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Donuts and Eggs is the sixth level of World 2 in Yoshi's Island DS, an Orange Yoshi takes control in this level. This level is the first autoscrolling level of the game taking place on the high grassy cliffs of the island with a nice view of the sea at sunset. Hence the level's name, most of the platforms in the level are Donut Lifts which fall if you stand on them for too long, the level also includes many opportunities to get eggs such as from Egg Blocks and by slurping up enemies. There are also plenty of M Blocks scattered throughout the stage making Baby Mario an ideal choice for this one.


Starting off the level, advance to the right as the screen moves and hop on the Donut Lifts (because the level is autoscrolling, you can't get too far ahead of the screen, in addition, you can't go back so if you miss an item, you will have to restart the level to make a second attempt, because the level scrolls, you are required to keep moving and not dawdle for even a second because if you fall below the screen, you will die), don't jump on the Donut Lifts for too long because they will fall away if you do giving you less ground to stand on, once the screen scrolls further, hop onto the Ferris Wheel and grab the Coins along it as the two on the top sides are Red Coins, after this hop onto the next set of Donut Lifts (or on the ledge below) and then as the screen moves, you will see three sets of Donut Lifts, jump on the lowest set as one of the Coins in the coin set is a Red Coin, after this, hope to the ledge at the top and you will see Fly Guy hovering above with a Red Coin, hit the Fly Guy with an egg to obtain the Red Coin (if you're short on eggs, hit the nearby Egg Block to fill your supply), after this, jump onto the Paddle Wheel and roll it downward collecting the Coins along the track as two of them are Red Coins, after this, hop onto the Donut Lifts and collect the Coins along them, from here, you should find a niche with a Piranha Plant, kill the Piranha Plant and run to the back corner of the niche to reveal a hidden Winged Cloud, hit the Winged Cloud with an egg for some Stars, from here, quickly return back to the main track and advance upward.

As the level starts to scroll upward, hop along the grassy ledges, onto the set of Donut Lifts, and onto the rock ledge, a Piranha Plant can be seen blocking the Smiley Flower, kill the Piranha Plant and then toss an egg at the Smiley Flower to obtain it, after this advance upward but watch out for the Shy Guys and Crazee Dayzees as you go, reach the rocky ledges and toss an egg at the Winged Cloud to the left of the rocky ledge by the "cheese" ledge, (the Winged Cloud can't be seen until the screen scrolls a bit more but it's still hittable), hitting the Winged Cloud will reveal a Smiley Flower, collect this too. After collecting this Smiley Flower, progress upward and hop across the Donut Lifts being careful not to stand on them for too long and then reach the "cheese" ledge, above it is several Coins and a Smiley Flower, either toss an egg at these or jump to the higher ledge and flutter to them as three of the Coins here are Red Coins, after this, hit the M Blocks on the ledge (you can get Coins, Stars, and even eggs and yellow eggs), and the GOAL! Ring should also be in view here but you have yet to reach it at this point (although it is possible to reach the GOAL! Ring much earlier than you should by spitting a Shy Guy or Crazee Dayzee (it's easier with the latter) on the set of M Blocks and then stomping on it's head to propel yourself to the ledge where the GOAL! Ring is but finishing the level early does come with the consequence of missing several key collectibles but it’s still a good speedrunning tactic). After this, tag the Middle Ring and keep going, continue running with the scrolling level and be sure to hit the Fly Guy above carrying a Red Coin (there is also a Red Coin in the Coin row above but you can also get this one once you reach the upper platforms as well), from here, hit the Egg Block to fill up your egg supply and watch out for any Shy Guys along the track, from here, hit the M Blocks for Coins and a Red Egg, once this is done, hop onto the Wheel Platform and hit the wheel (attached to the Platform) with eggs to move the platform (the more eggs you toss at once, the faster the platform will move), also be sure to hit the Smiley Flower above the platform wheel to obtain it, from here, hop onto the ledge and watch out for the Piranha Plant as you hit the Egg Block for some more eggs, after this, hop onto the next Wheel Platform and roll it along the track (also be sure to toss an egg at the Smiley Flower dangling below the ledge to grab it, it can be tricky to obtain due to it's placement so don't roll the platform all the way until the Smiley Flower comes into view).

Once you reach the next ledge, you will see a Stork Stop, use it to switch to Baby Mario (if you haven't already) and hit the M Blocks for some Coins and eggs, next hit the Piranha Plant that comes into view with an egg and grab the Baby Coin behind it, from here, hop onto the Donut Lifts as the screen starts scrolling up and on the highest set of Donut Lifts, hit the M Block for some Coins, next advance upward and hop on the Ferris Wheel, be sure to grab the Coins along it as four of them are Red Coins, next hit the M Block for some Stars and slurp up the Crazee Dayzee here and hit the hidden Winged Cloud tucked away in the left corner of the two "cheese" blocks for some more Stars. From here, hop onto the Flatbed Ferry and toss an egg up at the Coin lot above as four of these Coins are Red Coins, next, jump onto the Donut Lifts and hit the M Blocks for some more Stars (if you're capped at 30, these will give you Coins instead), next hop onto the Ferris Wheel and toss an egg at the Smiley Flower to obtain it (this is actually the fourth flower mentioned earlier but if you haven't obtained it yet, this is where to do it). Next, hit the next set of M Blocks on the next ledge to get some more goodies and then as the screen scrolls to the right some more Donut Lifts and Flatbed Ferries are seen here, hop across these and on the third Flatbed Ferry, there is a Coin line, toss an egg at the line to grab the Red Coin at the end, from here, make a shot at getting the Red Coin from the Coin line below the main platforms on the orange Flatbed Ferry (if you haven't already) before it's too late and then jump to the final ledge and jump through the GOAL! Ring to finish the level.

Baby Coin Location[]

At the level's only Stork Stop switch to Baby Mario (if you're already using Baby Mario at this point, don't bother switching) and from here, advance to the left and as the screen scrolls, kill the Piranha Plant seen here, once it's been dealt with run to the left and grab the Baby Coin as it comes into view.

Enemies Encountered[]


  • This is the only autoscrolling level in the game where it is possible to finish the level earlier than intended.