Marvel Database

Quote1 Yeah, it's a risk, but like you always say--with great power comes great responsibility! Quote2
—Cassie Lang[src]


Cassandra Lang (Earth-19725) from Spider-Girl The End Vol 1 1 002

as Stinger

Stinger has the same history as her Earth-982 counterpart until the final fight of Spider-Girl and Mayhem.

She was one of the many people shocked when teammate American Dream died at the hands of Mayhem.

When humanity was destroyed by the Bio-Preds, Cassie became one of humanity's guardians. She, April, and Mainframe came up with a plan to rebuild Time Platform and prevent Spider-Girl's death. Unfortunately, the Bio-Preds attacked their last hideout so many variables haven't been solved. Sending Mayhem into the past, the Bio-Preds attacked Cassie and Mainframe. It's unknown if they were killed before April made contact with her past counterpart.[1]



See Also

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