Uncle Grimmly (ヤミノフ Yaminofu?), Hermit of the Darkness, is one of the Portrait Ghost found in Area Four in Luigi's Mansion.
In Luigi's Mansion[]
Uncle Grimmly appears in the Wardrobe Room exclusively during the Blackout. In order to light the mansion back up, Luigi has to go into the Breaker Room, although it is locked. In the Telephone Room, Luigi can have an optional conversation with Professor E. Gadd, who reveals that Uncle Grimmly took the key to the Breaker Room. Luigi must then go to the Wardrobe one, located in Area One to find Uncle Grimmly. When Uncle Grimmly sees Luigi, he attempts to scare him by screaming and wailing his arms while remaining in place. When he does this, he becomes vulnerable and with his heart exposed, Luigi can vacuum away all 100 of Uncle Grimmly's HP using the Poltergust 3000. After Uncle Grimmly is captured, a Treasure chest containing the key to the Breaker Room appears.