MÄR Wiki
MÄR Wiki


This article needs an immediate clean-up. Not only in the grammar, but also in the alignment of text etc. This article also lacks an info box that other page possesses. And I think we need to rewrite the whole page. I mean, what's the point of making an individual wikia if all we do is copy-pasting the original article at Wikipedia? Not only in this section but also in almost every page on this wiki. Tell me what you think. Laviere Aurelius 12:56, December 2, 2011 (UTC)

           var fctb_tool=null;
           function FCTB_Init_2ad6954084304d22bb35e951f66cc67e(t)


           FCTB_Init_2ad6954084304d22bb35e951f66cc67e(document['FCTB_Init_bf2b19148e23409c9c066026c7d06861']); delete document['FCTB_Init_bf2b19148e23409c9c066026c7d06861']