The Apostles of War were a criminal organization founded by the Olympian god of war Ares that worshipped war and trafficked in arms that were sent to criminals and warlords all over the world so Ares could propagate war. At one of the Apostles' warehouses in Greece, it was attacked by the Punisher who killed all of the Apostles except for one. Punisher asked the surviving Apostle for information on his organization, but the Apostle refused out of both loyalty for and fear of the organization. So, Punisher killed him and ordered the Hand to take the weapons and burn the rest. The Apostles attempted to placate the Punisher by offering him a Banner Cannon, but Punisher refused the offer. When Ares learned of this, he was eager to fight him.[1]
Punisher eventually attacked the Apostles by himself and tore through their ranks before facing off with Ares. Punisher nearly defeated Ares, but Ares overpowered him and nearly beat him to death.[2] The Apostles later launched an attack personally led by Ares on the Hand compound Punisher resided at. This led to a bloody battle between the Hand and the Apostles. The battle ended when Punisher killed Ares with bullets made from an enchanted dagger. The surviving Apostles bowed down to Punisher, but Punisher incinerated them with demonic flames.[3]Paraphernalia
See Also
- 10 appearance(s) of Apostles of War (Earth-616)
- 2 mention(s) of Apostles of War (Earth-616)
- 4 image(s) of Apostles of War (Earth-616)
- 1 member(s) of Apostles of War (Earth-616)
- 2 item(s) used/owned by Apostles of War (Earth-616)