Marvel Movies
Marvel Movies

Melinda Qiaolian May is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

"The Man Behind the Shield"[]

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Trained by all kinds of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, she became an ace pilot and a weapons expert, a soldier who can perform above and beyond the call of duty. However, she endured some kind of trauma in action, which left her a little damaged. She decided to withdraw from field duty and resigned herself to a quiet desk job. After the battle of New York, Agent Phil Coulson came to the office where she worked and asked her to join his team. Still haunted by her past experiences in the field, she was reluctant to say yes, but she agreed when Coulson told her that he just needs her to "drive the Bus", later she's sent alongside fellow Agents Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons at the site of the fire where the hooded hero; Mike Peterson was spotted and they investigate what may have caused the fire in an attempt to solve the mystery of the hooded hero. She's then sent to watch over Skye when she's attacked by Peterson. Coulson's team goes after Peterson, then a fight breaks out as Peterson tries to escape both Coulson's team and the assassin that the doctor had instructed to kill him, and results in Ward being forced to shoot Mike in the head. Fortunately, due to his superhuman abilities, Mike Peterson survives and recovers from his wounds.


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"The Asset[]

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"Girl In The Flower Dress"[]

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"The Hub"[]

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"The Well"[]

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"The Bridge"[]

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"The Magical Place"[]

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Chase[]

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.[]


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"I think we need to do everything humanly possible to save Skye. But we need to acknowledge that doing so might give the Clairvoyant exactly what he wants."
―Melinda May[src]

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"Yes Men"[]

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"End of the Beginning"[]

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"Turn, Turn, Turn"[]

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"The Only Light in the Darkness[]

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"Nothing Personal"[]

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"Beginning of the End"[]

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"Heavy is the Head"[]

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"Making Friends and Influencing People"[]

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"Face My Enemy"[]

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"A Hen in the Wolf House"[]

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"A Fractured House"[]

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"The Writing on the Wall"[]

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"The Things We Bury"[]

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"...Ye Who Enter Here"[]

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"What They Become"[]

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"They'll never take us alive"? Really? A little over the top, don't you think?"
"I only had a day to come up with this whole thing. Besides, if I let you write the script, no one would say anything.
―Melinda May and Phil Coulson[src]

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"Who You Really Are"[]

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"One of Us"[]

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"Love in the Time of HYDRA"[]

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"One Door Closes"[]

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"The Frenemy of My Enemy"[]

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"The Dirty Half Dozen"[]

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"S.O.S. Part One"[]

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"S.O.S. Part Two"[]

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"Laws of Nature"[]

"May took off on vacation and never came back, so I lost my right hand too."
―Phil Coulson[src]

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"Purpose in the Machine"[]

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"A Wanted (Inhu)man"[]

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"Devils You Know"[]

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"4,722 Hours"[]

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"Among Us Hide..."[]

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"Chaos Theory"[]

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"Many Heads, One Tale"[]

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"Bouncing Back"[]

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"The Inside Man"[]

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"Parting Shot"[]

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"Paradise Lost"[]

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"The Team"[]

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"The Singularity"[]

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"Failed Experiments"[]

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot[]


"Turns out, the director's credentials are missing, and I have a theory where they are."
―Melinda May[src]

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

"The Ghost"[]

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"Meet the New Boss"[]

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"Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire"[]

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"The Good Samaritan"[]

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"Deals With Our Devils"[]

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"The Laws of Inferno Dynamics"[]

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"Broken Promises"[]

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"The Patriot"[]

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"Wake Up"[]

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"The Man Behind the Shield"[]

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"Self Control"[]

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"What If..."[]

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"Identity and Change"[]

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"No Regrets"[]

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"All the Madame's Men"[]

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"Farewell, Cruel World!"[]

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"The Return"[]

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"World's End"[]

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Behind the scenes[]

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  • This character was originally listed with the name Agent Althea Rice (a.k.a. The Cavalry) on casting sheets.
  • It’s possible May survived Thanos' decimation attack that wiped out half the universe. She was shown in the future living in the Lighthouse when the Earth was destroyed by a massive earthquake.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.[]



"Girl in the Flower Dress"[]


"The Hub"[]

"The Well"[]


"The Bridge"[]

"The Magical Place"[]



"Yes Men"[]

"Bouncing Back"[]

"The Inside Man"[]

"Parting Shot"[]



"Failed Experiments"[]



"The Ghost"[]

"Meet the New Boss"[]


"Deals With Our Devils"[]

"The Laws of Inferno Dynamics"[]

"Wake Up"[]

"No Regrets"[]


"All the Madame's Men"[]


"The Return"[]

"World's End"[]


See Also[]
