Marvel Database

Burunda, officially People's Republic of Burunda, was a small country in Africa, a former Portuguese colony ethnically dominated by the Domi people. It was the birthplace of Raul Bushman, a Domi mercenary and terrorist who became the nemesis of the superhero Moon Knight.

With Burunda indebted and poor, Bushman staged a military coup and became General-President for Eternity, but he failed to solve the country's problems and instead surrounded himself with luxuries while killing his own citizens, burning villages and exacerbating inequality; opposing voices, like General Jonathan B'kosa, faced exile or death penalty. Bushman exploited his status as a head of state to oppose Moon Knight, kidnapping Moon Knight's girlfriend Marlene Alraune for a ransom that would supposedly go to improve the country, and keeping her first in the Burundan embassy, then in the Presidential Palace in the capital city Freedomtown. Bushman later attempted to revive Burunda's economy with coca and poppy fields, intended to create a production system of cocaine and heroin; but a rival Central African drug cartel moved against him employing the mercenary Arsenal to fund a rebellion against Bushman's regime. The resistence was led by B'kosa and made up of Burundans whose situation had worsened under Bushman or who had challenged his policies. Arsenal recruited Moon Knight to help in the fight, but learning of his true motivations, Moon Knight broke ties, and then helped the local rebels. The rebellion overthrew Bushman and Arsenal installed as a puppet dictator in his place, yet the country's situation improved.


Flag of Burunda from Marvel Atlas Vol 1 2 001

Flag of Burunda

Burunda, officially People's Republic of Burunda, was a small, landlocked country[1] in Central[3] West Africa.[3] It bordered Namibia to the south and Angola to the north, east and west.[1] The terrain included silent plains and marshes, as well as scattered villages,[1][4] some of them, like the capital city Freedomtown, surrounded by mountain ranges.[5] There were frequent rainstorms.[3] The fauna included birds in cities,[2] chicken and dogs in rural areas, and flies, gazelles and black rhinoceri in the wilderness,[4] thou the latter was scarce due to intensive poaching.[4][1] Advanced cities were known to exist,[2] yet most populated areas were small, rural villages known as "kraals" in the vernacular.[6] The economy was based in the production and exportation of coffee, hemp, tin,[1][3] coal[1] and handcrafted art;[3][5] yet the soil and weather were also useful to cultivate poppy and coca to produce heroin and cocaine, which was not unheard of in Burunda.[7]

The majoritary ethnicity in Burunda was the Domi, an African people[1] whose tribal dialect was widely spoken in the country[2] along with English and Portuguese.[1] Domi traditionally used one-handed curved slashing short swords as their weapons of choice, yet those blades were not resistant to gunfire.[2] There were other black ethnicities in Burunda,[6] along with a population of Chinese origin;[4][1] Caucasians were rarely seen except as visiting foreigners,[2] but were not unheard of.[8] Some of the population dressed in European-style clothes,[2] some of them incorporating a shemagh or a fez;[8] other Burundans dressed in traditional garbs, shirtless and shoeless, and using handcrafted accessories such as a feather earring.[4] The military, known as Burunda People's Defense Force, used uniforms, although a General could be excused of it,[2] and specific traditional platoons were geared with headdressed, loincloths and traditional weapons like spears and bows.[8]

Mother Nzaga (Earth-616) from Marc Spector Moon Knight Vol 1 12 001

Mother Nzaga, a Burundan clairvoyant

Thou there was a Christian church in Freedomtown,[2] many Burundans, including learned ones,[6] had heathen beliefs, accepting the existence of imps, wood spirits and even gods walking among men or visibly flying the skies.[4] Asking council to a fortune teller was commonplace,[6] and there was some worship to the Gods of Egypt.[1]

Ancient History[]

Ever since prehistory, the territory later known as Burunda had been inhabited by Bushmen hunter-gatherers. Around the 6h century AD, Domi tribes reached Burunda. Having more advanced iron-working technology and traditional swordsmanship skills, the Domi subjugated the Bushmen. In the 9th century, Nubian communities from northern Sudan settled in the area, and incorporated their Egyptian religion to the other ethnicities,[1] but the Domi still ruled over the whole territory.[2]

Burunda People's Defense Force (Earth-616) from Marc Spector Moon Knight Vol 1 2 001

Traditional Burundan warriors.

In 1452 AD, Portuguese explorer Rugato Munoz discovered Burunda[1][3] while traveling inland from the coast of Angola. Burunda became a Portuguese colony officially in 1584 AD,[1] displacing the Domi as rulers.[2] The Portuguese brought Chinese indentured laborers to Burunda in the 19th century, to work on coffee plantations and coal mines,[1] which became, along with hemp and tin, the colony's main exports.[1][3] The Chinese population in the capital city used black rhinoceros horns for medicinal purposes, leading to an increase in the rhinoceros hunt[1] and, eventually, poaching when the species came close to extinction.[1][4]

Only in the mid-20th century, Burunda was shaken by a nationalist movement that demanded autonomy. As Portugal turned a blind eye to their insistence, eventually the Burundan partisans waged an armed conflict against the Portuguese, called the War for Freedom. In 1971,[1] Portugal agreed to grant Burunda independence.[1][2] The Burundans quickly renamed their capital city Freedomtown, and later established a parliamentary republic, known as the People's Republic of Burunda (in English), Republica Popular da Burunda (in Portuguese), Repubilika ya Bantu ya Bulunda (in Domi). A currency, the Burundan kulanza, and an army, the Burunda People's Defense Force, were established. Burunda also entered international organizations, including the International Criminal Court, Interpol, the United Nations and UNESCO,[1] and opened embassies in New York City,[8] Cambodia and several other countries (including countries without extradition treaties).[5] It came to have, in the capital, an airport and a Hilton Hotel.[2] While it was, in recent times, a third world country,[1] impoverished and with significant debts to banks in Hong Kong and Japan,[7] the government spent resources to improve the appearances of their embassies[8] and palaces[2] so that the rulers would live surrounded by luxury,[1]

Raul Bushman, General-President for Eternity[]

Raul Bushman was born in Burunda[9] to a tribe of Domi farmers.[1] His ancestors had once ruled the whole territory,[2] yet his own immediate family was expelled by European entrepreneurs from their own farmland. Enraged by this ignominy, Bushman turned to a life of violence[9] becoming an infamous mercenary[1][9] and terrorist for hire, also dabbling in drug traffic, and sporting a death's head facial tattoo and steel teeth.[9] He then returned to Burunda and became a General in their army. Pretending to be a benevolent man of the people and champion of the third world[1] motivated by his compassion for his fellow Burundans,[2] Bushman led a military coup[1] using animal cunning and brute force,[3] took over the President's office[9] and appointed himself General-President for Eternity,[1] settling in[10] Freedomtown's Presidential Palace.[4]

Bushman then performed drastic policy changes. He got rid of the government bureaucracy to become a totalitarian ruler, claiming that, without opposition or bureaucracy, he could deal with his country's problem in a more efficient way.[1][2]

Freedomtown (Earth-616) from Marc Spector Moon Knight Vol 1 3 001

Freedomtown in times of Bushman was scourged by poverty.

He only allowed members of the Domi ethnic group to participate in the government. He turned Burunda into a socialist state,[1] nationalizing private businesses such as the Hilton hotel;[1][2] and increased military spending tenfold,[1] giving his troops Russian semi-automatic rifles[3] and tanks for the protection of official buildings[7] (in addition to using the country's money to obtain luxurious personal items[1] such as a throne of pure gold[3] and a Palace full of items and attended by multiple servants),[2] and reduced the rights of the population to levels typical of a military conflict:[2] He imposed curfews,[1] authorized house searches,[2] prohibited unauthorized photography,[1][2] took control of public radio stations,[3] and closed the borders with Angola and Namibia[1] staging military surveillance, which these other countries approved because it prevented Bushman from spreading his horrors beyond Burunda.[4] Despite the control of the information, there were multiple headlines in the international press about the atrocities that Bushman committed,[2] which included executing citizens and burning entire towns[9] with excuses such as (non-infectious) disease control.[2] Bushman criticized the United States as an imperialist society, and worsened diplomatic relations with various first world countries.[1] However, Bushman failed to solve the nation's problems: Burunda remained a poor country, where the average yearly income was only US$150 per year,[3] the buildings ramshackled and unrepaired, but full of posters extolling Bushman. Freedomtown had only one hotel and one active taxi, and the population engaged in peddling and prostitution, with motorized vehicles being in short supply, and available materials being reused ad nauseam. Only the military had access to imported supplies.[2] In addition, cases of homicide, robbery, rape, and assault soared.[1] Those who dared to oppose Bushman faced exile or death, as was the case with the General Jonathan B'kosa of the Air Defense Command,[6] who had to flee to Paris, France.[1] The population of Burunda It fell from 22,000,000 inhabitants to only 20,000,000 in four years of Bushman's government.[3] Bushman had maintained a long feud with Marc Spector, the American-born, Egyptian-powered superhero Moon Knight, from their time as mercenaries.[9][1] After years in the government of Burunda,[1] Bushman decided to challenge Moon Knight,[11] taking advantage of his position as ruler of a nation[9] - at that time, Moon Knight didn't even know Bushman controlled a country.[8] Bushman kidnapped Moon Knight's girlfriend, Marlene Alraune,[11] and held her at the Burundian embassy in New York.[8][1] Bushman sent a messenger to demand a ten-million dollar[8] ransom from Moon Knight,[8][1] supposedly intended to improve Burunda's economy. Moon Knight, unable to gather so much cash in time,[8] instead infiltrated the embassy to try to rescue Alraune; but Bushman, foreseeing this, had already traveled to Burunda with his prisoner.[8][1]

Burunda People's Defense Force (Earth-616) from Marc Spector Moon Knight Vol 1 3 001

The Burundan military in times of Bushman had access to weaponry and equipment.

Moon Knight traveled to Burunda under the identity of British photojournalist Ian Waller,[2][1] who was supposed to take photos of the country under the new government, only to discover the level of censorship that existed in that field. "Waller" took a room in Freedomtown's only hotel, but Moon Knight quickly vacated it to explore the city. He caused an explosive fire in a fuel truck at a military compound to distract the troops who were patrolling the city.[2] He then infiltrated the Presidential Palace,[2][1] but Bushman was waiting for him and had his troops attack him. to direct him to a courtyard where Bushman challenged Moon Knight to a duel, one on one, falsely promising him that the soldiers would allow him to leave with Alraune if he defeated Bushman, who was armed with traditional Domi swords. Although Bushman managed to wound Moon Knight, he then lost the advantage[2] and was pinned down by his enemy;[2][1] then Alraune grabbed a weapon and held off the Palace soldiers. They left Freedomtown in a helicopter piloted by Moon Knight's ally, Frenchie, which landed in the same courtyard and left, despite Bushman, breaking his word, urging the soldiers to shoot down the vehicle - but the soldiers were unprepared for such operation and were kept at bay by Frenchie's fire.[2] The skirmish damaged Moon Knight's uniform, which needed a repair back in the United States; once there, Alraune also criticized Moon Knight for not having killed Bushman in cold blood.[12] Some time later, three representatives of an international drug cartel[7] that monopolized black market drug traffic in Central Africa[1] but had lost several allies due to the U.S.'s pressure on these, visited Bushman in the Presidential Palace of Freedomtown to offer him a society where Burunda's fields would be used to grow coca and poppy, and presented him with a suitcase full of bank notes, calculating that Burunda could get rid of its debt in one year. Bushman murdered them in a meeting room of the Palace, kept the money,[7] then intended to perform his own international illegal drug operations without the cartel,[6][1] both to invigorate the country's economy[9] and to boost his personal fortune.[1] To do this, he ordered the Army to destroy entire villages to make room for fields to plant coca plants and poppies, that would later be processed into cocaine and heroine for export.[1] Instead of evacuating the locals, Bushman frequently ordered his soldiers to execute them (thou forced exodi at gunpoint were heard of), after which he planned to alter the ecosystem to fit his needs.[6] Simultaneously, Burunda closed the frontiers with Angola and Namibia, with soldiers watching any access.[4] However, in public broadcasts, Bushman pretended that this change was an agricultural reform to improve the country, trying to empathize with the Burundans by reminiscing Bushman's own youth as a farmer.[6]

Jonathan BKosa (Earth-616) (Earth-616) from Marc Spector Moon Knight Vol 1 12 001

General B'kosa led the rebellion against Bushman.

The cartel, not wanting their own Central African monopoly threatened, conspired to get rid of Bushman,[6][1] taking several measures to stop the Burunda operation:[1][8][9] The cartel secretly organized and financed a revolution to overthrow Bushman, led by General B'kosa, who was returned to Burunda, and consisting mainly of Burundans whom Bushman had disenfranchised[1][6] - including elderly fortune teller Mother Nzaga.[6] Although the rebel soldiers were reasonably well armed by the cartel with rifles and grenades, they had a shortage of officers and leaders,[3] except for B'kosa who was especially keen to seize power in Burunda[6] but had limited experience commanding ground troops; and his rebellion had only one helicopter, crewed by American former relief pilot Montana. The rebellion had a secret camp near Bari Marsh, to the south of the Arbiza Plain.[4]

The cartel also recruited Arsenal, a freelance mercenary,[1][4] who in turn recruited four other mercenaries (Archie Simmons, Akkad, Banning and LeGrange)[6] and, by order of the cartel, went to recruit Moon Knight to be one of the leaders and symbols of the resistance against Bushman.[1][6][9] Arsenal pretended to be working for the Drug Enforcement Administration but,[6] when Moon Knight discovered who was really behind Arsenal,[6][9] he rejected the involvement of the cartel[6] and had Arsenal and his mercenaries arrested in France. He himself travelled to Burunda to join the resistance, nonetheless[6][4] (Somehow, Mother Nzaga's prophetic visions foresaw Moon Knight joining B'kosa's forces, cryptically talking about darkness and blood).[6] Arsenal soon escaped from the police[4] and went to Burunda to take revenge on Bushman and Moon Knight,[1] dodging the customs controls.[3]

Moon Knight reached Burunda, stopped a rhinoceros-hunting poaching operation in Arbiza, and joined B'kosa's forces (delivering the captured poachers and their gear to B'kosa soldiers Reynald and Wanji as a "present") and defined a strategy with B'kosa, also explaining why B'kosa was not receiving the support that the drug cartel had offered. Mother Nzaga had seen Moon Knight as a god of vengeance, Khonshu; B'kosa asked whether Moon Knight was a god himself, and Moon Knight agreed to say he was for the troops' benefit. Moon Knight decided to use Montana's helicopter to raze one of Bushman's drug fields with a wildfire, revealed his presence to Bushman knowing that, due to Bushman's personal hatred of Moon Knight, Bushman would devote a military effort to pursuing him, sending troops to the area where Moon Knight had been seen,[4] and unprotecting Freedomtown;[4][3] simultaneously, the resistance sent its armed troops within a kilometer of Freedomtown, where they would await orders to initiate an attack and take the capital.[3] Moon Knight and B'kosa hoped they could keep the rebellion's secret camp's location a secret.[4][3] While Bushman and his high-ranking soldiers analysed the effects of the attack, a private warned that the fire started by Moon Knight was spreading southward, but could be stopped if he was assigned troops to dig a firebreak; Bushman then shot one of his admirals and promoted the private; the new admiral soon demonstrated his skill and became a trusted member of Bushman's entourage.[4] Simultaneously, three of Bushman's troops, including Bhofu, saw Montana's helicopter and reported where it had gone - toward Bari Marsh. This allowed Bushman (who insisted in personally leading the attack) to find the enemy camp and attack it with fighter airplanes,[4] killing Mother Nzaga and General B'kosa. Moon Knight and Montana escaped by helicopter into a storm, crashlanding in the marsh; then Bushman insisted that the troops tracked them in the forest, correctly assuming they could have only go northwest to Freedomtown or south to the frontier (they had gone south). Moon Knight refused to kill any soldier they found, only knocking them down, and stole a radio to listen their communications. All these activities led to many news about Burunda reaching other countries.[3]

Meanwhile, the rebel soldiers near Freedomtown were waiting for B'kosa's orders, which did not came.[3] They joined Arsenal,[3][1] and under his orders, the rebels attacked Fredomtown, taking over the airport, the public radio stations and the Palace, this last attack personally led by Arsenal.[3][1] Most of the soldiers were deployed in the Bari Marsh, trying to apprehend Moon Knight, so the defenders of Freedomtown were inferior in number and easily overpowered.[1] Bushman's men contacted their President by radio from the Palace to ask for reinforcements; but Bushman refused to divert troops before capturing Moon Knight, and only ordered the soldiers remaining in Freedomtown, in clearly inferiority, to defend the Palace, the capital and the regime to the death. The communication was cut off when the rebels found the radio and shot the operator; then, Moon Knight, who had been eavesdropping, mocked Bushman so that Bushman would focus his attention on him, not on Freedomtown.[3] The rebels took Freedomtown with ease,[3][1] although not without bloodshed, and Arsenal, reaching the President's office and sitting on his chair,[3] established a puppet regime[3][1] by choosing a President, Vice President, Minister of Defense and Postmaster General among the members of the rebel platoon that had served him in the capture of the Palace; Arsenal did not want such a position for himself, nor would his boss allow him to have it.[3]

Bari Marsh (Earth-616) from Marc Spector Moon Knight Vol 1 14 001

Bushman's troops searched for Moon Knight in the Bari Marsh.

Disregarding the importance of losing the capital, Bushman insisted that his army blocked the access to the south frontier to ambush Moon Knight there. When Moon Knight and Montana tried to reach the frontier by night, searchlights blinded them, and the soldiers wounded Montana. Bushman, again with two swords, challenged Moon Knight to a duel, promising that the soldiers would only witness the fight; Bushman insisted that his pride, country and fortune were second to killing Moon Knight. Moon Knight fought Bushman, claiming he had been attacked for three days non-stop, but even then, Bushman at his best was not match for Moon Knight wounded and slept-deprived.[3] Moon Knight prevailed,[1][1] and refused to kill Bushman even when the latter suggested it, instead simply walking to the frontier with Montana; Moon Knight was allowed to enter the country due to his Avengers Identicard. Again reneging on his own word, Bushman ordered his soldiers to stop his enemies - but this time, the soldiers refused. The admiral declared that Bushman was no longer General-President for Eternity of Burunda, because Bushman had shamed the country and abandoned the position. Under the admiral's orders,[3] the soldiers arrested Bushman,[1][3] to offer him as a prisoner to the new president.[3] The political changes in Burunda were immediately reflected in the international press, the new president appearing in the cover of Newstime magazine.[3] Organizations such as Symkaria's Wild Pack updated their files about Burunda and Bushman,[13] and soon the crime figures in Burunda had a considerable decline, even if the political system was still a totalitarian republic.[1] Bushman, since then with an international criminal record,[9] eventually returned to his criminal activities, remembering his time as President as one of the peaks in his career.[14] After Bushman died, resurrected and was declared insane, Burunda made request for his extradition.[15]

Alternate Realities[]

Earth-TRN1053 (Moon Knight died fighting Bushman)[]

Presidential Palace (Burunda), Burunda People's Defense Force (Earth-TRN1053) What If..

Burunda on Earth-TRN1053

On Earth-TRN1053, Moon Knight also infiltrated the Presidential Palace in Freedomtown to rescue Marlene Alraune, kidnapped by President Bushman. Here, however, when Alraune joined the fray and shoot at the enemy soldiers, she was injured, causing Moon Knight to get distracted at a critical moment - and Bushman took the chance to fatally wound him. Alraune and Frenchie evacuated Burunda in Frenchie's helicopter, with Moon Knight's corpse, and she later became Luminary, an avatar of the Egyptian god Ra. Alraune also dealt internationally in Burundan art, which led to the Burundan government trying to dissuade her: A former lieutenant who had been in the Palace during Alraune's capture had been promoted to work on the American embassy, and met with Alraune in her office to threaten her life lest she stopped those activities. Alraune was undaunted, accusing Bushman of cowardice because he was hiding in embassies where he could not be extradited. She killed the lieutenant when he dared touching one of her Egyptian antiques without permission.[5]

Discovering that Bushman was in the Burundan Embassy in Cambodia, Alraune infiltrated there and overpowered at least three guards, killing one of them. Bushman received her angrily, but calm, accusing her of theft of their culture; yet Alraune claimed that she only wanted to kill Bushman, having no score to settle with Burunda. Bushman fought Alraune with the knife he had used to murder her father and, while he was stronger, he was killed when Ra had a beam appear from Alraune's chest, piercing Bushman. With her second wind, she killed Bushman with a moon-shaped shuriken. After this fight, Alraune recovered in a hospital and woke up possessed by Ra;[5] it is unclear whether she sneaked outside the Embassy or her murder of a head of state was discovered.

Points of Interest

Arbiza Plain, Burunda (Earth-616) from Marc Spector Moon Knight Vol 1 13 001

A recent example of poaching in Arbiza Plain.


Raoul Bushman (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update Vol 1 3 0001

Raul Bushman, prominent Burundan and former President of the country.


  • Burunda is not to be confused with Burundi, a small east-African country.[16]
  • Marc Spector: Moon Knight #14, published in 1990, says that the population of Burunda had fell from 22,000,000 to 20,000,000 since 1986, which would be considered a topical date simply reflecting the time difference between Bushman taking power and the then-present moment. This can be interpreted as Bushman's regime lasting for around four years.
  • The maps of Azania, Kenya, Mbangawi, Narobia, Rudyarda, Tanzania, and Wakanda in Marvel Atlas #2 incorrectly identify Burundi as Burunda.
  • Marvel Atlas #2, Burunda's profile, says that Bushman became a general in the Burundan army before staging his coup, with the military backing him; but Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #3, Bushman's profile, says that Bushman first staged the coup, got the presidency, and only later dubbed himself General Bushman.


Embassy of the Republic of Burunda (New York) (Earth-616) from Marc Spector Moon Knight Vol 1 2 001

The flag in the Embassy

  • The flag of Burunda seen in the Embassy[8] is different from the official flag of Burunda.[17] The official flag may have changed since that moment.
  • The name of Burunda in Portuguese is Republica Popular da Burunda.[17] The correct name in Portuguese should have a diacritic: República Popular da Burunda.
  • The customs officer mentions how Ian Waller will be recognised as a tourist in Burunda because he's white, and the population of Burunda seem to be only African or Chinese in origin.[2] However, several people working for the Burundan embassy are white, including the messenger sent by Bushman and several men in the gym (The Glitch Brothers are clearly outsourced).[8]

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 Marvel Atlas #2 Burunda's profile
  2. ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 Marc Spector: Moon Knight #3
  3. ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 Marc Spector: Moon Knight #14
  4. ↑ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 Marc Spector: Moon Knight #13
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 What If...? Dark: Moon Knight #1
  6. ↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 Marc Spector: Moon Knight #12
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Marc Spector: Moon Knight #11
  8. ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 Marc Spector: Moon Knight #2
  9. ↑ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #3 ; Bushman's profile
  10. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #1 ; Bushman's profile
  11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 Marc Spector: Moon Knight #1
  12. ↑ Marc Spector: Moon Knight #4
  13. ↑ Marc Spector: Moon Knight #15
  14. ↑ Moon Knight #190
  15. ↑ Heroic Age: Villains #1 ; Bushman's profile
  16. ↑ Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis #1
  17. ↑ 17.0 17.1 Marvel Atlas #2 ; Burunda's profile