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MARIO, Super Mario Bros. (film)

Mario Mario, played by the late Bob Hoskins, is the main character of the 1993 film Super Mario Bros. He is a Brooklyn-born who is co-owner of the Mario Bros. Plumbing Service, a family business, working with his younger brother Luigi.




Much of Mario's early life remains unknown. He was more or less solely raised by younger brother, Luigi. Its unknown what his parents were, though it is implied Mario mentions having learned plumbing knowledge from his father (who learned said knowledge from Mario's grandfather). As the years passed, Mario began training with Luigi to become plumbers and form a Mario Brothers Plumbing Service, unfortunately their business has been tapering, and they have been running low on money.

Super Mario Bros. (film)[]

One day, Mario was taking a call from the Riverfront Cafe requesting their plumbing services. While preparing to leave, the two briefly argue regarding their financial problems. Mario complains to Luigi about his purchase of a newspaper, while Luigi expresses his concern over the article about various Brooklyn Girls. Mario does not care over these concerns, and the two head out to the Riverfront Cafe but are disappointed to see their competitors, Scapelli Construction have arrived before them.

The brothers' van breaks down on their drive back home, and Mario enlists Luigi to check a local payphone for possible plumbing jobs while he enters a store to get water to cool the van's radiator. As he is leaving the store, he sees Luigi hand the phone to a girl named Daisy. Mario encourages Luigi to talk to the woman and offer her a ride, which she agrees to. Later that night, Mario and his girlfriend, Daniella, along with Luigi and Daisy, have a double-date at an Italian restaurant called the Bella Napoli. Daisy discusses her excavation project where her team has found the possible location of the impact site of the meteor that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. During dinner, as Daisy and Luigi display romantic chemistry, Mario decides that he and Daniella will take the van home, while Luigi and Daisy can walk home to get to know each other better.


Unlike his game counterpart, Mario is portrayed in the film as extremely grumpy, rude and pratical towards others, He is also wary and skeptical of anything supernatural or other-wordly, continually belittling Luigi for his superstitious nature. Mario is initially the less willing to save Daisy of the two brothers.

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  1. In the audio adaptation of Super Mario Bros., Mario mentions his Great Grandfather

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