Lands are an essential part of Legend of Mana and its "Land Make" system and represent dungeons, towns, other areas, and some mixes of the three.
Lands are created by placing Artifacts on a section of the world map chosen by the player upon starting a new game. Some Lands must be placed on or near water tiles, while most must simply be placed on dry ground. Certain Lands may be placed anywhere.

The Mailbox Artifact being transformed into the Home Land.
Upon selecting an Artifact, available spots on the isometric grid highlight with brightened circles. Placing the Artifact prompts a short, humorous animation to show it transforming from an item into the new map feature, often in a means involving a flurry of flying objects and some or all of the main structure of the map feature popping up from where it was flattened on the ground. Placing the Mailbox to create Home at the beginning of the game will also prompt a secondary intro cinematic.
Once placed, Lands are permanent, and while they may change due to game conditions, even becoming inaccessible, they cannot be returned to Artifact form or moved.

World map showing the current mana values of Gato Grottoes on the lower left corner
Lands have Mana values corresponding with the Elemental Spirits measured in three wedges of a spherical jewel filled clockwise, with empty segments being a dull navy blue. These Mana values will build as Lands interact with each other and story progresses. Mana values control the availability of events within the Land as well as enemy strength and what Produce can be grown.