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Without you, Lotus, there's no Orchid. And without Orchid, there's no Lotus.

― Orchid, talking with Lotus after being transformed into a human

Orchid is a former Commander of the Black Mage, one of the twin Wing Masters, the founder of the Black Wings, and the twin sister of Lotus.


Spirits of Darkness[]

Orchid and Lotus were Spirits of Darkness, born from the negative thoughts of humanity. They lived in the Forest of Peace, a land where no daylight could pierce through, and often played tricks on passerby. One day, they encountered the White Mage, who offered them human bodies in exchange for helping him understand the darkness, which was part of his research to attain the ultimate light.

Wing Masters[]

After the White Mage awakened as the Black Mage, he sought out Orchid and Lotus and made them his Commanders. Naming them his twin Wing Masters, he also gave them the power to manipulate gravity. During the war, the Black Mage arranged a conference with Empress Aria under the pretense of peace negotiations. However, he instead sent Orchid and Lotus to attack Ereve and kill the Empress.

During their assault, Orchid and Lotus killed a large majority of the Noblesse, as well as the Knight of Light who protected Aria. After Lotus killed Aria, Orchid expressed her surprise that he had finished her off. When Lotus asked Orchid whether she was feeling sorry for Aria, whom he called a "toy", Orchid replied that she had been hoping to play with her more. Despite her injuries, Aria managed to speak and asked the Commanders to turn away from the Black Mage, claiming that it wasn't too late to protect the world.

In the last days of the war, the Black Mage and his Commanders assaulted the Temple of Time, where the Black Mage stole the powers of Rhinne, the Transcendent of Time. Shortly after the battle, Orchid was present at a meeting between the Commanders who weren't away on missions, which included herself, the Demon, Von Leon, and Arkarium.

During the meeting, the Demon reported that he had learned about the existence of a resistance movement that called themselves the Heroes. Orchid laughed that their resistance hadn't put up much of a fight when she had taken Ereve or eliminated Aria. Arkarium retorted that the battle at Ereve had been easy because of the Black Mage's involvement, not her power, and warned her to watch her tongue. Orchid petulantly replied that since the Black Mage had taken care of everything, she hadn't needed to use her full power.

The Demon then asked her where Lotus was, to which Orchid replied that Lotus was busy because he was always looking for more to do, even without being assigned tasks. As the meeting devolved into Arkarium bickering with the Demon, Von Leon attempted to defuse the situation. Orchid then asked why the Black Mage had changed their orders to destroy all of Ossyria, as they would have no one left to rule over. The Demon soon realized that the Black Mage had broken his promise and ordered Leafre to be destroyed, which had resulted in his family's death.

Vowing revenge on the Black Mage, the Demon sent a letter to the Heroes outlining his betrayal, after which the Heroes stormed the Temple of Time. During the battle, Phantom went after Orchid and Lotus in order to get revenge on them for killing Aria. After a fierce battle, Phantom managed to severely wound Orchid and render Lotus comatose. Following the battle, Orchid vowed that she would do anything to bring Lotus back.

The Black Wings[]

Over the centuries, Orchid spent all her time trying to find a way to revive her comatose brother. Eventually, she came across Gelimer, a scientist who specialized in medicine and biotechnology. When Orchid approached Gelimer, he was amazed at the perfect body that Lotus had been given by the White Mage. Though he promised that he would revive her brother, Gelimer secretly plotted to keep Lotus for himself and turn him into the ultimate android.

Orchid then founded the Black Wings to carry out her plans and recruited members by claiming that she was planning to resurrect the Black Mage, who would grant them all their wishes. Under her command, the Black Wings seized control of the town of Edelstein and placed it under authoritarian rule. After taking control of the Verne Mine, the Black Wings began expanding their reach across Maple World as Gelimer continued his experiments to revive Lotus. In order to help Gelimer obtain enough energy to revive Lotus, Orchid ordered the Black Wings to obtain the Seal Stones that the Heroes had hidden across Maple World.

A New Empress[]

Soon after the founding of the Black Wings, Orchid received word that an envoy of Ereve had sought children's medicine in Mu Lung. Realizing that Aria's descendent may have been found, Orchid prepared for the Black Wings to invade Ereve. As their invasion began, Cygnus - who had been discovered and trained by Neinheart and a wandering warrior - accepted the power of Shinsoo, and under her leadership, the army of Ereve managed to repel the Black Wings.

Facing Mercedes[]

Orchid soon learned from Francis the Puppeteer that Mercedes had awoken from her curse, as well as the location of Elluel. Orchid then ordered the Black Wings to attack the elven kingdom, although Mercedes, Athena Pierce, and the elders managed to drive them out. Following the battle, Mercedes formed an alliance with Cygnus, who dispatched Cygnus Knights to guard Elluel.

Soon after, Orchid ordered the Black Wings to poison Elluel's water supply, though Mercedes once again managed to stop them before they could do any further damage. Orchid then had the Shadow Knight lead Mercedes into a trap, though the Shadow Knight disobeyed orders and instead challenged Mercedes to a duel. Soon after Mercedes defeated the Shadow Knight, Orchid sent Hiver and Dargoth to ambush Mercedes by tricking her into believing that they knew how to lift the curse on the elves.

After their attack failed, Orchid had Baroq shapeshift into Mercedes and free an elf child - Moonie - from the ice and kidnap him. Soon after, Orchid sent Mercedes a letter ordering her to come to the Verne Mine for Moonie and signed it as someone who remembered her. Mercedes entered the Verne Mine and was led by Le Tierre to Orchid's room, where where the Wing Master was waiting for her.

Orchid mocked Mercedes for her one-track mind, claiming that once Mercedes focused on something, she was unable to notice anything else. At first, Mercedes couldn't believe her eyes, but after realizing that it was indeed Orchid, she asked how the Wing Master could still be alive, to which Orchid merely said that she could ask the same of Mercedes.

Orchid explained that ever since she had heard that Mercedes had been freed from the Black Mage's curse, she had wanted to meet her. Mercedes then realized that Orchid was the leader of the Black Wings, which explained why the Black Wings seemed to know so much about her. She asked Orchid what the point of reviving the Black Mage was, to which Orchid began to hint at something that the Black Mage was planning, even in spite of being sealed away, but stopped herself mid-sentence and joked that she had almost given away a secret. The two then engaged in a battle, which Mercedes was barely able to win, causing Orchid to retreat.

Black Wings Schism[]

Over time, Orchid began growing impatient with Gelimer, who continued delaying his promise to revive Lotus. Unbeknownst to Orchid, Gelimer had secretly been funneling resources into his secret research to create a special type of android called a Xenoroid, which he hoped to turn Lotus into as his puppet. After Xenon - Gelimer's perfect prototype - managed to escape, Gelimer ordered several Black Wings officers to recover Xenon while keeping it a secret from Orchid.

After Gelimer killed Vita, Orchid confronted him about him falling behind his timetable once again. Gelimer told Orchid that there was no need to check up on him in person, promising that his research would be finished soon. However, Orchid snapped at him, claiming that Arkarium's plans were well under way, and that she couldn't let him beat her and Lotus.

She reminded Gelimer that he had claimed that he had only been waiting for Vita to finish her mission, to which he explained that there had been complications, and that it wasn't easy creating a creature as powerful as what she was asking for, though he promised that he would have it ready soon. She told him that he had better be right, as it was the very reason why she had formed the Black Wings in the first place.

Gelimer told her that if she had spent so many years waiting, then a few more days wouldn't make a difference. He assured her that once he finished, the resulting creature would be more powerful than herself and Lotus put together.

In order to revive Lotus herself, Orchid ordered the Black Wings to obtain a secret document in Magatia on life creation, which had been written by the Black Mage. However, the Black Wings failed to obtain the document, as it had been enchanted with a powerful truth-concealing alchemy. Following this, Orchid personally traveled to Magatia and met with Bedin of the Zenumists.

Orchid masqueraded as a pitiful little girl and asked Bedin about a way to reveal concealed truths, claiming that she needed the knowledge to save her brother, who was the only surviving member of her family. Bedin told Orchid about how to make a truth-revealing potion, but as his recipe would take a hundred years to craft, he sent her to speak with Russellon of the Alcadnos. Russellon told Orchid that Homunculus' Blood was a truth-revealing potion and told her to obtain it from a Homunscullo. Orchid easily managed to obtain it, though Gelimer sent Beryl in order to obtain the document first.

Evolution Lab[]

As the schism between Orchid and Gelimer continued to grow, she once again confronted him and demanded to know whether his experiments would truly bring Lotus back. Gelimer assured her that Lotus would return in perfect form, after which he proposed the draft of a massive airship that he was planning to build, Black Heaven, and convinced Orchid to approve the project.

Artwork Lotus attacks Orchid

Orchid being attacked by a brainwashed Lotus.

Soon after, Gelimer moved Lotus from Orchid's room to a new area of the laboratory called the Evolution Lab. There, he finished transforming Lotus into the perfect Xenoroid, making him far stronger than his prototypes, Xenon and Beryl. Orchid soon discovered the Evolution Lab and demanded to know why he had moved Lotus without her permission. She threatened Gelimer and reminded him that his experiments should have concluded months ago. Gelimer promised that Lotus would awaken imminently and demonstrated his claim by releasing Lotus from his pod. Orchid was overjoyed to see her brother awaken, but she quickly grew confused when he wouldn't respond to her. Gelimer then commanded Lotus to execute Program Alpha-97, which caused Lotus to turn on his sister and drain her half of the Wing Master powers.

Gelimer revealed that he had succeeded in taking control of Lotus, who himself had the ability to control others, and explained that he had deliberately kept Lotus' brain in hibernation, since his powers were all that Gelimer wanted. Severely injured, Orchid weakly asked Gelimer why he needed Lotus' body. Gelimer explained that the Black Mage required a vessel, not another follower, and with that, he left Orchid to die and took Lotus with him.

Soon after, the Resistance discovered the Evolution Lab and found an unconscious Orchid, whom they brought back to the Secret Plaza. Claudine briefed the other Resistance leaders on what had happened between Orchid and Gelimer, adding that Orchid was now just like a normal little girl without her powers. She explained that she hadn’t put Orchid in prison because of her fragile condition, though she hoped to make Orchid pay for her crimes soon enough. In order to learn more about what Gelimer was plotting Claudine decided to send Belle to investigate the Evolution Lab.

Several days later, Brighton rushed urgently to Claudine and informed her that Orchid had managed to escape. Meanwhile, Orchid traveled to the Evolution Lab, where she encountered a hologram of Lotus, which had been created as the interface for the Evolution System. Orchid quickly realized that the hologram was an AI created by Gelimer and grew angry, causing the last remnants of her Wing Master power to manifest. The AI detected Orchid as a threat and attacked her, immediately knocking her out.

The Resistance then discovered Orchid and brought her back to the Secret Plaza, where Claudine treated her injuries. Soon after, she spoke with Brighton and explained that though she had done all that she could medically, Orchid had fallen into a coma. Just then, Belle arrived from the Evolution Lab and explained her findings. She told them that the Evolution System had evolved by itself without any changes to its internal system and begrudgingly admitted that Gelimer was a genius, despite how much it pained her to say.

She explained that the system was capable of making its own judgements, allowing it to evolve into a stronger model on its own. Having recognized Orchid as a strong enemy, it had enhanced its own system to accommodate. As they wondered what this would mean, Orchid suddenly called out to Lotus from her coma, surprising the group. Far away, Lotus shed a tear for the sister whom he had been forced to turn against. Gelimer was surprised to see Lotus crying, as he had believed that he had suppressed all of Lotus’ emotions and desires. As Gelimer set out to correct the behavior, Lotus also called out to Orchid.

Black Heaven[]

After the Alliance learned about the existence of Black Heaven, they sent an Alliance member inside Orchid's memories through a special mirror brought by Gelimer the Really Old. Inside Orchid's memories, the Alliance witnessed Orchid's past memories as a Commander, as well as the memory of Gelimer proposing the Black Heaven project to her, allowing them to realize that it was an enormous airship.

As the battle between the Alliance and Black Heaven raged on, Orchid was able to feel Lotus' immense pain from being forced to obey Gelimer, causing her to awaken from her coma. Soon after, Francis betrayed Gelimer and infiltrated the Secret Plaza, where he rescued Orchid from the Resistance. Orchid and Francis then set off to save Lotus and get revenge on Gelimer.

Inside Black Heaven, Orchid and Francis encountered a small Alliance infiltration team, which included the Alliance member who had entered her memories. Orchid was furious that the Alliance member had accessed her memories and ordered Francis to fight on her behalf, as she had no powers left. Neinheart attempted to keep the peace when Gelimer appeared on a monitor and showed Lotus to Orchid in order to rub in the fact that her brother was now his puppet. Lotus, detecting the intruders, manifested a Pulverizer to drop down onto the elevator, scattering the group on different levels.

The Alliance member found themselves stuck with Orchid and formed a temporary truce with her, as they both needed to get to Gelimer and Lotus. They continued traversing their way to the core until they ran into Francis. Though she was hesitant about doing so, Orchid trapped the Alliance member and left with Francis, explaining that she couldn't trust the Alliance when they treated Lotus like a monster.

Soon after, the Alliance member encountered Lotus and began to fight him. After they managed to defeat him, a furious Gelimer ordered Lotus to get up and continue fighting. As Lotus continued powering up, the Alliance member realized that he was overexerting himself to breaking point. Just then, Orchid arrived and hugged her brother in order to calm him down. She asked Lotus to go back to becoming a Spirit of Darkness with her, explaining that the Black Mage could give them back their original forms once his full power returned. Lotus told Orchid that his soul had spent centuries roaming Maple World trying to get his voice to reach her.

Though, at first, he had only wanted revenge against Phantom for what he had done to them, he had begun changing after Gelimer had forced him to hurt her. He asked Orchid if she would continue living as a human for a bit longer together when Gelimer, unable to abide his creation rebelling against him, used his kill switch on Lotus.

As Orchid continued holding onto her dying brother, the Alliance member confronted Gelimer, who poisoned them with Retoxin gas. He then launched his Retoxin bombs, which began raining down on Edelstein. Just as the bombs were about to fall on the city, Orchid used the last of the Wing Master power that Lotus had given to her before his death in order to levitate the bombs back into the air around Black Heaven before causing them all to detonate at once.

Orchid then returned to carry the poisoned Alliance member out of the crashing airship and brought them to Athena Pierce, who took them the rest of the way. Orchid told Athena that it was likely too late for the Alliance member, who would become an emotionless zombie if the Retoxin didn't kill them. However, she confided to them that Lotus had been happy in his final moments to be free of Gelimer before she walked away.

After the Alliance's victory, Orchid came to realize that the Black Mage had manipulated events for centuries in his favor, including the events which had led to Lotus' death. Furious, Orchid vowed to take revenge on the Black Mage. As she had lost her Wing Master powers that the Black Mage had given her, Orchid - and Francis, who had been following her - sought out Guwaru in the Forest of Spirits, where she asked him to give back her original powers as a Spirit of Darkness.

Guwaru agreed to help her, but only on the condition that she lend her strength to the Alliance member, who had awakened as an Adversary, at the final battle. Guwaru also gave her a mask to hide her identity from those who would take revenge on her, which would not only hide her aura, but would also allow her to communicate with him.

With Guwaru's help, Orchid was able to use her original powers as a Spirit of Darkness, though the cost of doing so was that Orchid was forced to eat away at her life force in order to forcibly channel her spirit powers in her human form.


NPC Masked Individual

A masked Orchid

After learning that Will was planning to conduct a ritual for the Black Mage to absorb the powers of creation from Tana, Grandis' Transcendent of Light, Orchid traveled to Esfera and used her powers to disrupt the ritual, forcing Will to lose hold on the glass coffin containing Tana, which fell into the Origin Sea. Soon after, the Adversary and the Alliance advance guard arrived in their airship over the skies of Esfera, which Orchid used her powers to shoot down.

A decision must be made

Will throws the player into the seas of Esfera

Orchid then hid in the shadows and observed Will fight the Adversary, who was attempting to defend a poisoned Ollie. After the Adversary had Ollie extracted, Will called out for Orchid to reveal herself, claiming that he had seen through her plan of trying to have him use the power of Mirror World by fighting with the Adversary. He then gave Orchid a choice between saving the Adversary and stopping the ritual before throwing the Adversary into the Origin Sea. Orchid immediately moved to save the Adversary, allowing Will to escape with Tana. The Adversary asked the masked Orchid why she had saved them, rather than Tana, to which Orchid replied, “To destroy him… I need to create an Adversary,“ before teleporting them back to the base camp.

After the Black Mage absorbed the power of creation from Tana, Orchid followed Will to the deepest part of Mirror World. Orchid told Will, who was surprised that she could follow him so far into Mirror World, that he could not escape, to which Will, realizing that he had no choice, decided to settle their feud once and for all. Orchid soon managed to win the battle by knocking Will unconscious.


As Hilla led the Adversary to an altar in the Labyrinth of Suffering, Orchid attacked Hilla and destroyed the altar before the Adversary's soul was consumed. Hilla cursed Orchid - whose identity remained hidden from her - for interfering in her affairs, first with Will and now with her. However, she then laughed and explained that she had actually been meaning to kill them and stop them from meddling.

NPC Orchid (Tenebris 1)

Orchid with her mask chipped.

After Hilla left, the Adversary asked Orchid why she had saved them again, but Orchid simply berated the Adversary for needing to be rescued so often. She then warned that there would be no more second chances before she vanished as well. After the broken Adversary reached Hilla and began fighting her once again, Hilla used her powers to summon Lotus' soul from the afterlife.As Lotus began attacking the Adversary, Orchid appeared once again to block his attack, chipping her mask and revealing her face underneath. Orchid furiously demanded to know what Hilla had done to her brother. Hilla was amused to see Orchid and realized that Guwaru's influence had been masking her energy.

Hilla told Orchid that she had initially decided to leave her alone, since Orchid had seemed to keep to herself, but her continued interference had left Hilla irritated. Though she told Orchid to leave, Orchid continued to demand an explanation from Hilla about what she had done to Lotus. Realizing that Orchid wouldn't let it go, Hilla mocked her and explained that Lotus was now her slave.

Overwhelmed, the Adversary collapsed, despite Orchid's urges to get up. Hilla then summoned more monsters and told Orchid that for old times' sake, she would grant one more chance for her to leave. As the Adversary lost consciousness, Hilla declared that she would live forever in the Black Mage's new world as his chosen.

In the darkness of the Adversary's mind, they distantly heard Orchid attempting to revive them, asking whether or not they felt cheated by meeting such a shabby end. She then asked them what good such an end was for them just to save others. After the Adversary regained their spirit, they awakened the power of the Seal Stone within them before telling Hilla that they wouldn't be broken by her.

Hilla attempted to slash at them with her scythe as they spoke, but Orchid immediately used her own powers to stop the attack. After the Adversary defeated Hilla, they turned to Orchid and asked her how she had managed to appear in the first place. Orchid replied by telling the Adversary that they were still as weak as they had always been.

The Adversary was surprised to see Orchid, believing that she had lost her Wing Master powers. She revealed that she had gone to see Guwaru in the Forest of Spirits in order to reclaim her original power as a Spirit of Darkness, as she had learned that the Black Mage had manipulated events for centuries, including the events which had led to Lotus' death.

She explained that Guwaru had agreed to grant her power, but only on the condition that she lend her strength to the Adversary at the final battle. Guwaru had also given her a mask to hide her identity from those who would take revenge on her, which would also allow her to communicate with him. Guwaru's spirit then manifested from Orchid's mask and told the Adversary that they were the deciding factor in the final battle.

Just then, the Labyrinth Core began to glow and the Adversary asked if it was because of Hilla's defeat. Guwaru explained that the core contained the power of the Transcendents, and that the Adversary had been chosen to end it all. He then instructed them to use the power of the Adversary to destroy the core. The Adversary attempted to muster the same determination that had allowed them to defeat Hilla, but found that they were unable to call forth the divine power.

Frustrated, Orchid told Guwaru that she had known all along that the Adversary was weak and used her power to compress the core into a different space with her gravity powers. Orchid then shattered her mask, severing communications with Guwaru, and decided that she would defeat the Black Mage herself. As she teleported away, the labyrinth collapsed and left behind a cascade of waterfalls.

The Adversary soon caught up with Orchid and told her that they needed to work together. However, Orchid refused and pointed out that not only had they failed to stop Will, even with his hands tied by the ritual, but they had also squandered their chance to kill Tana, which had allowed the Black Mage to gain the power of creation. She told them that they were weak because they had everything to lose, unlike herself, who had already lost everything when Lotus had died.

Orchid then gave them one final chance to reconsider, but when they refused to back down, she challenged them to make it to the top of the waterfall. As the Adversary started following her, she created a black hole to swallow them and began shooting lasers as they continued ascending past the monsters.

Just as they approached the top levels of the waterfall, Orchid unexpectedly stopped. Suddenly, the five Elite Bosses appeared to prevent them from reaching the Black Mage. Unwilling to entertain them, Orchid teleported away and left the Adversary alone. Furious, the Elite Bosses began chasing after Orchid, with the Adversary following suit. At the Genesis Crux, Orchid managed to defeat the Rampant Cyborg and the Vicious Hunter, while the Adversary defeated the other three and caught up with her.

Orchid immediately told them to step aside, claiming that they were of no use until the power of the Adversary awakened within them. Suddenly, the Genesis Crux activated and began absorbing the Black Sun, turning the waters crimson red. As darkness fell upon them, Orchid told them to stay where they were and teleported away. Orchid then appeared some distance away from Tenebris and saw that the Genesis Crux had absorbed the Black Sun, causing it to glow brightly.

After the Adversary defeated Guard Captain Darknell, Orchid reappeared and told them to warn the Alliance that they were still on the Path of Destiny laid out by the Black Mage. As the Alliance attempted to send the Adversary to the Genesis Crux, Orchid confronted the Black Mage and began fighting him an ethereal, galaxy-like inner realm, though her attacks had almost no effect on him.

Soon after, the Adversary entered the realm and met Orchid, who conceded that the Adversary would need to end things after all.[3] Orchid told the Adversary that it was time to fight, both for her to get revenge and for them to save the world. Together, they fought the Black Mage and his godlike powers of creation and destruction. The overwhelming energy from their battle soon engulfed everything in the surrounding area and created a void of black and white.

Orchid told the Adversary that Genesis was about to begin, after which the world would be erased. She then told them that when the Black Mage was weakened, they would need to summon up the power of the Adversary in order to deliver the final blow. The Adversary was unsure about their ability to do so, but Orchid told them that they had failed to destroy the Labyrinth Core because the Seal Stone inside them only activated off of powerful determination, adding that they needed to be ready to sacrifice their own life if needed.

Suddenly, Orchid collapsed on the ground, having expended all her energy. Without her support, the Adversary faced the Black Mage alone, and after a fierce struggle, they managed to weaken him. After getting the upper hand, the Adversary checked up on Orchid, who warned them that the Black Mage needed to be stopped before he entered the Genesis Crux.

After the Adversary awakened the power of the Seal Stone within them, the Genesis Crux began to shake. Orchid, having regained enough of her strength, reappeared to teleport them to safety aboard the White Spear. The Adversary then plunged into the Genesis Crux and killed the Black Mage.

Orchid and Cygnus rushed into the void and congratulated the Adversary for killing the Black Mage. To their shock, however, the Adversary scattered into Erdas and vanished. As the giant closed up and trapped the White Spear inside, Orchid asked Cygnus to allow her to use the ship's power so that she could get them out. After the White Spear emerged from the giant's heart, the Adversary returned to them aboard the Flying Fish.

As the Alliance celebrated their victory, the Adversary noticed Orchid preparing to slip away, who claimed that she didn't want to hang around with Claudine glaring at her. The Adversary asked Orchid if it was true what Guwaru had said about her shortening her life by using her powers without Lotus. Orchid confirmed that she only had about a century left, and that she planned to live as a regular human. She then smiled, affectionately calling them a dummy, and told them that she would see them around before leaving.[4]


Orchid's counterpart on Earth is a pop idol signed on by Black Wings Entertainment. She is a second-year student at Shinsoo International School. Appearing egotistical and self-centered, she eventually confides in the player that it's a ruse to compensate for her brother's accident that placed him in a coma. She acts very tsundere toward the player and jokingly labels them as a "stalker" (as they were actually stalking her following a request from Francis), yet she allows them to call her whenever she isn't busy even for 30 days straight.

Orchid and the Stalker[]

Orchid arrived in the second-year classroom to find an anonymous love letter that Francis had left. Though she initially ordered her manager, Baroq, to deal with it, she suddenly changed her mind and asked him to bring it back. Upon reading it, she was shocked to find that it sounded like a stalker's note. Following the incident, the school began an investigation to look into the stalker, while several of the other students - including a traveler who had switched places with a real student from Earth - learned the truth about Francis and attempted to help him woo Orchid.

Following their advice, Francis left another note for Orchid, though his sweaty hand had smeared the ink, just as it had done to his last letter, resulting in it appearing like another stalker note. Soon after, Francis asked the traveler to get a photo of Orchid, and so the traveler followed Orchid around the city in order to get a good shot.

They followed her to the Drizzling Strolling Path, where her dark emotions were inadvertently creating Motes. After destroying the Motes, the traveler quickly took a good photo of her and began to leave when Orchid confronted them, believing them to be her stalker. She told them that she had known all along that the letters weren't threatening, as she had been able to read past the smears. She then took them to a park and told them that her brother, Lotus, had collapsed there three years ago.

She explained that the girls had loved Lotus and had been nice to her in order to grow closer to him, but when Lotus had suffered from his accident, they had turned their backs on her. Once she had become a pop star, however, those same girls had come flocking around her, and so she behaved coldly because she believed that everyone was fake like them. However, the traveler told her that there were bound to be those who liked her as she was, which caused Orchid to grow intrigued by them and exchange numbers.

The next day, Francis gave the traveler his next love letter and asked them to deliver it to Orchid. They found Orchid in the music room, who was pleased to see them with a love letter. However, her face turned dark once they explained that her real stalker was Francis. She then confronted Francis at the school roof, where she brutally rejected Francis and began walking away when Francis asked why she didn't want to date him.

Orchid told him that he only wanted her because she was famous, and that he knew nothing about her. However, Francis told her that he didn't care if she was famous, and that he had fallen in love with her when she had been a stranger crying in the rain, which was the moment when he had decided that he wanted to save her. However, Orchid told him that she didn't need to be saved, and that she wanted a friend, not a white knight who wanted to fix her, after which she stormed away.

Hilla and Magnus Sittin' in a Tree[]

While attempting to learn more about Hilla and Magnus in an attempt to set them up together, the traveler met with Orchid, who yelled at them for never calling her, though she quickly grew flustered and claimed that she didn't want them to call her before storming off.


Nexon has commissioned author to draw Wing Master, which serves as a prologue of Black Heaven's story.

Wing Master at Maplf (English Translation of line)




  • Orchid is the second ex-commander to be taken in by the Resistance, the first being the Demon.
  • Orchiroid is modeled after Orchid.
  • If the player calls FriendStory Orchid for 30 days straight, they will unlock an achievement and obtain a special set-up item as a reward.


  1. Also provides the voice(s) of Lotus and Roo-D.
  2. Also provides the voice(s) of Oz, 10 Boogies, Cassandra's Fan, Ephenia (FriendStory), Lilin (FriendStory), and Laha Angler.
  3. Phantom gets some exclusive dialogue here, in which he asks Orchid if she's suggesting that they fight alongside each other. Orchid starts stammering while trying to justify herself, but Phantom adds that saving the world seems like a good reason to fight together. Orchid then smiles slightly and says that he's right, and that they should just go with that explanation.
  4. Phantom has an alternative script with Orchid. He catches Orchid when she's leaving and tells her that he wants to make it clear that nothing is going to change between them, as he'll never forgive her and Lotus for killing Aria. Orchid gets angry and tells him that she's the one who will never forgive him for what happened to Lotus, vowing that she'll take him out with her own hands one day. Phantom replies that he only made the person who killed Aria pay the price, but Orchid yells that Lotus was her only family, and that he was like another her. Phantom then tries to make her understand by asking her what Aria was to him, but Orchid ignores him and storms off.
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