Marvel Database


Arima was the third planet from Alpha Centauri A, one of three stars in the trinary Alpha Centauri star system, and had a "figure-of-eight" type orbit, tracing its path around and between both Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. The planet’s gravity was 210% that of Earth, an atmosphere 188% Earth’s density, and its surface was originally covered 95% by water.

For countless ages, the water vapor of Arima had been slowly escaping into space. In more recent years, the process of dehydration had accelerated, leaving its cities exposed to the burning rays of its twins suns, Alpha Centauri AB, and its very civilization in danger of total annihilation. The Alpha Centaurians devised funnel-disks to transfer water from across space from other planets to replenish the oceans of their world.

Eventually a raider fleet came to Earth; however, they were confronted by Namor the Sub-Mariner, who reversed one of their disks so that when they activated it, the "water" was instead pulled from Arima to Earth, destroying much of what remained of Arima's civilization. When last seen, most of the planet's water supply had been lost, and the formerly aquatic cities were devastated by flames caused by the twin suns.[1]

Alternate Realities[]


In this reality's early 31st century, Arima was described as being the third planet from the "A" star in the Alpha Centauri system by Eon who, oddly, didn't mention it having a "figure-of-eight" type orbit. Its surface was covered by a worldwide ocean and the native sentient species were known as Alphans. This race lived in an undersea city in buildings that looked like giant sea shells.

In 3018 A.D., a very weak Galactus travelled to the Alpha Centauri system to feed on Arima but was opposed by Firelord who delayed him long enough for the Guardians of the Galaxy to arrive. Then, while the Guardians helped distract Galactus, the Keeper descended into Arima's ocean and used his Quantum Bands to quantum-jump the entire Alphan city into a vast ocean on Centauri-IV. The Keeper then confronted and defeated the debilitated Galactus and was about to kill him when Eon intervened and convinced him to let the world-eater live and feed on Arima. Once Galactus had done so and was restored, Eon told the Keeper that he had been chosen to be a Protector of the Universe in order to help Galactus satisfy his hunger by finding uninhabited planets for him to consume.[2]



  • It has not been revealed if the Arima from Reality-691 ever suffered the same extreme dehydration crisis that threatened the civilization on the Arima from Reality-616.

See Also

Links and References

