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The Sky Gods (or Sky Spirits) is the collective name for the group of deities of various specifications who rule over the Earth. They are sometimes referred to as Water Gods or Sky Spirits, and supposedly reside in Frank-ri-la. In the Madagascar franchise, they keep an eye on the lemurs of Madagascar and other main characters characters, such as King Julien. They never appear on screen, but are mentioned several times.

Escape 2 Africa[]

In Madagascar Escape 2 Africa, The Sky Gods were referred to as the Water Gods. Not much is known about the Water Gods, but according to King Julien and Maurice, the Water Gods would eat people who are sacrificed to a volcano in Africa. Maurice jokingly asks if the Water Gods eat seafood, after a shark fell down into the fiery hot lava to its death.

The Penguins of Madagascar[]

In this franchise, the Sky Gods were referred to as the Sky Spirits. It was here that it is first revealed that the Sky Spirits are the deities that King Julien worships. They never appeared in the series, but they have been mentioned in numerous episodes. Some powers that Julien believed they possess includes rain, making the sun shine again, and raining food/random objects (usually something "magic", if not valuable/important). Though usually done through prayer, the lemurs have many ways of staying in touch with the Sky Spirits, mostly by keeping track of the weather. Julien claims most of the divine messages are for him, because he's royalty, even though in Eclipsed, it was revealed that none of the lemurs understand their language directly. This made it easy for Mason to convince them that Phil, his mute partner, "translates" the spirit world’s native tonge while "conversing" with the Sky Spirits. It is later revealed that, due to the unlimited size of the heavens, there are several tribes of Sky Spirits, and the New York tribe is a bunch of "fickle pickles" that have a special rhyme for the Gimmie-Gimmie Star (apparently, a rare wishing star that appears on random nights... too quiet to be a helicopter).

Though they haven't made any personal appearances, they expressed a sort of anger/annoyance at Clemson in Right Hand Man, as they sent a lightning flash right on que after he announced his evil plan. He was less aware of the Madagascar fables then the local lemurs, however, and was confused as to how that happened when there was no storm.

All Hail King Julien[]

In the First Season of All Hail King Julien, The Sky Gods are divine entities worshipped by the inhabitants of Madagascar. It is believed each Sky God has a certain power, just like the human Greek Gods. Frank is the leader of the Sky Gods, and he is the ruler of the sky. He is the most acknowledged of all the gods, and is the inspiration behind phrases such as “thank Frank” and others. Franksgiving, a holiday in the Lemur Kingdom, is also dedicated to him. Frank was once impersonated by Karl, in an attempt to trick and kill Julien.
