestrix came to an end. Completing her assigned tenure, she resurfaced on the remote Kree planet Godthab Omega, only to be swept into the cataclysmic Annihilation Wave. Aligning herself with the Graces, a cadre of fierce female warriors led by the formidable Gamora, Cerise found herself drawn into a web of cosmic events. Under the influence of the enigmatic Glorian, the Graces embarked on a campaign to conquer Godthab Omega, one refugee settlement at a time. Despite the violent nature of their mission, Cerise displayed an uncharacteristic loyalty to Gamora and her sisterhood, swayed by Glorian's manipulations. Together, they defended Godthab Omega against the onslaught of Annihilus' forces during the chaos of the Annihilation Wave. Though Cerise survived the brutal conflict, her current whereabouts remain unknown following her liberation from Glorian's influence.[15]

Mr. and Mrs X[]

Cerise and Gambit were held captive by the Shi'ar Imperial Guard.[16]


Power Grid[23]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Single Type: Medium Range:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Enhanced:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (800 lbs-25 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned


Shi'ar Physiology

Red Light Generation and Manipulation: Cerise can generate and control coherent red spectrum light force which she can use for a variety of uses, such as a source of light. This ability seems to be connected to the Hard Skin used by the Kin Crimson.[19]

  • Energy Constructs: Cerise can use the red energy to form solid energy constructs. These include swords, armor, shields, funnels, and more. She once even used this energy to form a bubble to fly a whole broken Sentinel holding a group of her friends within, across the Atlantic Ocean as a means of disguise.[citation needed]
  • Concussive Blasts: Cerise can release the energy as concussive blasts.[18]
  • Flight: Cerise is also able to fly with and without the use of her energy fields.[18]


  • Experienced Combatant:Cerise is a skilled combatant, and is able to use technology far more advanced than contemporary Earth technology.[20] She is also skilled in the use of traditional weapons like shields and axes.[21]
  • Starship Navigator: Cerise is a trained starship navigator.[20]



Cerise wears gloves that allow her to search for specific lifeforms, energy patterns, and time/dimensional abnormalities in a surrounding area.

See Also

Links and References

