MÄR Wiki

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MÄR Wiki

Mercury (メルクーア, Merukūa) is a member of the Zonnen, a sect of the Chess Pieces. He is teamed with Mars.


Mercury, in contrast to his partner's personality, is a modest and humble person. He is, however, just as overconfident as the rest of the Zonnen.


War Games[]

He and Mars attack Ginta Toramizu and Jack's Training Gate as part of the Zonnen's plot to destroy Team MÄR. However, their overconfidence leads to their downfall, and they are trapped in the Training Gate forever.


Mercury's ÄRM are:

  • Astra Xiphos: Mercury's ring Weapon ÄRM, a set of seven swords darting at opponent at the whims of its user. When the final technique is commenced, they will join together to form a giant shichishito.