Okay, boys, aquatic combat drill.
We dive in three two Quack.
- Quack? - Skipper, we have company.
Pardon me, ma'am, but we're about to do our training exercises.
lease, we can't go back to our pond.
It's not safe.
There's a mean fish there.
Fish? A monster fish.
It devours everything in its path with its horrible, hideous jaws.
The way I see it, you go in two-man teams, me on point.
We target the hostile with c4 explosives, and And nothing.
You leave this to the professionals.
Mama's right, little eggie.
We got this one in the bag.
Come on, boys.
We're going fishing.
Silly ducks.
Birds eat fish, not the other way around.
So true.
I think I've caught something.
He's a big one.
Reel it in, young Private.
Nice and easy.
That's it.
We do that 20 more times, we might have enough for lunch.
Grab hold, men! Teeth.
So many sharp, jagged t-t-teeth.
It was those black, soulless eyes that got me.
Rico, get a load of these two yellowbellies.
You're not scared too, are you? Come on! It was just a fish.
Not just any fish, Skipper.
The snakehead trout.
It's an invasive species that devours everything in its path, leaving nothing but despair and tragedy in its wake.
It's a fish.
We eat fish.
Yes, but this unholy beast flips the very order of nature.
It's as if our dinner is having us for dinner.
I understand, men.
Do me a favor: line up right here.
Snap out of it! Now, look, I need options.
Let's hear 'em.
No, we're not running away.
I have an idea, but I'm not sure how safe it is.
I like it already.
Well, Skipper, she's ready.
Outstanding, Kowalski.
I've been John Paul Jonesing for a nautical adventure.
How do we get it out of here? My peoples, rejoice! Your king has arrived.
Ringtail, what are you doing here? Kingly duties.
You know, christen boats, abuse power, kiss babies.
Now the boat.
Maurice, bottle me.
By the powers invested in me by me, I christen thee King Julien aye aye.
That's fancy talk for two.
Easy, now.
The carbonation content of that bottle is under extreme pressure.
It could explode.
That is the idea.
Why is it not exploding? Look, we're on a schedule here, so if you No, wait, I can get this.
I know this.
I got it.
Ringtail! Tell you what; take the bottle.
Maybe you'll get thirsty.
who knows? All right, men.
Let's launch.
Be careful! I'll keep an eye on the home front, sir.
I'm taking your TV if you don't make it back.
"Skipper's log".
Crew nervous, edgy, gripped by the icy fingers of fear.
They may be planning a mutiny.
Status report, Private.
Nothing on the scope, Skipper.
Maybe it's not here anymore.
Maybe it got swallowed by an enormous pelican.
Or maybe it spontaneously evolved, grew legs, and walked clear to another pond.
Yup, the smart money's on that theory.
Let's go home.
No, he's here.
I can feel it.
Look! It's the snakehead.
All right, men.
Steady as she goes.
Ready all Fire everything! Did I say fire all weapons? No.
But we could see where you were going with it.
Skipper, we hit it! Hot cocoa, a direct hit.
Bring her about, Rico.
Let's get a look at the beast.
On that scope, they all look the same.
All right, then.
Just this once, I'm going to fudge the whole incident in my report.
Skipper's log.
The crew is performing spectacularly and not at all like a bunch of nancy cats.
Rico, full reverse.
All engines, stop.
We seem to be tethered to the tire.
Someone's going to have to go out there and untether us.
Wow, I'm really behind on my navigation charts.
We could be feet off course.
Shame on me.
Oh, gee, nothing on the scope, Skipper.
But, you know, that could change at any moment.
I'll do it, you nancy cats.
Okay, if you insist.
Either one Works.
- I'm ashamed.
- Me too.
Not so ashamed I'd go out there, but - Gosh, no.
- Nuh-uh.
Look at Skipper.
He's not gripped by crippling fear.
Behind you! Skipper! The snakehead, it's it's gone.
And so is Skipper.
Kowalski's log.
What? Too soon? Go on.
Skipper is gone.
We are left to carry on for him.
And the best way we can do that is to gut that snakehead like the fish it is.
So anybody know where he is? This thing isn't making any pinging noises at all.
He's gone into hiding.
We need to lure him out.
Any ideas? I've got a ping.
Mister Rico, lock on, and full speed ahead.
Steady, steady Now fire all weapons.
Um, Kowalski? We already did that.
Oh, right.
Evasive maneuvers.
Full speed! Get us out of here! Either an old tire or the snakehead is right on our tail! No more running.
Rico, hard to port.
Bring us about.
We're taking that scaly scalawag down.
Did we get it? Oh, unquestionably.
No fish could withstand a head-on impact of that force.
Yes! Then Skipper can rest in peace.
Oh, come on, now! Birds eat fish, not the other way around! Skipper, you're alive! Of course I am.
Come on.
Though I gotta admit this fish is putting up one heck of a The soda bottle! Skipper! Catch! Much obliged.
Give it a moment.
Mama duck, I pronounce this pond fearsome fish free.
Oh, thank you.
But where did the snakehead go? Oh, mama duck, we don't have to worry about him anymore.